Chapter 27

“I need to go back home, Ashterah, it’s almost dawn.”

He was laying on his back on Ashterah’s bed with her head on his chest as she traced patterns all over his skin. Her hair was all over his face tickling his skin and she seemed content to stay as she was. He didn’t think gods could sleep but at some point she her eyes were closed and she appeared to have fallen asleep, little wonder when she had demanded that he make love to her two more times.

She stretched languidly against him, rubbing her body on him. She knew he would still get aroused but she decided to have mercy on him. She conjured a rippling image on Camelorn and noted that it was indeed near dawn, in a few hours he would be crowned king of Camelorn and she would be there to him in his glorious kingly splendor. She reluctantly pushed herself away from him, crawled to the foot of the bed and picked his clothes for him.

“You should wash first,” she said.