Leyla and Dora pulled over in front of the shop chuckling as they alight.

" It was so funny, Ley, she was so embarrassed when I approached her after that...."

" It serves her right. No one messes around my husband and go scot free. (laughs) You should have even dragged in the mud."

" Don't worry, honey, we'll still find a way to deal with her later. I, Dora will teach her not to mess with someone else's husband."

" That's my girl....", said Leyla with a smile.

They entered the shop immersed in their gossips and laughter.

Drawn by their loud laughs, Damsel swiftly turned to see who entered.

" Who are these...? Don't they have manners? How can you walk into someone's shop with such disturbance(sighs)", she whispered underneath her breath, turning back to her work.

" hey...Leyla, Dora..... what a pleasant surprise? You guys finally came after all that postponements.....

( walks over to them)

Come here...I really missed you guys."

Prisca hugged them,cheerfully.

" aw...sorry dear, was so busy with work...", said Dora.

" Miss you too know how work is lately. Forgive us. We'll make it up to you...", explained, Leyla.

" Sorted then....Have a sit..."

She showed them to a sofa opposite Damsel.

" Gosh....I'll have messed up big time if I had approached them earlier on...Damn", Damsel exhaled, drawing a cross.

" So tell me guys....what have you been up to?",asked Prisca.

" Work.... Work....Work....", stated Dora with a smile.

" what of you...Ley?"

" Well....nothing much....Just the usual issue with my husband. His attitude concerning my childlessness is really driving me crazy. He even threatened a divorce."

" what? Are you serious...? "

"yeah...", Leyla and Dora chorused.

" You don't mean it..., When did it get to that....?", Prisca exclaimed, shocked.

"It's way more than that dear....But let's just forget all that now.... Hope you will make it to Dora's party tonight? "

"yeah.....definitely. Won't miss it for anything"

"Good, come let's party hard.....", uttered Dora,jovially.

They all bust into laughter.

Leyla checked her phone and exclaimed.

" Gosh......Dora...we need to get going now. Its almost 2pm. You know we have to get the decor as well."

" yeah......yeah.....time to go"

" Damsel....please get me her dress, the one you sowed this morning...."

" Okay, ma'am...."

Damsel left to the wardrobe at the far right of the shop and brought back a short sparkling sea blue dress.

" Here you are, ma'am"

" Thanks dear. By the way, meet my long time girlfriends, Leyla and Dora."

" Nice to meet you, ma'am...", she greeted with a smile.

" Same here", they chorused.

" What's your name....?", asked Leyla.

" Damsel...."

" Such a nice name."

" Thanks....."

" can go now", said Prisca to Damsel.

She bowed and left.

" She is such a nice and cool lady..." Leyla remarked.

" Alright....go try on your dress now, madam. We are getting late", said Dora, slightly pissed off.

" Is someone jealous...?", Prisca and Leyla teased.

" Funny...."

They all laughed.

Leyla stepped out of the dressing room dazzling in her dress.

" wow...Ley, you look so gorgeous and elegant in that dress. It's so cute....",Dora complimented.

" I love it.....", Leyla exclaimed happily, turning around.

" I'm glade you like it.... ma'am." said Damsel.

" Thank you so much dear, am pleased. "

" welcome..."

Prisca looked on, content.

" I'm delighted to have you as my fashionist . You have really made me proud...",Prisca praised her.

"Thank you so much, ma'am"

" Okay...guys, enough with the prasies. Shall we go now, Leyla?"cried Dora.

" Yeah...,let's me change up and come."

She dashed back to the room and returned in her formal dress.

" Let's go..."

" Alright....see you at the party, Prisy", Dora called from the door.

" Don't forget to bring Damsel along...", Leyla shouted.

Prisca looked back at Damsel who was sitting at his desk with a stunned face, shaking her head.

" Uhm....Ley, she won't be able to make it there. Maybe next time... ", Prisy busted.

" oh...alright...bye.."

" bye...."

Dora and Leyla drove off, waving at Prisy who stood at the entrance gazing at them.



Stephen got back from work, dropped his tools at the porch, glancing at the clock.

" Its 5:00pm, but Damsel is still not back. She might still be busy at work. I have to get dinner ready then. I'm sure she'll be exhausted and famished when she arrive after all those tedious work ."

He quickly dashed off to the kitchen.


Damsel walked in, completely exhausted.

" Gosh...what a day....? I'm damn tired.",she busted, gliding to the bathroom.

" Honey...? Is that you?",Stephen called from the kitchen.

" Yes was your day ",asked Damsel, turning to the kitchen.

" Good.."

" made dinner for us...", She exclaimed, surprised at the scene that met her eyes.

" Yes...babe, because I don't want you to stress yourself after such a long day....",he murmured,pulling her lustfully to himself.

"", said, Damsel giggling.

"I'm really starving and can't wait to taste your food. So...let me, wash down and come...", She added, flirting her hands around him.

" okay...waiting for you....don't keep long....", he whispered faintly, lost in her seductive beauty.

''I'll be right back...", she whispered with a wink and trod to the bathroom.