Chapter 6

"This way," Angus said to the small hooded figure beside him. He rounded the corner and turned to a narrow alley where filth lay. There another figure stood clothed in a dark robe but the cowl of the robe was lowered to reveal Octavius' face. He was waiting impatiently under the full moon of the night, shifting from one foot to the other. He turned sharply at the sound of approaching feet and relaxed when he saw it was only his brother and his guest.

The small hooded body ran to him and clung tightly to his body. He held her too and pressed his lips to her hair. Emilia held on to him like he was her last chance at survival.

"Make it quick," Angus hissed in the dark "Anyone could chance on us at any moment and report this to father."

"It's not going to be a surprise to him since he already knows about Emilia and me but I do appreciate your concern brother," Octavius murmured back at his brother. Emilia took a step back and stared up at him in the dark.

"What?" she asked, her voice a quiet tremor.

"Yes, Emilia, my father knows about us and I don't know how. He wants me to give you up and marry that northern princess we have Angus to thank here for buying us enough time to think of a plan."

Emilia let go of Octavius to press Angus' hand in gratitude "Thank you very much, Angus."

He shrugged "The least I can do for my lovesick, dense-headed brother here. He wants to be with you and I don't want responsibility of a kingdom that is not rightfully mine and the best way to achieve both goals is to allow you two work something out," he looked from his brother to Emilia "I'll be on the lookout for guards."

Octavius nodded his head in gratitude. As soon as his brother was out of sight he pulled Emilia to himself and kissed her softly. She melted under the warmth of his embrace losing her senses like she always did around him until her worries overrode the pleasure of being in his arms.

"I am scared I may start to show early," she whispered as she pulled her cloak tighter about her body, resting her hand on her still flat belly. "If we don't do something quick enough my parents will sense the change in me and my father will be after your head."

Octavius sighed as he too took a step away from her.

"Did you come alone?"

"My maid and a trusted guard came with me. He owes me a favor so he'll keep his mouth shut."

Octavius nodded. His mind was in a state of unrest as he considered their situation and came up with plans after plans all of which he discarded but one.

"My father is making plans to marry me off to Helos, his commander's son. I fear in a short while the plans will be finalized and I will find myself in Helos' bed with your child. I don't want that to happen," she choked out.

"And it will not. I would have gladly run away with you but my father would definitely find us and bring us back and I know your father is only seeking to marry you off because he has no male child, anyone who marries you becomes the heir to his throne but I swear by Robos I will not let that man be Helos or any other but myself."

"Then what do we do?"

"I was thinking about something before you arrived with Angus. We should take an oath before the gods that way our parents will have no choice but to marry us to each other because they know an oath like that broken could bring our untimely deaths."

Emilia shook her head "I thought about that too but it will take more than that to convince my father. Besides, the gods of our pantheon and the gods of yours can easily break whatever bond we have together. I know a way that might work, though but it will require sacrifices."

Octavius came forward and held her hands "Everything requires sacrifices, we should do it"

Emilia pulled her hands free, turning her face away "It's not as easy as that, Octavius, we will need the help of my Intavia god of love and fate and I know the both of them, their sacrifices will become too much of a burden for us to bear."

Octavius recaptured her hand "Whatever those burdens are I'll bear them for us both. Do you trust them well enough to help us?"

"I will be a fool not to."

"Good then we should do it. I'll find a way to come to your kingdom and we'll visit their temples together and make our requests. Whatever they want in return we will pay it together and if becomes too much for you I'll pay it for the both of us," he paused and slid his hands up her face "Does my love mean anything to you?"

"Means more to me than my own life."

He smiled and took her hands again pulling them up to his face where he pressed her palms to his cheeks.

"Then we'll try this see if it works and if it doesn't we'll keep trying until we have nothing to live for. I will not marry any other besides you. My parents' marriage was arranged and while my mother grew to love my father I have watch her suffer silently at his associations with his many mistresses and I will not put you through that will Helos neither will I put myself through that in a hate-marriage with the northern princess."

Emilia nodded. Octavius pressed his lips to her head and prayed to the gods that her plan, whatever it was worked and if it did he would then find a way to defeat the northern kingdom and put Camelorn at an advantage such as they will never have to fear defeat from their enemies again.

He released Emilia and whistled low on his breath summoning Angus who arrived silently holding a loaf of bread between his teeth. Octavius quenched the urge to roll his eyes at his brother who had two basic needs in life; women and food. It was a mystery his father hadn't enrolled the glutton in the army yet as every second son was supposed to. He made a mental note to include Angus in the training the impending war.

"Are you done?" Angus asked with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Yes we are. We didn't take too long so take that edge off your voice and see that the princess gets to her maid and guard safe or I'll have your head on a platter."

Angus merely laughed as he offered his arm to Emilia who laid her hand gently in the crook of his elbow. "I will make sure I do as your lordship commands as I happen to have use of the head on my shoulders," he jabbed his brother playfully in the ribs. "Come my lady Emilia let's get away from Lord Sour, the farther you are away from him and spend more time with me you'll see how much use I can be to you."

Octavius advanced on his brother and would have seized his throat had Emilia not held him off with a laugh "You should let Angus talk my love, you know my heart belongs to you alone and no other so no matter what he says or how much fun he is I'll always chose sour over flirty."

Angus laughed and steered her away from his brother whose heart was written in his eyes clear as day. Angus led Emilia away from the narrow alley and into the street. The drunks in the streets paid no attention to them as there was nothing about them that stood out. He led her down by the creek where her maid and her guard waited with two horses. He helped Emilia on her horse and bade her well before heading back to the alley to his brother. His brother was in love, so much so that his thinking was distorted. Angus was happy and proud of him but feared that his brother would go to the extreme to have Emilia with him. Love was good but it could sometimes be a dangerous thing with no good ending and in this Angus couldn't see anything good coming out of it but his loyalty was to his brother and in any way he could he was willing to help.

He found his brother in the alley patiently waiting for him.

"She's safe and on her way home."


"You are fool brother."

"I know and one day you will understand why."

Angus shook his head. He followed Octavius out of the alley, into the street and back to the palace where they snuck in through the servants' passage to the royal quarters.