




They crowded around me as I opened the letter; it revealed many pictures that arose many questions. These people that we were dealing with were no amateurs, Au contraire they were crafty.

In total were four pictures, each one less questionable than the previous,

The first was inside of the Mystery Box, the one I found in my room. In the box were: The music box. A blanket. A teddy bear. Pacifiers. Bottle nipples and pictures that I never noticed before.

"How did he get your box?" Afyre asked,

"Well, this is nothing interesting; it seems like he is only attacking Pegasus," Eliizabeth points out.

I watched her, rolled my eyes and, ignored her comment. Right now, she was bringing no help.

"Eliizabeth, for once, can you just put your problems aside?" Afyre begged.

"It just seems like you two have been getting along pretty well lately,"

"Spectacles, this is not the time!" I snapped.

The second photo was shocking. It showed Afyre and Blondie undressed on a bed kissing, but what was even more terrifying was that; the picture was taken from the inside of the house; by the door frame.

"How did he take this?! Afyre yelled, yanking the photo from out of my hand, revealing the next,"

"It seems that incognito took this picture from the inside of the house. Didn't you notice anything off that day?" Eliizabeth finally said something useful, only because it wasn't me that she was helping. That self-centered Bi***

"Do you mean to tell me that some creep was just watching us that whole time?! Well, at least now he knows how skilled I am,"

"That's not funny, Afyre!"

Meanwhile, I stayed silent, gazing down at the following picture as their bickering started to fade into the background. The picture showed: Me across the sidewalk, looking up to the window of the room where Afyre and Blondie were in. With a dumbfounded expression on my face.

I couldn't let them see it, especially not with Eliizabeth here. That would be so embarrassing, and Afyre didn't even know that I followed her home. I was about to put the picture in my pocket when suddenly Eliizabeth grabs my hand and whispered into my ear between her teeth,

"No secrets," She then yanks my hand up in the air, spotlighting my picture. My heart sunk to my stomach.

Eliizabeth tilted her head to the side and commented,

"I don't understand why he would take this picture; I mean, nothing is incriminating or anything to expose." Her voice was becoming annoying with all of the naggings that she was doing.

I gazed at Afyre, seeing a horrified look on her face.

"Were you there? I didn't… Why didn't you say anything? I would've…"

I cut her off as anger boiled up in me,

"You would've what?! You wouldn't have tried to kiss me earlier when I was comforting you? You wouldn't have kissed me at my house. I think you like when people feel sad for you. You can't help it. You're just a cheater, admit it. Admit it!"

"You don't understand… I can't…"

"You didn't even think of mentioning her, and you weren't planning to."

Eliizabeth stepped in; shoved us, and stood in the middle,

"Enough! I've had enough of being left out all the time, and frankly, I could care less of your affairs. And if I am honest, Afyre, you are just thinking of yourself here. And no matter how much I like to accuse Pegasus of things, this time you mess up. It is not fair to Mya. She doesn't deserve this."

"These days, you only ever call me when you need something from me," and with that said, Eliizabeth stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

"She's right," I agreed.

"You're not listening. I can't tell her!"

"Well, Why the hell not?!"

"If I tell you, you won't understand."

"SPEAK!" I commanded,

"I want both of you!" With that, silence fell between us. I was now again confused. She only just met me.

"You fall in love so fast; I cannot trust you."

"Wrong! You are something special. You're different."

"You're sick! You can't always get what you want!" I yelled, making my way to the exit.

She has officially lost her mind; she only just met me. She doesn't know what she is saying; she can't be in love with me. She doesn't know me.

I thought that our bizarre relationship couldn't get any worst. She lies, she cheats, and now she's head overheal.

Passing the door frame, she yanked me by the wrist, forcefully dragging me back into the house, frightening the living shit out of me. Foreheads, literally touching.

"Don't go please," she begged,

"Why is it that you always play the victim?"

"I am the victim,"

"No! You victimize yourself. But there's a limit to everything! You almost got raped. You then went to have sex with your girlfriend, and then when you were telling me what happened back at the warehouse, you leaned in to kiss me! SO NO, YOU ARE NO VICTIM IN MY EYES!"

"I don't know what's my problem," She holds her head and sits on a high stole,

"I can't control what I do; it's like a reflex, but please don't leave me," She added.

My heart was beating uncontrollably, all of these mixed feelings. The room began to close in, and tears started running down my face.

"I hate lies; I can't tolerate this," I stammered between my words, falling to my knees. This was too much for me to handle; I grabbed my chest.

"You're a liar, " I muttered,

She came down to my level and held me tight; she kissed my forehead and whispered, You have nothing to worry about—the Irony.

I wanted to push her away from me and never speak to her again, but deep down, I knew that I wouldn't be able to because I needed her and also because at that moment, I was too weak.

I closed my eyes and concentrated on regulating my breathing. When I am near her, I feel safe and protected. My hearth-beat stabilized, and so did my breathing.

She helped me up and placed me on a stole. My hands were still shaking, but that was OK. At least I lived.

She poured me a glass of water, this time after my panic attack, which was great.

We were face to face with the kitchen bar separating us. She held my hands and looked deeply into my soul,

"Listen, I know I fucked up, OK. I am aware. But don't judge me if you can't at least try to put yourself in my shoes."

I was mute, and I was tired of talking; I leaned in and kissed her, which makes me no better than her. I wanted her to choose me. She was surprised and jerked back; under all the melanin (a pigment that darkens the skin), my face was redder than a love apple.

"OK! Fine, I'll admit it, you are irresistible, and I just want you to choose me, so pick …"

She pecked my lips, then French kissed. I pulled her closer by her shirt, the counter separating us no more, as I was now seated on it.

She wrapped her arms around my waist, picking me up and placing me in front of her; she placed her hands on my lower back, pulling me in so close that there was no remaining space between us. Her lips were warm and soft, making me want her even more. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around her waist, which forced her to lean against the counter, knocking somethings down in the process. Our lips never parted, my arms wrapped around her neck.

Between kisses, I muttered, Your…. Mother. And to what she replied with, Sleeping. I giggled, and she let go a slight moan. We then pulled back from each in sync, shocked at the sound that left Afyres' mouth.

It was getting too heated; her face was pitched red with messy hair.

"Fuck!" She whispered, pushing her hair out of her face.

"Are you… should we… Do you want to stop? You're right; maybe we should; I mean Mya…" I stuttered.

During my time of uncertainty, I was yet to notice Afyre advancing towards me. She suddenly grabbed me at the waist, sitting me on the counter, cutting me off. She then began kissing and licking my cheek, making her way to my neck, thus causing me to let out a delicate moan. Pacing my hand through her hair as I enjoyed her motion.

The desire was unbearable. I stopped Afyre by squeezing her cheeks with one hand and forcing her to look me in the eyes. Her lips were delicious, so I resumed kissing and biting them.

She removed her shirt and, I observed her burst, using my imagination to depict what was hidden behind her bra. I then removed my shirt and, she immediately turned crazy.

She took both her hands and squeezed them; she sucked on the part of my breast that overflowed my brazier. She fooled her lips inwards and started to bite down on my bra, anticipating where my nipples would be. My moaning became uncontrollable as my nipples are my weak spot. I tilted my head backward and spotted a figure on the stairs.

I pushed Afyre back and jumped down from the counter. Clearly embarrassed. I picked my shirt up from the floor and covered my knockers; Afyre was confused but then looked in the direction that I was looking.

"You said that she was sleep," I whispered,

"Oh! Did I interrupt something? I was woken up by disturbing noises and with a thirst out of this world. But you guys seem to be busy in the kitchen," Her Mom said sarcastically.

"Yes, you are indeed interrupting us quite a bit with your presence," Afyre said boldly; I nogged her. Afyre grabbed my hand and led me to her bedroom; I saluted her Mom on the way up.

When we were in the bedroom, Afyre closed and locked the door. She was leaning in, but I stopped her.

"This isn't right; you have a girlfriend, and this isn't fair to her,"

She stared at me, trying to solve me. She walked away and seated on the bed; she picked up a remote control and said,

"Let's Netflix and Chill, literally. Since you don't want to give me what I want."

"That's sounds great... I have one question."


"Don't you feel any guilt; cheating on her?"

"I don't know, this, what we have here; feels soo right. Don't get me wrong; I do feel bad for what I am doing to her, but... I love her too; she can't find out about this."


"How about BirdBox; I hear it's a great movie."

"I already watched that," I said in a neutral tone.

"Well, then we will find something else."

We cuddled under the comforter erasing from our memory of the drama that happened today. I fell asleep halfway through the movie and felt Afyre place a kiss on my lips right before I drifted off to DreamLand.

A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter as much as I had fun writing it. If that's the case, please leave a review, a comment, or a vote. XOXO "Gossip Girl"