
Strange Man

She reached the man in no time.

Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned. She now believed it was all true.

What she felt right at this moment was like a mother whose child was being bullied by a big wicked monster!

"What a daring person you are! You, strange guy, what have you done to my baby!? Don't you know you can't touch someone's possessions? I must say you dare to do this. Wait, just let me call someone here." The man was flabbergasted to see a girl dashing toward him with puffed cheeks.

It was normal for him to receive proposals from foreign girls whether adults or younger ones when he was abroad studying and would be approached with peculiar strategies which could make any male have shivers, but this time this girl's eyes had nothing but wrath for him.

He felt addled for a moment, but then he realized the little flower pot in his hand.

'Oh, so it belonged to her. But what is it doing here in this house?'

The flower looked so beautiful, so he decided to take the whole small pot with him to take a look at it closely in the sunlight.

Pure and fragile.

Like if someone touched it with force, it could break and scatter around in the air.

He was about to go inside and ask where was this flower from as he only saw it during his stay abroad. It was unwonted here and not anyone could take care of it.

Moreover, it looked appealing to the eye. Its owner had maintained it very well.

"So, its owner is you." He smiled dazzlingly. He could be a narcissist sometimes.

He believed his outstanding smile could melt her anger in a second or two, but Zaria Smith was not moved at all.

'The audacity of this man! He dared to smile at me when he is at wrong!' She deeply inhaled.

"Yes, it. belongs. to. me, so give it back!" She enunciated every word with a sharp glare. She hated it when someone snatched her belongings because they belonged to her, so why should she let anyone have them?

But she had to admit this man was quite attractive.

When he smiled, it was like an enormous amount of light rays had disseminated in the environment. Just like a scene from the books.

With jet black hair almost dark as night, eyebrows sharp as swords, attractive black dragon eyes which could see through one's soul, and a chiselled jaw—totally a perfect walking sculptured figure of a Greek God.

Not to forget his towering height of 6'2 when compared to her small frame of 5'2. Much less to say, he was someone young girls would say 'Prince Charming' material. Who dared say no to him!?

No one, but Zaria Smith herself.

So, what if this man was handsome!?

Her childhood sweetheart was more good-looking than him.

He was one in a million. No, he was the only one in the whole universe.

Yes, she had not seen him for the past six years. She did not even know what he looked like now because he did not like anyone taking pictures of him. He had not even sent one in these years. Just some pictures of the places he had gone to and that was it.

It was impossible to keep contact intact with him since she did not want to distract him, so she refrained from contacting him often.

When she glanced at the man in front of her again, she was sure that Elian was still the most handsome male in her heart.

Even if he was not, she would love him wholeheartedly. Would love his soul, not only his appearance.

Her eyes were true and determined.

When she became determined to accomplish or have something, she would be hell-bent until she had made that happen or gain it. The condition was, that it had to be perfect from every angle.

But, it was not a thing, but a person this time.

Elian Anderson.

Her Elian.

So, how could she be this shallow?

No, Zaria Smith was not that shallow even if she appeared to be sometimes.

He just had to come back and she would win him over fair and square.

She liked to believe in the inner beauty of a soul, but her obsession with cute things could be an obstacle for her sometimes. Only Elian was an exception.

No one could come between them, but if her uncle and aunt objected to her relationship with their son, then she would naturally remove herself from that path.

Loving him was the best thing she had ever experienced; it made her feel like a true woman, but the favours the Anderson couple had done for her, far exceeded it. She respected them a lot.

The gratitude to have them brought her up in their family would be forever engraved in her heart. She could never pay it back.

If he married someone else that was not her, she would never appear before him again. He was leaving for years. What if he married someone there!?

This was one of the oaths she did to herself when Elian left for his studies. It was the time she realized she had strong feelings for him and not those fleeting ones.

Girls of her age, when getting to the point of coming of age, tend to have little crushes on the opposite gender and interpret those little fleeting feelings as true love.

She thought it was just a crush, but no. It was not just a crush.

It was more.

The man was scrutinizing her with a guarded expression.

He could not tolerate anyone regarding him with insolent behaviour.

His eyes were sharp and without the haze and she sighed inwardly.

Maybe, she was really rude just now, but she could not prevent her mouth from saying things.

Thank God, she still had the space for an apology.

She was glad that she had not made an enemy out of him, yet. She hoped so.

"Look, please hold it gently. It's innocent. It can break even with a slight touch." She refused to say anything else to this man as she looked away from his face and stared at the pot.

Firstly, this man was handsome. She should not look at him. To her, it felt like cheating on her Elian.

Secondly, it was not in her to plead.

Her pride did not permit her to do so.

Silently, she admitted she sounded rude and not wanting to mess things up for her uncle, she softened up her sharp tongue and her temper.

What if she said something which could affect his business deal with her uncle? She would hurt Master Anderson which she did not want. Not at all.

It was torture for her to see her young baby in someone else's hands. It was like the baby lavender was calling out to her.

Mama! Mama! Please save me.

"Okay, you can have it." The man gave it to her willingly with ease and without saying anything bad to her. She was surprised.

She quickly examined it thoroughly and sneaked a peek at the handsome intruder. His eyes were not hostile at her and the edges of his lips were curled up. Was he smiling at her without holding a grudge?

He looked amiable. She should not have accused him like that!

'Can't you refrain your mouth from saying anything stupid, Zaria!'

The girl with the teal pink colour dress in front of him seemed spoilt, arrogant even, but there was this innocuous spirit coming out from her, making her look like an almost child.

Her hair was tied in a high ponytail, and some of her strands were covering both sides of her face. Her red cheeks were puffed up still. She seemed like a teenager who was only fifteen or sixteen of age with the way she was dressed.

He thought that she was a rich second generation that was why she reacted like that.

Young ladies from prestigious families acted like that because of their parents' endless spoiledness. They would become arrogant and treat everyone beneath them.

It was futile to fight with a little child. He was mature.

So, instead of bickering with her, he only smiled lightly.

His smile only made Zaria feel guilty.

Kicking away her high dignified attitude, she pushed the rebel, stray strand that kept blocking her sight, behind her ear and pursed her lips.

She would do it when she felt extremely guilty about something she had done.

'Be the wise person, Ria!'

"I apologize for the way I acted before. Please, forgive me." And if possible, do not complain to my uncle. She could not add the last sentence. She bowed her head deeply and strode directly into the Anderson mansion without looking back. She did not want to feel humiliated anymore.

Her friends would laugh at her if someone told them this.