Important! Err... not really, just an update.

So, it's me, the author. Yo!

So let me start with this, do I want to drop the story? Definitely not.

This story revolves around my mind whenever I have some time. There is no way I will drop it, not to mention my favorite arc is yet to have started.

Why am I not posting? Well... that is certainly my fault.

The thing is, there are very few novels that are up to my taste and whenever I find one, I will read it non-stop. So right now, I am reading a novel and am not writing because of that. Well, the novel is finished, but while I was reading it, I realized some points my novel was lacking. Also, recently I read a line saying, 'Great novels are not written but rewritten' or something like that.

Of course, I will not rewrite my entire novel, but I would like some time to edit the previous chapters and I request you all to wait for the next release.

Maybe 4-5 days, or it might even reduce to 1-2 days if I somehow turn frenzy and continue editing like an idiot.

Well, that's all I had to say.

Sorry for being lazy and thank you for supporting me.