Chapter 14

The blast of the horn echoed throughout the camp and horse soldiers came out dressed in their armor, holding shields, foot soldier carried spears with their shields, archers led by their captain Angus dressed in dark red cloaks held their bows in their hands, tested the taut bowstring and adjusted the arrows in their quivers, captains ran through the camp hurrying squires about their duties. The squires carried swords and shields to their master, carrying also the bridle for their horses.

Octavius stood before his armor rack and ran his hand over the same armor his father had used before in many battles, although some additional protection had been added over time, it was beautiful and strong. He began to remove the pieces off the rack and put them on with the help of a squire when he caught sight of an image on the breastplate of the armor. The red tunic of a voluptuous woman was vivid and as she came forward his heart dropped. It was Ashterah.

She sensed his discomfort and smiled reveling in how uneasy he had become. She looked at the squire who had fallen to the ground on his knees with his head bowed, she flicked her hand at him in dismissal and at once he ran out of the tent. She turned her attention to Octavius who went back to putting his armor on while his heart beat a heavy staccato against his ribs.

“Octavius of Camele,” she drawled slowly making her way towards him with a sassy sway in her hips. Her tunic moved against her body revealing a slit that exposed her curvy right thigh. She came up behind him and laid her nose upon his naked neck inhaling deeply. Octavius bent his heart and caught sight of her eyes staring into his soul through the armor’s reflective metal. While her body was warm and soft against his her eyes were angry, blazing with fury. His heart beat increased at the sight of her anger.


She opened her mouth against the skin of his flesh, dragging her teeth against the flesh. Octavius held himself still as she continued with whatever it was she was doing. He feared he would anger her if he made and move to escape her. When she opened her eyes it was no longer the usual vibrant blue, it was a fiery red that matched her hair, her hair lifted from her shoulders away from her neck.

“I am not helping you because I am happy with you mortal man, you have been disrespectful to me. I help you because when we win this war they people will offer more sacrifices to me.” She tilted his head back against her shoulder something made easy because she was as tall as he was, she exposed his neck to her gaze and sank her fangs into the flesh of his neck. Octavius jerked at the pain that ripped through his body at her mercilessness. On the onslaught of pain he felt her release some powers into his blood stream, his body turned stronger, his heart beat slowed to a point where he almost felt lifeless, his canines grew longer and he began to thirst for blood.

Ashterah released him and laughed at the sight of his now red eyes. She knew that at this point he hungered for her blood. It was an old ritual of mating that would have been completed if she let him drink from her but as he turned his head towards her neck she pulled back and kissed his lips, careful to avoid his teeth.

“You don’t get to drink from me, mortal man. I will have you and then you will drink from me.”

Octavius kissed her lips feverishly and she held on to him tightly kissing him with as much fever until she shuddered with pleasure. She laughed against his lips and set him back, ran her fingers against his handsome face before disappearing.

Octavius swayed on his feet, he felt like he had lost his bearings, he took deep breaths and his eye color became blue again with a tinge of red around his irises an effect of the power Ashterah had temporarily released in him. His head swarm as he realized how he had heatedly kissed Ashterah.

Guilt floored him, rooted him to the spot as he thought about Emilia. His heart ached but he pushed his guilt to a hidden corner of his heart when he heard footsteps approaching his tent.

Angus burst into his tent, his cloak billowing behind him. He dropped his cowl and stood before his brother.

“Your men are waiting.”

Octavius nodded and finished putting on the remaining pieces of his armor. He placed his helm over his head, took hold of his sword by the hilt and slid it into the sheath by his waist. Angus bowed slightly and led the way out of the tent.

The men were gathered in the camp all dressed and ready to do battle. Octavius went to their midst and raised his sword, all the men raised their weapons and yelled a battle cry. From the enemy camp the enemy were already approaching the Camelorn border so Octavius directed the captains to march their troops to position. Battle absorbers marched in front of the troops holding shields to protect them with, behind them were some foot soldiers with spears ready to attack, centurions fell in behind the foot soldiers with their swords and shields, the horse soldiers were the last in the main formation.

Moving towards the north of the troops were the archers who moved behind boulders and other obstacles previously set up by lower ranking soldiers where they will shoot burning arrows at them thereby slowing down the enemy army.

Octavius looked up and with the powers given to him by Ashterah he saw the war goddess rise above the entire army, her golden quiver slung over her shoulder all the way to her back filled with golden arrows, her golden bow was set firmly in her hands. Beside her was her half-brother Nukis god of destruction ready with his thunder bolts, a power given to him by his father Robos; Horoda, goddess and ruler of powers under the earth with her golem army set to rain heavy blows on the enemy. Horoda whirled, her bluish hair floated in the hair around her, her tinged an ethereal blue as she rose dirt of them earth, molding them into huge golem only he could see. The golems whose eyes were the same blue hers waited for her command. Horoda and Nukis looked to Ashterah who snapped her fingers giving the signal for the battle to start.

She whispered into Octavius’s ears “I will deal with the gods of Amire, lead your army into battle and win”

Octavius nodded and looked towards the enemy who were quickly approaching, he looked towards the squire carrying the battle horn and nodded.

The horn went off loud and long and the Camelorn troop advanced.