Chapter 29

Only the priests were allowed to stand before the gods, the people sat below the last step except of course the royal family; Octavius, Emilia and Angus, who sat at the left side of the temple with the nobles a few steps below them. The priests laid the offerings the people brought on the altar they had made in front of the gods. Helena taking the place of Robos laid her hands on the fruits, wine and bread and blessed them after that the priests took the items to a fire pit beside the temple and burnt them, the wine they poured on the ground.

“The gods have blessed us,” the head priest shouted.

The people cheered.

“They have blessed our lands and seas. More harvest and more fish.”

The people cheered.

“They have blessed our soldiers with strength, made them unequal in battle that we may win our wars and return home victorious.”

The people cheered louder.