
She Was Still Short Compared To Him

Was he her Elian?

Her Elian Anderson?

Were uncle and aunt joking?

She flipped her head right and left to see some kind of a hidden camera, but found none. So, it was true.

It was her Elian.

She was floating in the air in her mind.

Now that she knew it was him, she found this man more charming than before. It would not be called cheating anymore.

Because this man was her knight.

Not only his face she was attracted to, but also to his aura. An easygoing, understanding, and calm aura which she adored most in people around her.

All the menacing intentions she had for him, turned into a pure blissful smile, bringing the angel in her out.

She still remembered how scared she was when she entered here, and how he teased her calling her a crybaby.

She was angry at first, clenched her fists in a ball, and even cried, pointing at him. Calling him a bad person and a bully.

Feeling guilty, he apologized holding his ears with both hands. He looked so adorable. He was only twelve and she, six.

That was the first step to their friendship.

Time passed by, he would make fun of her pigtails, her puffy cheeks, just to make her furious with him, and the next minute they would be playing together, laughing at each other.

He was fourteen then and she was eight.

Elian also had his friends, but family came first. He would take his time out for both of his parents and a friend like his sister.

Even if he was a child, he was sensible. He would tell her wrong, right, would make sure to protect her from all the boys of their school.

After all, all classmates of his did that for their sisters.

Her biggest wishes in the heart were: She wanted to marry him, be with him as his wife, his partner, his other half, the person he would confide in the person he would share his concerns and happiness with, and finally the mother of his cute little children.

Still, there was but one problem.

She was still a minor!

'Dear God, can't you just make me grow up?'

She could not marry him this early, so she would pray to her Lord to make her older for him, so she could be with him without any predicament or obstacle.

It seemed God had not listened to her clearly, so she had to pray all over again.

'Oh, sweet God! I promise I will not spend money recklessly. Please, oh sweet God, let me be an adult for Elian.'

Going-through-puberty Zaria was still short compared to him.

When he turned eighteen, she was saddened so much to see him leaving for his studies abroad that she did not come out of her room for two days.

She had a high fever. He affected her that much, but she understood that his career was important, too.

She waited and finally, he was here. Both of them were adults now. She could hope now.

'He is finally here!' She smiled unknowingly, even she, herself did not know that she was smiling, but he still saw her.

Even the sun could not compete with her sweet alluring smile.

She was still the little girl of his memories.

Elian, too, found it hard to believe that this girl was his childhood friend who he loved to protect from others.

'Time sure flies quick.' He smiled looking at her.

Her hair had grown longer to her back, her waist had slimmed in comparison to the past when she loved eating junk food. Her posture was straight and all that extra fat her cheeks had, had melted down, but she was still healthy-looking.

She looked like some Hollywood model but could be considered a child model. Hehe.

Height mattered after all.

He realized how much she had changed, but some things never changed.

Her pair of eyes were still the same. Brown. Shiny. Outstanding. Full of hopes. Warmth.

One which he had grown accustomed to in the following years in between growing up.

Her orbs reminded him of those autumn fallen trees which he could watch for hours, sitting on some bench.

It brought feelings of amenity and comfort to his mind. Feeling of someone always being there for him.

Another thing it brought, was relief.

Come to think of it, her attitude was still the same.

She blurted things without any conscience and blame others. Sometimes, they were at fault, too.

But only sometimes.

She treated strangers like they would bring danger to her and her loved ones-- a cautious and overprotective person.

She would rather hurt herself first than hurt others.

Her trigger-- he shook his head inwardly. Even that was the same.

Her height did grow, but she was still short compared to him, so it was all same for him. He almost laughed out loud.

His one of the favourite reasons to infuriate her. He just loved pushing her buttons; it amused him.

Now that he was back, he could rekindle the same friendship as it was years ago with her.

"So, you're that crybaby?" Elian teased.

"I was never a crybaby," murmured Zaria, though her cheeks were tinted red. She could easily get abashed if that person who was teasing was her Elian Anderson.

It it were another person, she would have retorted back, but it was her love for Elian Anderson which was on the line. She naturally had to make a good impression on him.

"Yeah, Yeah, keep telling yourself that, little lady." He chuckled deeply. He was enjoying her reactions.

She sucked in a breath.

'Little lady?'

Little lady? Had she not grown enough?

"By the way, you have to tell me all the deeds you have done all these years, young lady! I want the whole report on how many hearts you have stolen and broken all this time, and tell me the names of those boys too, so I could knock some senses into them as to why did they choose you." He flicked her forehead.

When Elian started to tease, he never stopped.

Zaria pouted.

'I never gave them a chance because I was waiting for you!'

She glanced at him. She wanted to add these words, but she could not. At least, not at this time.

'Maybe I could never confess my real feelings in front of him.' This thought made her depressed.

He would only stop when the certain person he teased would beg him to stop embarrassing her with her puffed red cherry cheeks and eyes.

It had always been like that.

Mia Anderson and John Anderson were contented and satisfied to see the interactions between their children, but Madam Anderson was extremely happy. Her Zaria did not need to miss her Elian anymore. Her life mission could happen now.

Madam Anderson knew Zaria's feelings for her son and she could never be even more pleased than she already was. Daughters-in-law like Zaria were one in a million. She would be protected by all means if she stayed in Anderson mansion all her life.

Women love matchmaking their children with others, and as a woman how could Madam Anderson not do that!?

Of course, she had wanted to do it all this time.

Now that her son was back, she should start her matchmaking, so she could brag this to her cousin, Amelia White who loved to praise her daughter-in-law in front of her, directly rubbing it on Madam Anderson's face due to lack of a daughter-in-law without any shame.

Master Anderson gazed at his wife from the corner of his eyes and saw her grinning like a Cheshire cat.

He knew what she was thinking, and he could only shake his head silently with a small smile.

His wife was still cute even at this age!