A pink dress danced in the wind as a woman bolted forward. She reached up and pulled Aiko towards her. There was something so warm, something that felt right, the moment their cheeks smushed. Aiko let her body sag, her muscles became loose. In that strong hug, the young girl felt her worries wash away, at least temporarily.
- “Aaaa!!!! My little goldilocks! I missed you soooo much!!!”
- “Paige…” – Tihrak sighed.
- “It’s been a long time… How are you guys?” – Aiko smiled.
- “Pft…don’t ask me that. It’s been hell, ever since you sent us there. Literally.”
- “You are right.” – Aiko lowered her head and smiled.
- “When am I not?” – Paige gave Aiko a friendly slap on the back. But one that carried a lot of force with it. “Enough with the doom and gloom. I got someone I want you to meet.”
- “Oh?”