Ethan and Emmy were busy with there thoughts but there was someone else who was gonna do something to Emmy.
what did she think she is. She think that she can take away everything from me but you are wrong Emmy... now you are gonna regret your decision of staying by james side.....
now I will make you regret to stay with james i have try to warn you so many time and i cant even bully you because james is always protecting you but today is my chance because james is mad at you and he will not be on your side today and he is not even gonna help you because i know james dont get okay that easily he will need some time to be okay with you again and in that time i will do my work..........
"Girls listen to me" ava said to her bully friends. "What" sophia replied "today when sir will ask you to place the test files on store room ask him that you have stomach pain so ask emmy to do your task and the I will do everything so that emmy will stay till the end of the class everyone will leave but i will make emmy stay so that when sir will hand you test files emmy will be there" ava said and all of her friends laugh....
Today is my day emmy now wait and see what will happen to you.....
Bell rang and everyone start leaving school..
"Emmy hurry up you are always so slow" jessica said. "You go and wait for me at gate I will come in 5 minutes" Emmy replied . btoh of jessica and james were about to leave when emmy called james "james can you plz wait here with me" "lets go jessica" james said and left "let me stay with you he is just rude today he will be okay tomorrow dont worry"jessica try to comfort emmy buut that was all in vain "you also leave i will go to home alone" emmy said and jessica left."where is my mobile phone i am sure i left it here" emmy said to herself.she was finding her mobile when sir called her "emmy can you do a task. Take these files to store room plz"sir said"But sir this is sophia's task" she replied " I Know but sophia has stomach pain so she can't do it today so you do it in place of her" teacher replied.. "ummm........okay sir I will do it" she said and take files from him and start moving down stairs to the store room....
she placed files on their place and was about to leave when ava came " so my plan is a success now stay here for 2 days because school will be off for Saturday and Sunday" she said and then pushed emmy she fell on the floor and ava locked the door. emmy started knocking at door and started shouting "ava open the door or I will complain to sir about you" emmy shouted while knocking" go on do what you want hahahaha you cant even call anyone because i have your mobile phone" ava said and all of her friends laugh..........