"Mama, papa!! leave me. Let me go." Her cries were incessant and falling on deaf ears. She was pulled and dragged away from her family who now lay lifeless and in their own blood.
The night was dark, no soul stirring to hear her cries. The trees drooped down, as if to say they are sorry that they cannot help her. Moonlight shone on her, but there was nothing that could take away the impending darkness that was encroaching her life.
She wailed for her parents, "mama, mama!! papa, papa!!! elp me".
Her 2yr old self did not know what was happening around her. The lady dragging her did not heed to her cries. She pulled her by her beautiful blonde curls and slapped her hard. This shocked the girl who never knew harshness and quietened her for the moment.
"God her cries were getting on my nerves. Thanks for getting her under control June.", the man with a scar on his left eye said.
"Yep could not stand children ever, no matter what age. Your welcome", June said.
"so, do you know what the boss wants this one specifically for?" June questioned her companion. "Am not too sure, something to do with future or some plans...not sure man."
"Anyways, let's get rolling it's getting late and he doesn't like to be kept waiting. Guys let's roll", he hollered to the others who were wandering looking for any other survivors to complete the mission.
All of them around 200 wolves, packed into their hummers, with June and scar-face dragging the child alongwith them in one of the vehicles.
The child quivered and whimpered, not knowing where and why this was happening to her. She was shoved into the back and kicked in the stomach, "just stay quiet and don't try to run", shouted June at her, "then hopefully nothing bad will happen soon. got it".
"yes", the child whimpered and soon dozed of into a dreamless sleep.
I was seeing all this but could not do anything, my blood boiled. My hands were tied. My heart went out to her, "poor child. soon I will come for you, soon my child", i breathed in the light breeze.
The child seemed to hear my words and poked her head up into the air now filled with the smoke of her burning pack home. But she could not see anyone or anything. She was cradled back into darkness with a sharp kick to her chest from one of the guys. Folding into herself, she slept tears pouring out uncontrollably, quietly wishing she was in the safe embrace of her mama.