Each city across Elidy had its own heartbeat, a unique essence that separated it from the rest of places. But, this city was a different kind of gem, an art in every sense. For the sights reinvented the thoughts of a normal community, forming both small and big cityscapes that somehow merged well.
On the right, the area was covered with massive sky towers. With sizable parks, great open spaces, and greenery in even the tiniest of spaces. Constructed with the similar pure white stone used in Azidora, these towers were a marvel to behold. Tall, pointy, with not so spacious rooms, yet plenty of living space. Compared to the elven capital, these buildings relied on huge glass windows to brighten up the homes. The vibrant glass paint as gorgeous as ever, giving each structure a unique, avant-garde vibe.
This part of the city was kept by ball-like machines fueled by magic. These tools were responsible for cleaning, organizing, and taking care of the place. As if they knew exactly what to do and how to do it, creating a perfect, clean living area.
Yet, perhaps the wide avenue that stretched from the main entrance all the way to the end of the city was the thing that took Aiko’s breath away. She paused to take a look at the view. The avenue was like a border without a fence. On the left, the scenery was completely different, making her feel as if she was visiting a different city.
From the other side of the street, people lived in comfortable modesty. Cozy houses either made of stone or wood stretched as far as the eye could see. Not a single ball-like tool took care of this place. Yet, it was tidy and smelled just as divine. Children here wore smiles as big as their hearts. Although none dared to cross the avenue, everyone who lived there were content and happy with the life they had.
Aiko stared in awe. Having expected to see the half-human half-beasts living in forest or caves, she was taken aback when these creatures looked more civilized than she presumed. The white towers and stunning buildings were reserved for them, while the human slaves and half-breeds lived on the other comfortable end. It was like a paradise for those who knew only hardships. Here, they could live a good life and get treated like normal beings. A single tear streamed down Aiko’s cheeks, landing on the inside of her hood. Then, she felt Ren’s soft paws brushing it away. Seeing her sad, broke his heart into a million pieces.
- “Don’t cry.”
- “I’m happy!”- Aiko smiled, while still keeping the hood from revealing her face and piercing blonde hair. “I’m glad everyone from Wolfmore ended up here. Everyone deserves to live like this. I’ve never been more overjoyed in my life!’
- “Mhm… You are right.” – the pup chuckled. “You did the right thing. Letting them go like that was the best decision you ever made. But, don’t worry! When you ascend, you can make slavery a thing of the past. And people will finally live a life that’s worth living.”
- “These half-human half-beasts are nice people.” – she smiled.
- “They call themselves Vernians. Don’t use any other word except that one.” – Kana warned.
- “Oh… I understand.”
Aiko took a good like around. The city was packed with these so-called Vernians. Since she has never seen one before, the girl had no idea what to expect. These hybrids carried the hint of every animal she has ever known. Although most of their human-like features dominated their physique, they still had half of their bodies replaced by a different breed. These were human snakes, fish, goats, birds, basically anything that walked the land of Elidy. But, whenever she laid eyes on their mostly human skin, she felt at ease. Their aura was the positive kind. Filled with happiness, joy, and content.
- “This is Barebreak, the capital of Vernon. This is where all trade routes lead.” – Yakeru continued. “When I first came to this world, I thought the elven city was the great metropolis. Well... this place is the real deal. Whatever you need, they got it. If you can’t find it here, you can’t find it anywhere.”
- “Uh…I just hope one day we will have the opportunity to take a look around.” – Aiko added.
That’s when one of the Vernians approached them. A young woman with the horns and legs of a goat, but a body of a human. She wore a floral maxi dress, a bit too long for her height. The way she held herself pointed out her feminine form.
- “Hey there! You must be adventurers!” – the woman quickly approached Ren and squeezed him tightly. His cheeks pressing against her obnoxiously huge bust. “Girls! Come!! They have an Alokea with them!!!”
- “Really?!”
- “Let me see!”
- “Me too!!!”
A couple of other Vernian ladies followed suit. They were just as lightly dressed as this goat girl. For a moment there, Kana and Yakeru felt on edge. If these girls were to lift Aiko’s hood, they would know exactly who she is. So, the sorceress knew she had to make a move. Slowly and carefully, she pushed Aiko to the side, until Yakeru could use his body as a temporary cover. Ren was stunned. He didn’t expect anyone to pay him any attention. Let alone, these strangers.
- “You know what I am?”
- “Of course silly!” – the goat lady nodded and kept squeezing his fluffy cheeks.
Aiko was equally interested in what they had to say. But, given the current circumstances, she knew she couldn’t say anything. She just took a couple of steps back, grabbed Yakeru by the shirt, and hid behind his broad shoulders, hoping that Ren would ask the right questions.
- “I don’t know anything about my home. It’s like my memory is all a big fat fuzz.”
- “Oh…I’m so sorry sweety. You must have been separated from your parents. Well, in that case, I suggest you visit Alkia Grove when you have the time. You will get all your answers from there!”
- “But, I don’t know where that…”
Ren’s words were quickly cut short by an older woman’s voice. Right after coming down the flight of stairs, the woman yelled as loud as she could, and waved her hands around. She wore formal black clothing. Her short hair hidden by a cloche hat.
- “Girls! Class is in session. And you are late. Again!!!”
- “Ooops.”- the goat girl laughed while shushing little Ren. “Sorry professor Macklin!!!”
The girls rushed back and quickly entered one of the tall white towers. Yakeru and Kana finally felt at ease. Knowing that they didn’t need to fight in the capital meant that they could avoid serious trouble. When all the girls went inside, the professor took a couple of steps closer. Soon, she closed the distance between them. That’s when the look in her eyes changed. What seemed to emit a glint of positivity was now replaced by dead eyes.
- “I found where they are holding her.”
- “What?! Who are you?!” – Aiko stared at the woman in disbelief.
Dark fragments enveloped the woman’s face like dancing shadows. Soon, her eyes turned purple, and the short hair tied itself into a nice ponytail. Those familiar features. Aiko knew that the girl went ahead, but she never expected to see her here. At least, not looking like that.
- “Nora?!”
- “Be quiet.” – the face returned to that of professor Macklin. “She is in the south prison, just below the docks. The guards are kept to a minimum. Most likely, they are trying to lure Zephyrus in.”
- “What about Blue Lust and Storm Oath? Are they here?” – Kana barged in.
- “No. They left her in the care of Vernians. My best guess is, they don’t like to waste time. Harpies need more time to heal, so I think they believe that Zephyrus will take that time before he saves her. So, they are taking it lightly. But, be on your guard. I sense something is amiss.”
- “Good. In that case, we have a huge opening. We better use it. ASAP.” – Yakeru declared.
- “I will find you.”
Nora slowly, but surely made her way inside the school, while Kana pointed towards a nearby alley, hidden behind towering white buildings. The watchtower couldn’t observe this cramped space, which created a perfect opportunity.
- “There. I will activate the teleportation there.”
- “Wait.”- Aiko mumbled. “You’ve been to the south prison before?”
- “Yes.”
- “Oh…”
- “If I knew they kept her there, I would have teleported us already. But, Vernians have many prisons. This one is not their best.”
- “So, it will be easy? You won’t have to kill anyone, right?”
- “I don’t think the Vernians are a threat, Aiko.”
- “Let’s go.”
Yakeru pushed the young girl until they all reached the alley. Although her heart ached with the thought of losing more people, she decided to trust the sorceress that she would do her best to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Kana moved her arms like she was commanding the most powerful force of nature. Water washed around their bodies preventing access to sunlight. Soon, they disappeared from the capital streets and reemerged in unfamiliar surroundings.
The moment they set foot on solid ground, two centaurs awaited them at the gates. Stunned and on edge, the guards immediately took up defensive positions. One of them yelled.
- “Sound the alarm!”
Upon charging the uninvited guests, their throats ran dry and their esophagus felt sore. Then, throbbing pain emerged at the back of their head, threatening them with an intense migraine. Their hoves lost their strength, and their body wavered. Every passing moment robbed them of more water from their already drained bodies. The guards fell. Aiko staggered.
- “They are just dehydrated. They will live.”
Kana added as she moved ahead. When she was done with them, her hands finally rested. The powerful mists that emitted from her eyes swung the door wide open. With enough sudden pressure, water damaged the hinges, paving the way to a massive prison, much wider and more confusing than Aiko imagined. The place was humongous, with paths and doors leading to over a dozen corridors.
- “I can sniff her out. But, it will take time.” – Ren suggested.
- “Yakeru.”
- “Yeah…I got it.”
The red-haired man took out his scythe, and by using only the tip of the weapon opened a tiny hole in the ground. Out came a faceless spirit, an ethereal creature with velvet-like skin, and a dark aura. Its features were quite similar to that of a cyclops, yet its size was remarkably smaller.
- “Find the harpy Podarge for me.”
- “As you wish, master.”
The being flew to the second corridor on the left and the group followed. These walls, no matter how dense or thick they were, they couldn’t hold the crying and wailing that came from within. That gruesome choir of pain from the tortured inmates, the stench of recently slaughtered corpses, constantly touching one another, depicted the perfect picture of what was happening inside. As they kept running after the spirit, they left all those inmates behind. Aiko was horrified. An electrical storm formed in her brain, creating unfathomable pain. Not long after, the spirit went through one of the iron doors. Yakeru immediately stopped in his tracks and toppled the door as if it was nothing.
A dozen Vernians had nailed the harpy to a stake; her wings had already been cut down. Her claws ripped, her teeth taken out, even her partly human skin was drenched in her own blood. The light in her eyes had almost evaporated. If the spirit hadn’t led them here, they would have no idea that this inmate was a female harpy, let alone Podarge. Aiko completely froze at the sight of the young girl.
- “How could they do this? How could they do such a thing? Why? Why???” – she thought to herself.
Yakeru immediately rushed into battle. He knocked down the guards in one fell swoop. Ren and Kana rushed to undo the chains. But, as soon Podarge’s damaged talons touched the ground, her knees shook. Kana immediately held onto the young girl to prevent her from falling flat on the floor.
That’s when Kana heard a faint voice emanating. Like a growl, yet it seemed as if the woman was trying to utter a sentence. Seeing that Podarge’s tongue was cut out, Kana immediately realized that the harpy had something to say, but couldn’t say it. No matter how hard she tried, no words would come out.
- “Show me.” – Kana added with a firm tone.
Podarge barely managed to turn her head and focus her gaze on a nearby door to the left. Although no screams came from there, Kana knew there was someone important stuck inside.
- “Ren. Take care of her.”
- “Understood.”
Ren’s body tripled in size, forming a cozy cushion for the wounded harpy to rest on. While Kana immediately summoned the power of water. That’s when the waves turned into deadly icicles. The cracks corroded the surface from the inside. The door fell, and so did the Vernians that stood on the other side. The only ones who weren’t pierced or wounded by the icy spikes were the harpy inmates as if the sorceress could see every little detail that was happening on the other side of the wall. After setting them free, one of the harpy warriors who hadn’t been so gravely wounded as some of his kin bowed down before the sorceress.
- “Blessings upon you, human. We shall repay our debt to you in blood.”
Unbeknownst to Kana and Yakeru, one of the dehydrated centaurs upfront released a flare into the sky, signaling the prison was under attack. He barely had the strength to move, but he managed to use the leftover mana before passing out.
- “What happened?” – Kana asked.
- “The guilds attacked our village to find Zephyrus. We fought as much as we could. But, they were too many. Some of us escaped in the forest, while the rest got captured. The children. They all died.”
- “I see.”
- “You are running out of time, humans. You must leave now.”
- “Yes, with you.”
- “Those who’ve lost their wings must be left behind. They know what it takes to die for the tribe. It is our only chance.”
Kana took a good look around. Almost half the inmates had their wings plucked out. Some had lost their talons, others were blind or mutilated. But, neither retaliated. To them, the fate of their tribe was more important than their own. If it meant saving their kin, it was an honorable way to go.
- “Everyone comes. That’s final.”
Aiko was mortified, but Kana’s words reignited her hope.
- “You don’t understand. If we don’t leave now. Everyone will perish. My tribe will be on the verge of extinction. The elven champions are here. You are powerful beings. I can see that from the aura. But, they are many, and you are few.”
- “Elves in Vernon?! Since when?” – Yakeru barged in.
- “Since the cleanse began. The two mortal enemies are now facing common adversaries. There is but one goal – death to all the chosen ones. No matter the cost.”
- “Stay here.” – added Yakeru.
- “Why do you make such foolish decisions? With every second spent here, you are getting closer to death.”
That’s when the shadows merged and Nora appeared in the center of the cell.
- “They are coming.”
- “Well, you’ve got one thing wrong, birdie. There is always a way to cheat death. You just have to look for it.”
A menacing smile crept up across Yakeru’s face. Before anyone had a chance to react, Podarge’s heart had been gouged out, and blood was dripping all across his hand. The red-haired man took her life as if she was some unwanted toy. The tiny blood vessels in Aiko’s eyes turned bright red. These vessels that are normally invisible became so inflamed and dilated, they could be seen from the other side of the cell.