
The smell of smoke was one thing, the shaking another. But, it wasn’t the million primitive arthropods that left Yakeru panting, but, the thin air that was difficult to breathe. Ever since they set foot on this plane, getting a breath of fresh air felt like a lucid dream. As soon as the army of giant and heavily deformed metameric creatures fell, the adventurer focused his gaze onward, not letting a single moment pass him by.

The gate though solid, it was slowly split open. Massive claws dug deep in the bricks, and on the other side, an ominous presence lingered. The stink. It was polluting his lungs. Like some kind of sewage that had filled with centuries and never got cleaned. A place where corpses would get dumped and stay there for all eternity. Stacked one on top of the other. When the gate swung open, demons and mutated insects swarmed by the dozens. As if they couldn’t wait to feed on this man’s essence.