
What A Fate

"Ah! Mathematics is complicated and tiring. Mr Alfred was boring people out." Sofia yawned, "In the whole class I was thinking of wanting to see the newly released movie, so when are we going there exactly?" Sofia Brown stretched her arms.

The sun rays kept hitting her skin. With her natural auburn red hair and golden tanned skin tone, she looked radiant in the sunlight.

Just like an enchantress. Her charm was overwhelming.

So much beautiful that she unknowingly made a guy nosebleed and stumbled while walking straight.

"I really had fun today! Chemistry is so interesting. Imagine everything being made up of tiny atoms, and then whoosh! The tiny atoms get formed into molecules and elements and at last, the compounds! Our body is made just like that! Can you all believe it?" Mason Waters was the nerd of the group. He was from another section but had a great friendship with Zaria's group.

He simply just did not like to interact with his class fellows. They did not take the initiative either, so naturally, he did not do it as well.

They did not understand him like Zaria and others.

Typically having light orange hair with pale white skin and blue spectacles, and not to forget his light blue iris engulfing black pupil eyes.

With a lazy grin and blue hoodie on him almost every day, Mason Waters resembled a genius hacker from Hollywood movies.

Blue was his favourite, and scientists like Thomas Edison were his inspiration.

His bond with Zaria was the strongest. She was the sister he never had.

According to the girls, he was the most cutest of all.

"You should do something that you love to do," Sofia interjected, shrugging a little.

Studies some days would make her have grey hair.

She would rather be young and stylishly illiterate forever than study to become an educated old wrinkly woman. Ew.

"I actually love it. Even those pretty girls that are with me in my class enjoy it too." Mason was confused. Why did his friends not enjoy studies as much as he did?

"Nerd." Jessica Miller's cold voice reached Mason's ears and he clenched his fists slowly. Just seeing Jessica Miller made him have his blood boiled to 450° C.

If someone wanted to make the cute nerd angry, then they should call Jessica Miller. It was more than enough.

Having dark blue midnight hair and violet-blue eyes with skin as white as a snow, Jessica was the famous icy cold queen. She was a beauty who had a cold charm and aloof persona, attracting males like a moth to a flame.

With her one glare, it was enough for the boys to stay away from her. She was scary despite having beautiful facial features.

It was like a volcano erupted in him whenever he made eye contact with Jessica. He resented her. From their first day, they were not eyeing to eye with each other.

"What's your problem?"


"Why aren't you saying anything now, huh?! You love fighting with me, so come on! Why the silence now?" Jessica Miller really did not forget to bring his worst side out in front of people.

"Shut up already. You're too noisy." She stared at him. Just her cold and silent stare irked him to the core.

"You-" Mason gritted his teeth and stared back with a menacing glare.


With a wink and playful emoji, she posted the picture on her social media account.

Alec and Zaria looked at each other helplessly and grinned. Sofia had no problem with Jessy and Mase because she did not care. She enjoyed their bantering.

One day, Sofia claimed they were like a couple from the books she read instead of her history test.

The exact test, she showed to everyone proudly with a bold red F covering one-fourth of her test paper.

She said everyone needed confidence like her.

Hearing her said that, they refused instantly in unison. Hence, another cold war happened.

Still, Sofia was hopeful that she would see them together one day.

Jessica and Mason first fought with each other, then ignored each other and then would be at each other's throats again. This was the continuous cycle, a dime a dozen for them.

Alec and Ria both hoped to have these two dissolve their differences with each other and turn over a new leaf soon.

Zaria had someone of a kind of friends. Her friendship was irreplaceable like that of hers with Lisa.

And, yes, they were a group of pretty people on the campus who compelled people to turn their heads at them when they walked through the door from their beauty and suave.

Such pretty people was a beautiful distraction from studies.

Jessica ignored Mason and focused her solely attention on Zaria.

"Who was that guy from this morning? Rumours are circulating that you stepped out of his car." Jessica Miller was a straightforward person. She did not like to beat around the bush. Her words were very precious.

The person she said those precious words to, was also obviously special.

She, including everyone, was curious about this mysterious driver.

When boys heard of this, they sighed inwardly in their hearts and thought, 'How could a driver be so princely? Then, what are we?'

Mason huffed quietly. All the girls on their campus were talking about this driver.

Did this mean that he was not the cutest anymore?

He also heard of this rumour, but what annoyed him more was Jessica Miller asking about it. She was indifferent to these matters, so why was she so interested now?

"Indeed, it is true..." Maria replied rather slowly, afraid of their reaction.

"Tell us, tell us." Sofia's ears perked up along with her pretty amber eyes. She looked excited like a secret was going to be unravelled.

Words travelled fast. Zaria did not know Elian would get this popular here on her campus, but with his looks and charms, he was bound to get noticed and stood out from the crowd full of people sooner or later.

"He's.. he's.." Alec was gazing at Ria's face, her expressions the entire time. His eyes suddenly twitched when he saw Ria letting her face give out an unusual tenderness.

She had a gentle smile on her face, and her facial features softened more as compared to that before.

She had infatuation and adoration in her eyes like a young girl experiencing her first love, that sweet smile she had never given to anyone. Not even to him.

Warning bells rang in Alec's heart, making him think of different scenarios forming in his mind. His heart somehow ached at these thoughts.

Did she--

Zaria opened her mouth to answer when a car honk interrupted her. The person sitting in the car waved at her. Her four friends could sense their princess' happiness getting bigger and heavier.

Even the background was filled with pink, cute flowers.

The moment Elian stepped out of the car, he received the attention of girls who were looking at him, spacing out when they saw his posture straight as a sword, handsome as a Greek God. Even Sofia gaped her mouth open at his sight.

But Elian was not surprised. It happened to him more than one time a day when he was abroad.

How could a stunning man like him exist?

"So, shall we go then?" Ria happily nodded at Elian Anderson. All set to go.

However, someone from her group cleared their throat.

She turned around and saw her friends looking at her with their arms crossed. She scratched the back of her neck and smiled at them foolishly.


She totally forgot about them.

"Guys, he's Elian."

"...My aunt's son." These four knew about the Old Anderson couple. In their first meeting, Mason literally was that close to having a nervous breakdown when he saw Master Anderson's infamous poker face.

It was a face that still frightened him in late nights and caused him to have nightmares. He did not want to have them anymore.

Alec was sat back. Master Anderson was his inspiration, his role model, someone he wanted to be like in the future.

Of course, he had not told this to his father, otherwise, his father would have had his head.

Mason glanced at Elian. So, he was right. He was not just some driver.

"Oh, so he is your cousin brother in a sense." Alec visibly relaxed and breathed a sigh inwardly, but Zaria flinched.

This slight movement did not go unnoticed by Jessica Miller.

Belonged to military family background, she was attentive and observant to her surroundings and the people around her just like an alpha wolf.

"Um.. his mother was my mom's best friend, so he's also my childhood friend." Not her brother!

Anyone could tell Zaria was uncomfortable talking about this topic. It was suspicious.

"Elian, meet my friends." She looked at Elian with a friend. They were Ria's friends, so he was innately friendly to them.

"Hey, everyone." Elian smiled.

"So, you finally found friends, huh?" Elian teased and Zaria looked down, blushing, telling him to stop it.

The atmosphere was playful, but Ria's reaction somehow made Alec feel uneasy.

A girl like Zaria did not blush this easily because of a male, he was sure of it. But in front of Elian, she resembled a girl in love indeed.

"Hi, I am Sofia~" Sofia waved dreamily at Elian.

"Sup, I am Mason." He smiled at Elian.

"Jessica." She nodded at him. She was a lady of few words and did not like interactions much.

Alec's intuition told him to be wary of Elian Anderson. He just did not know why.

With a fake little smile, he went to shake his hand with Elian.

"Hello, I am Alec."

Elian noticed his stiffness but decided not to comment on it.

"So, what's your age?" Sofia blurted. Sofia! Zaria internally scolded her.

However, Sofia was not even the least bit embarrassed.

"I'm 24." Elian smiled charmingly. Sofia was dumbstruck. In her opinion, men in their twenties were the hottest.

First his looks, now his smile. He was indeed incomparable to the boys of this campus.

"Wow. You're so handsome!" Sofia was not timid. If she liked someone's beauty, she would compliment wholeheartedly since beauty is meant to be appreciated.

"Why, thank you." Elian bowed like a gentleman. Sofia put her hand on her heart and giggled.

Ah! Such a gentleman.

Zaria's eyes narrowed. As much as she loved Sofia with all her heart, still, she could not give her Elian Anderson. She also knew Sofia would not snatch her man.

She was not the girl to settle for one man. Ugh. This jealousy!

"Elian, why don't you boys talk. Girls and I have something to discuss. Only if you don't mind, obviously." She grinned sweetly at her knight.

A boy knocked another one out whilst looking at Zaria. It was incredulous to see the arrogant campus belle smiling at the opposite gender. Today, she looked like a fairy.

Why did she not smile at them like this?

Why was the world so unfair?

"Okay." Elian nodded and the boys started to talk with each other. She gratefully gazed at her Elian and went with the girls. Alec was still wondering about Ria's strange behaviour.

He will definitely know once the girls talk with her.

"Ah, but wait I have still a few things to ask--" Zaria lightly pinched Sofia's arm and dragged her out. The whole time Sofia had a face that screamed 'I have been wronged.'

"Shoot. He isn't just a friend in your heart, is he?" Jessica smirked and her smirk broadened when she saw her little friend glancing at the ground rather than in her eyes.



Jessica and Sofia's suspicion was accurate and up to mark.

"Wait, is he the knight you talked about in eighth grade? The one you were waiting for?" Sofia Brown was shocked.

Her princess was not kidding. She was serious!

She treated little Ria's words as a joke like others. Who even falls in love at such a young age?

"Yes. He is the one." Both the friends saw love in Ria's eyes.

Clearly, they were happy for her, but pity also filled in their hearts for their other friend, Alec Williams as they glanced at each other.

Alec Williams had been in love with Zaria Smith just like she was in love with her knight, Elian Anderson.

What a fate.

Dared they say, cruel.