Chapter 8

Octavius pulled on the reins of his horse willing it to go faster. While the soldiers were training under the ever watchful eyes of Festus and Garius he had taken off into the stable and had taken one of the smaller horse, one his father would never notice was gone if he decided to search for him. Angus had come back with news from Emilia and it had taken two days before Octavius had been able to escape his father's watchful eyes. He had once again implored Garius to cover up for him.

Emilia's message had been both worrying and hopeful. She was sure the gods of Intavia were willing to help but afraid of what the price for their help was going to be. He felt hopeful that all will be well so long as he provided what the gods needed.

He pressed his heels to the sides of his horse and spurred it forward. Far away he could see the walls of Intavia. Emilia had written in her letter that she would be watching for his arrival every evening by the watch tower. She had asked that he whistle her favorite ballad aloud when he got to the walls. The watch towers were just ahead and as much as Octavius wanted to see Emilia he hoped the guards would refrain from shooting at him when they heard him whistle.

As he came closer and structure of the tower became clearer he saw a familiar figure dressed in a black cloak standing beside a soldier in armor holding a shield in one hand and a javelin in another. The figure leaned over the side of the tower as if to get a good look at him, she pulled the cowl of her cloak back and Octavius immediately recognized the Emilia's maid. The middle aged woman whispered to the soldier who spoke in low tones to another person on the second level of the tower. The maid disappeared from sight and as Octavius neared the wall Emilia came running out with her maid in tow.

Octavius brought the horse to a stop for fear that Emilia running would spook it which in turn might make it hurt her. Emilia was in an identical cloak as her maid and her cowl covered her hair and half of her face. Octavius dropped from his horse and approached her with a smile that was mirrored on her face. Her hand held her belly that was still flat.

"I want to hold you so tight," Octavius whispered "But I fear that your guard might spear in the head with his weapon or that your maid's eyes might poke a hole through me or that I may hurt our child for that matter. Are you fine?"

Emilia nodded. She bit her lip to hide her smile at his concern for her. "I know you only have a limit time to be out of your kingdom. Come with me quickly let's go to the temple." She gestured to her maid who produced a cloak from beneath her own cloak and passed it to Emilia who gave it to Octavius. He wrapped the cloak around himself.

"There was no need for me to whistle the Trials of Roses and Soldiers to you if you were going to be keeping watch for me all day and night."

"I feared that you will arrive when I won't be here to watch for you," she sighed. "It's a dangerous game I played watching for you but I bought the trust of the soldiers here so we are safe. Come this way."

As they started into a small opening that looked like a secret passage by the side of the wall Emilia's maid led his horse to a small space between the wall and a huge tree, securing the reins around a large rock.

The small opening opened to a dark damp passage that held scones on the wall and pieces of rags on the floor. There were broken jugs on the floor and platters of unfinished food.

"This is where the night guard spend the night," Emilia explained in low hushed tones.

Octavius scoffed "They don't do much to keep it clean."

"They are men, my love, common men not royalty like you. No doubt Garius had drilled the need to be neat in your skull millions of times."

"That and many more and I almost never obey them. One of his famous lessons is how not to act like a fool in the presence of a lady and I have failed miserably in that."

Emilia cast a loving look and smile over her shoulder "Wonder what lady could do that to a high and mighty prince like you."

"You, my lady, are a tease."

Emilia laughed. Behind him Octavius heard the maid's feet against the cobblestone floor. She was ever faithful and loyal to her mistress and Octavius made a mental note to see her employed in Emilia's train of servants when he succeeded his father as king.

"Is there a name you call your maid?"

"Ilena," Emilia replied.

They had gotten to the end of the passage and the bright light of the evening cast long shadows against the street that was beyond the door. Emilia paused to look out before pulling the cowl of her cloak over her head. Octavius followed suit, pulling the cowl over his face as he followed Emilia out into the street where merchants and commons moved with wagons, trays of goods and other things they had either gotten from the market square or the fields. Emilia's feet were fast and Octavius walked beside her to keep up with her. Neither of them talked. The maid walked at a safe distance away from them with her own cowl down since no one would question her especially since she had her mark of her service to the Intavia royal household hanging on a cord around her neck.

The crowd of people hurrying to their homes and families pushed past the trio who made their way as quickly as they could to their destination. They go to the market square where traders advertised their wares at the top of their lungs, dogs ran between the legs of the people picking up strays on the streets, children squealed and chased dogs or ran at each other, mothers haggled prices with the traders. The trio sidestepped all of these activities and made their way to the temples which were just as set as the temples of Camelorn, the only difference was the amount of gold lavished in Camelorn which seemed to be lacking in Intavia.

Intavia was a small kingdom.

Emilia knew her father's decision to marry her off to Helos was not just about having an heir to the throne but because Helos' father, commander of the Intavian army had more connections and alliances with kingdoms beyond the shores of Intavia. An alliance with his family was sure to bring more riches into the treasury, more weapons and even allies to boost the efficiency of their army. Emilia wanted the best for her people but she refused to be used as a pawn when all she wanted was to spend the rest of her life with the one she loved, starting a family with him.

There was no guarantee that Helos would treat her right but with Octavius she was sure of a life of happiness and laughter. If she could just let her father see that an alliance with Camelorn was better than one with his commander. The night she had met with Angus and Octavius she had failed to tell them that she had tried convincing her father to consider an alliance with their kingdom. Festus Ing Avia had narrowed his eyes at his daughter.

"What do you know about politics, child? And what is this sudden interest in Camelorn? Your mother tells me you spend your time poring over maps of Camelorn and its history. This has nothing to do with your brief visit there?" he had asked.

"No father," had been her reply. "I just wanted to be of help."

"You will be of help to me once you marry Helos."

Her heart had dropped then but with Octavius walking beside her now ready to do anything to be with her she heart was filled with hope. The god of fate will be helpful in changing hearts of both her parents and Octavius'.

They came to a stop in front of a small temple with bouquets of flowers hanging from the roof. A small group of women bearing flowers and jars of honey entered the temple.

"This is the temple of the god of love," Emilia said.