
Pegasus's POV:

I opened my eyes winced in pain as a massive headache struck, I look around confused as to where I was. The many people rushing in and out of my room startled me. Doctors. I must be in a hospital, the many machines gave that away. I tried to ask for an explanation but they were too busy running tests to answer me. I struggled to sit up when a nurse rushes over and insisted that I rest.

-What am I doing here? What happened, I say with a hoarse voice.

Nurse - You hit your head and got a minor concussion that had to be surgically removed. that's the cause of your headache. But don't worry you'll be fine.

My heart sunk as she told me what had happened, but she gave me a warm smile reassuring me.

Nurse - Do you have anyone that I can call to come to pick you up?

I nod and she writes down the number.

Minutes later Mom speeds past the door of my room took my hand in hers, and immediately began to ramble.