Chapter 15

The school dance started at 8:00pm. It was 5:00pm. Mama was more excited than me. Since we were staying at the Johnsons, Mrs. Johnson helped me too. Dad and Mr. Johnson said their goodbyes and decided they wanted to go fishing over at Lake Myper. I got my nails and toes done in nude tones. My hair was pinned up in curls, my edges were slayed back to perfection, and a bonnet was placed to secure everything before it was time. My makeup would be done later. The Johnsons were kind and gave me Seraphina's room (Atlas's sister away at college) since it was already furnished. My dress was hanging in front of my new closet ready to be worn. I stared at it for a second then Atlas came into mind. Hmph, it's not fair! He already saw what my dress would look like. The principal said that all couples must wear matching colors. Atlas and I picked blue. I wonder what Atlas will look like. Speaking of Atlas, where was he? Mrs. Johnson said that he left earlier this morning to go do something. She wouldn't tell me exactly so I'm guessing it's either private or...a surprise for me? I don't usually like surprises but getting one from Atlas might feel different. My thoughts went from Atlas to Wilma. I know it's the day of the dance and I shouldn't leave but I want to help Wilma despite what she did in the past. We planned on going to the hospital together and request a pregnancy test. I couldn't tell anyone yet so we both planned on sneaking out without our parents knowing. I put on casual clothes. I was NOT jumping out the window. I went downstairs and listened carefully. "She's gonna be so excited! Atlas planned this for months." Mrs. Johnson said. "Atlas is a good boy. future son-in-law I should say." Mom said. They both laughed then went to the living room. I dashed out the door and walked for like a mile to get away as far as possible. Soon I see a blue corvette coming towards me. I squint and see that it's Wilma. However, she's going at a dangerous speed. I waved my hands towards her but she blew the horn and told me to move. I hop out of the way last minute. Suddenly I hear the brakes. SCREEEEEEEEEEECH! I get up and dust myself off giving Wilma a stern look. She giggled and said, "Sorry Mira! I'm still learning how to drive. Wanna take the wheel?" Before I could answer, she hopped in the passenger seat and said, "C'MON! We don't have all day. We still have a dance to go to!" I noticed that she had on a bonnet and a full face of makeup. I nodded my head and hopped in the drivers seat. Luckily, Dad taught me how to drive when we were in the North. I started the engine, did a 3-point turn, and headed in the direction Wilma came. While we were driving, Wilma talked about nothing but the dance. When we were closer, she kept quiet out of nervousness I guess.

Once we got to the hospital, Wilma held my hands tight. The lady at the front desk looked at us both but she started to address Wilma. "Good evening young miss. Anything I can help you with today." Wilma squeezed my hand and looked at me. I gave her a look of confidence and squeezed her hand back. She took a quick breath then asked, "Could I please get a pregnancy test done?" The woman raised an eyebrow then said, "S-Sure! Let me give Dr. Simmons a call." We watched as the woman said a few things on the phone then she hung up. "You can go up to Room 231, young miss." We started to go but then the woman stopped me, raised an eyebrow and said, "And where do you think you're going?" I explained that I was with Wilma but she didn't want to hear it until Wilma said, "I'm not goin' unless she's up there with me." The lady grabbed my hand and hissed, "You better not start any trouble, girl". I yanked my hand back and went along with Wilma. We stepped into an empty elevator. On the way up Wilma looked so ashamed. A tear fell down but then she wiped it away quickly. "I'm so sorry people treat you like that, Mira. It's not right. What I said or did wasn't right. It's that stupid belief that colored folks ain't worth a shit. It's been carried on for ages. I was dumb enough to believe it. It HAS to stop." I gave Wilma a tight hug and whispered, "Things will change soon." She grinned at my positive nature and held my hand until the elevator stopped. We stepped out and went to Room 231. There was a tall white man that grinned at both of us. He gave us both a handshake and asked which one of us thought we were pregnant. Wilma raised her hand nervously and said, "It's me, sir." The doctor nodded then looked at me with a smile, "And I'm assuming you're her friend and here to support her." Wilma and I haven't spent that much time together but at that moment it didn't matter. My mouth had a mind of it's own and said, "Yes, doc. I'm her friend." I glanced at Wilma to see her reaction and she started to beam for a second then went back to a nervous grin. They say that when you look into someone's eyes, you can tell a lot about a person. At that moment, I knew. Wilma and I could learn to be friends. Race didn't matter at the moment.

Wilma took several tests and at the end the doctor stepped out to check the results. I held Wilma's hand while waiting and asked, "So? If you find out it's true, are you keeping it?" Wilma was staring at the ceiling then looked back down to contemplate. "Yes. I don't want to kill this innocent child. When he grows up, he's gonna have to know the truth but that's okay." She smiled and I smiled right back. The doctor came back and told us that Wilma was pregnant. She was pretty sure that she was pregnant but hearing it officially she burst out in tears. I gave her a big hug and explained that I would help her the whole way. We haven't figured out a plan to tell her parents but we have to to eventually. The doctor prescribed Wilma some prenatal vitamins and told her to be careful. "No drinking or doing anything extraneous, okay?" The doctor gave me a half smile and said, "I'm sure your friend here will make sure of that." We both thanked the doctor and started to exit the hospital. I glanced at a clock over the door: 7:00pm. I silently cursed. Hopefully we don't get in trouble? Wilma said that I should keep the car at Atlas's place. She would ask her brother to come get it in the morning. I definitely agreed with her. There was now way she was driving home by herself. Especially after she almost killed me. I dropped her off then drove back home. The car had a radio and clock that read 7:20pm. I hoped that I would make it back in time. I thought about Atlas and said a silent prayer. I hope he comes back safe.


Thanks for reading! I hope everyone is doing well. If you're going through something don't give up! Nothing lasts forever. Keep your head up!!