Book-2 Chapter-78 The magical water is true


Daniel's POV

"God Madonna? How can I reach out to you? I need your help. Please help your child get out of this problematic situation." I said, standing in front of the gate through which we can contact our gods.

God Madonna was the good of dark witches, and though she was the dark one, I think she was the most beautiful, intelligent, and understanding God. She was better than those in the white world, who have turned us into their puppets and our fate as their gameplay.

As far as I have seen, she has been the only God that meets the kings and everyone who comes to her for help with a valid reason.

I was about to chant the same words again when the large gates opened, and a beautiful voice echoed in the surrounding, calming my nerves.

"Son, Daniel? How have you been? I know everything. You can enter, son." God Madonna said, and I started walking inside the gates of the large mansion-like thing, hidden because of the fog.