Leyla arrived home from Damsel's house. She swiftly glanced at her wristwatch happily.

"(sighs), Great, its now 6:30pm, am glad I got home before Daniel...."

She immediately dashed off to the kitchen and hurriedly started making dinner.

" Dan will be so happy when I break the news of my pregnancy to him.(sighs) Our marriage will finally be back to normal like when we got married earlier on.....(smiles)."

She spied out of the kitchen towards the door and sighed with a faint smile.

" Come home soon, Dan....", she muttered faintly and returned to her chores.



Leyla set the table and stood anxiously at the hall, parading around, waiting for Daniel to arrive but it's seems like forever.

She kept glancing at the door and back the clock, impatiently.

" Why is he not yet in? its already 9:54pm...Hope all is well with him....", she muttered nervously, picking her phone from the table.

She surfed through the phone and started calling him.



Daniel and Theodora sat happily over a table by the window of the restaurant, chuckling and chatting happily.

" You promised to take me on a vacation to Paris on my birthday... "

He slowly pulled her hand into his, caressing it.

" I remember that so well, honey. You don't need to worry or stress yourself about that okay. So far as am with you, your happiness is what matters okay...?"

She nodded with a smile and kissed him, cheerfully. Just then Daniel's phone rang.

" Sorry, excuse me...."

He drew out his phone to see who it was.

" Leyla....? but why is she calling...? She never bordered if I return home late or not so why today...", he wondered, starring at the phone.

" Who is it, Dan....? Why are you not picking....? Is everything alright...?", Theodora queried.

" Uhm....,nothing dear. Is just a client who had been pestering around for a contract....."

" But why did you hang up....you had to at...."

" shh....it's alright. I don't want to be disturbed when am with you. I can attend to that later...okay?"

" (smiles), okay....", she replied, blushing.

" Good, now let's enjoy our meal..."


"Why isn't he answering....? Where are you Dan, please come back home.....", Leyla murmured, nervously and faint to the sofa.

She kept waiting until she slept off without noticing.


Leyla suddenly woke up from her sleep, glancing around anxiously.

" Daniel....?, Daniel....", she called faintly but there was no response or sign of him anywhere.

She glanced back at the clock and shrug up from the sofa worriedly.

" It's almost 12:00am, why isn't he back yet..?Oh God, hope all is well with him....?"

Just then, the door slowly slammed opened with Daniel gliding in.

" Oh....Daniel, you really got me worried about you. Come let's eat, I prepared supper for the two of us...."

He strolled past her towards the stairs, ignoring. She quickly cross over in front of him, making him pause in his steps.

" What do you want, Leyla? I am really tired please allow me to go and rest. I'm not in the mood for your troubles... "

" Just listen to me this once and after that, I'll never cross your path ever again. I'll even leave if you wish..."

" Oh gosh....(sighs) alright, what is it...?"

" I'm pregnant...."

Leyla uttered and slowly turned to leave. Daniel stood there stunned. He quickly held her hand and slowly turned her back towards himself.

" You are pregnant.....? "

She nodded with tears in her eyes. He suddenly hugged her, elated.

" Please stay....I'll do anything you want for you. I'll come home early and take care of you myself. I'll even denounce the divorce but please don't take this joy away from me, please..."

" You'll do anything.....? "

" yes, just mention it..."

" Break up with Theodora.... "

He felt silent for sometime and sighed.

" Okay...I promise, I will."

She hugged him happily in tears.

" It's alright.....stop crying. I promise to always make you happy from now onwards."

He gently caressed her hair and kissed her forehead, wiping her tears.

" Hey...have you eaten....?"

She shook her head, nervously.

" why are you starving yourself. Is not good for you and the baby. Come....come here, I'll help you have something... "

Daniel helped her to the dinning table, made her sit and started feeding her passionately.

" Thank you, honey..."

"No dear, I'm the one to thank you for staying beside me all these while upon all the troubles I made you go through.... Thank you, my love.."

He hugged her, cheerfully.