The Drums of War

William’s nostrils filled with the smell of blood. The spasms in his stomach became so overwhelming, he could barely hold back the nausea. Part of him hoped that at this moment, he would be elsewhere. Not staring at their skin turning pale and their eyes becoming opaque.

Having a form of a bird and a human face, he thought that killing them would feel easier. It would feel as if this is just another quest. But, their cries, screams, and desperate pleads for help made his skin crawl.

- “What have I done? What are we doing?”

He thought to himself. Yesterday William was drinking the finest wine and enjoyed the most lavish feast, and now he is here chopping their heads off. No amount of horror could prepare him for witnessing the hopelessness and agony ripping these harpies from the inside out. All he knew was that their weapons and choices in life put the world in danger.

But, with every harpy that fell, his mind painted a different story. Something he wasn’t prepared for. One minute, their offspring were holding hands and the next their bodies fell under the adventurer’s feet. Their sturdy houses born of ancient kernel-stone, with curved roofs adorned with stunning blue rocks turned to ruin. All that was left was the empty square, barely signaling there was once a settlement there.

The army was unstoppable. Soon, their kills lined up on the dirt road. The once expanding colors of the forest mountain were scorched and broken beyond repair. Now the place was bathed in roars, screeching, and silence.

After a short while, one of the survivors was dragged across the settlement and thrown under the priest’s feet. Her face was beaten, her claws broken, and even some of her feathers plucked out. The elf took a good look at his holy knight, the crest of the Storm Oath’s guild shined under the direct ray of sunlight.

- “Priest!” – the knight declared with a firm tone. “This one has some information on his whereabouts. We can get it out of her.”

- “Never!!!” – the female harpy screeched. “You humans are like a soiled pouch. Self-absorbed and full of shit! Indulge in your ignorance while you still can.”

The elf pushed aside his traditional golden chimere and bent down to meet her gaze. The harpy was in excruciating pain. But, there was something else that forced her to burn inside. Something more powerful that made her injuries seem like a mere flesh wound.

- “We know you’ve been harboring the chosen one. Just tell us where he is and we will leave this place. That’s all you have to do to save your family and friends. Look.”

The elf pointed towards a couple of young harpies getting tossed in a massive pile, ready for butchering. The girl let out a wail. Her inner tears pleading for help.

- “Let them go you sinful brute! They’ve done nothing to deserve this!”

- “Where is he?!”

The girl screamed, veins popping out from her forehead and neck. Yet, at that moment, she decided not to give in. Instead, she bit her tongue so hard, blood oozed from her mouth and dripped down her chin.

- “So be it.”

As the knights raised their swords to slay the defenseless little harpies, one of the adventurers vanished as if he was never there in the first place. Then, another disappeared without a trace. And another. Soon, only their screams echoed in the distance, before they too came to a halt.

Taken by surprise, the adventurers cast their eyes around the mountain and nearby trees. But, there was nothing. No one. Then, the priest instinctively raised his head towards the sky. He saw bird-like creatures pulling their prey apart. Suddenly, the captured harpy became ecstatic. Her loud and obnoxious laughter traveled across the forest, tears still streaming down her face.

- “Everyone! Positions!!!” – Valerie barked orders.

- “We…gave you food! Shel’er! Thish ish how you ‘epay us! DIE!!! DIE!!!!”

With her damaged tongue, she could barely speak. But her words still sounded pretty clear.

- “Their warriors came back! We took too long. They are out for vengeance.” – Valerie explained.

- “Eyes on the sky! Take them down!” – the priest ordered.

Both guilds took up defensive positions. Every single adventurer was ready to fight. William, however, let go of his bow and quiver. His weapons hit the floor. His eyes locked to the sky.

- “Dude? You alright?” – James patted him on the shoulder.

- “Don’t tell me you pissed your pants?” – Baro chuckled.

- “We…” – the archer realized something. His body started shaking. “…intentionally attacked them when they were defenseless? We waited for this?!”

- “Not my style. But gotta follow the boss.” – Baro nodded.

- “You knew?!”

- “No, but I guessed. My instincts are always right.”

- “No…no! No!!! This can’t be right. This isn’t right…”

- “What are you saying?” – James wondered.

The weeping willow was supposed to be the jewel of the garden. All those bushes were to decorate the place, while the soothing waterfall was meant to sink deep into the crystal-clear pond. Exactly how nature intended. But, this spot had seen better days. The waterfall had almost dried out and the trees nearby were left to decompose naturally. The overgrown bushes had already coated the edges, making it difficult even for the wildlife to push through. When Aiko noticed the willow in the distance, she immediately recognized this area. It was exactly where she was supposed to be.

- “Wait here.” – she uttered.

- “What do you mean wait? Wait for what?” – Ren mumbled.

- “I need to be alone now.”

- “Aiko, you know we can’t do that.” – Kana declared.

- “Kid, everyone wants you dead. Without us, you will die before you can call for help. You won’t have a second chance. Got that?” – Yakeru barged, hoping to change her mind.

- “I know. But, there is something I must do.”

- “Where is this coming from?” – Kana wondered.

The young girl sighed. She put her hands on her forehead then massaged her eyebrows for a moment.

- “She told me so much. I just hope I can keep up.”

- “Who? What happened in there Aiko?! You are acting strange.”

- “Yeah…I’m sorry Ren. It was this…being… Uh…”

- “What do you mean?”

- “She calls herself Gaia. She laid out a path for me. I must follow it. I must do everything she told me.”

- “Gaia?!”

Kana and Yakeru stared into each other’s eyes. Their firm demeanor reshaped with worry.

- “Why?”

- “It’s the only way. I don’t have time to explain. Please. Let me do it. Let me be here alone.”

- “But, Aiko…” – Ren struggled to accept her plea.

- “Please. Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Give me time.”

- “All right. I have faith in you. We will give you space.”

- “Thank you.”

- “But, Kana! She is going to be in danger.”

- “Let’s go, Ren. Aiko is now more capable at handling it.”

Although the furry creature had trouble accepting it, he lowered his head and let Aiko take the step. The girl nodded and smiled, then pushed away the branches and bushes that stood in her way. With every step she took, she was moving further away. Ren’s heart filled with unease.

When the girl finally arrived at the pond, all alone, she took a deep breath. The sigh that escaped her lips was soft and gentle as if her mind needed time to process what had happened. For a brief moment, her shoulders relaxed and her face lit up. The girl unbuttoned her pants, took off her shirt, and left the rest of her clothing on dry land. Then slowly went inside the pond. The cold washing over her skin.

After bathing in the pond for a little while, she heard leaves rustling in the distance. A young woman made her way towards the pond. Her exposed skin moving softly alongside the ripples in the water. Her piercing purple eyes and narrow scar a portal to her soul. Seeing her strong body for the very first time made it crystal clear where her strength came from. This young woman was blessed with a muscular, yet elegant physique. Muscles so defined on such a petite frame.

- “It was a smart choice. Letting them wait there.”

- “Nora.” – Aiko turned to face the young woman. “I’m glad you came.”

- “I thought you were afraid of me. Why the change of heart?”

- “If you wanted me dead, I would have been gone by now. Am I right?”

- “Correct.”

- “You coming here, without your armor. I take it as a sign of peace. Isn’t it?”

- “True. But, what made you think of me, this way?”

- “I…met someone who told me you will be an invaluable ally. Your powers will help me forge a new path. She even told me where to find you and how to get to you.”

Nora quickly closed the distance between them. But, her intimidating aura and warm breath against her soft cheeks didn’t seem to faze Aiko. Not even a little bit. Those green eyes beamed with confidence and hope. The assassin chuckled.

- “Is that so?”

- “Just tell me one thing, Nora. Why did you spare him? Why did you spare Ren? Back then, in the prison, you could have killed us both. But you let us live. Why?”

- “I never intended to kill him. I drenched my weapon in a tracking spell. To keep an eye on you. I can’t use it on you, well… because you travel from this world to the next.”

- “This world to the next?”

- “Oh… You still have no clue what you are doing.” – the assassin chuckled once more. “Every time you enter a trial, you move to the celestial realm. Or at least a part of it. Once you ascend, you can roam it freely. But, none of us can. Only you can.”

- “I see. I have a lot I don’t understand. But, thank you. Thank you for sparing his life.”

- “So? I’m listening.”

- “I know this is sudden, but I want you to join us.”

Nora was taken aback by her unexpected suggestion. But, after looking at her eyes, she realized the young girl was serious.

- “I can’t do that.”

- “Why?! I need you! The world needs you!”

- “I can’t work with someone I don’t trust.”

- “You can trust me!”

- “It’s not you.”

- “Then what is it?”

- “Your allies. They are not who you think they are. I’m sorry. But I plan on doing things my way.”

After saying those words, Nora turned her back on Aiko and decided to leave the pond. But, Aiko stopped her in her tracks.

- “Everyone has their problems to deal with. No one is perfect. Not even me! And everyone keeps saying that I’m supposed to be this 'grand' goddess.”

- “You don’t understand, girl.”

- “Then, explain it to me!” - Aiko raised her voice. This sudden change of pace made Nora lose her composure.

- “Why do you think they are so bent on saving you?! They could be saving the other chosen ones. But, no! They decided to save you. Why you?!”

- “I’ve been asking myself that question ever since I got these strange powers.”

- “That’s your problem. You are too naïve.”

- “Everyone has good inside of them. If you too choose to see it, you will witness the world with different eyes.”

- “Or, you’ll just die trying.”

- “Be honest with me, Nora. Why don’t you want to come with me?”

- “Kana and Yakeru want you to ascend for their own agenda. Simple as that. It doesn’t matter how many have to die. As long as it guarantees success, they will do it.”

- “Nora!”

- “You know what? You need to open those baby eyes of yours and see the people for what they truly are. Do you even realize why they need you to ascend?”

- “To defeat Elidy.”

- “No. To kill you.”

- “Nonsense! They could have killed me a million times already.”

- “Yes. But, you are the only one who can take down the goddess. When she falls, so will you. Why? Because you love them. You care for them. It doesn’t matter what they do, they will always have a special place in your heart. THAT is your weakness. When you fall, there will be no one left to rule this world. Time Magic will be theirs. With it, they can do anything. Do you understand?”

Aiko was lost in thought for a moment. In Nora’s mind, those painful words would be enough to open her eyes. Just enough to convince her to change sides. The assassin continued.

- “The elves, adventurers, all those kingdoms in Elidy… the entire fucking world is about to go insane. I can’t just sit and do nothing. I need you just as much as you need me. Come with me, Aiko. After we eliminate the chosen ones you will ascend and keep the throne. We can’t let Time Magic fall into the wrong hands. I don’t need it. But, you have to keep it. That’s how we will protect this world. Ever since I was summoned here, I was given a new chance to live. To live a real life. I can't let it all fall apart. I can't.”

After a long silence, Aiko finally answered.

- “No!”

- “No?”

- “No one has to die. All the chosen ones will live. They will all survive!”

- “What are you on about?!”

- “I will end this broken cycle!”

- “How the hell are you going to do that?!!”

- “With your help. Together, we will protect everyone. We will reshape this world.”

Nora just stood there in disbelief. Her expression frozen stiff. She was at a loss for words. That’s rare. So rare.

Suddenly, Aiko grabbed the assassin by the hand and pulled her towards dry land. This unexpected action shook her up a bit.

- “Where are you taking me?”

- “To Vernon.”