
“Sniff, sniff, sniff.” Eryna’s nose caught something while she was asleep that caused her to wake up. She slowly opened her eyelids and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling in a daze.

“Oh! I forgot I was not in my room,’ Eryna stretched her hands and pulled up her body from the bed, and yawned a bit. Her arms were widely stretched when she realized that she was not supposed to be on the bed.

“Gasp!” Eryna retreated her hands and looked at the other side of the bed, that’s was empty.

“Huh? Why am I here?” Eryna glanced at the couch and saw the blanket she was rolled into yesterday night on the couch, it was alReady folded properly and placed on the side.


The maid knocked on the open door a few times and then entered the room, she was followed by more maids. Eryna pulled the blanket off her and got off the bed.

“Good morning, Miss.” the maids spoke with one voice.