
The Sun Or Him?

"Lisa, come on! You have to come with us. We can also bring along Felicia." Lisa shook her head.

Just like Madam Anderson, she also wanted to give them space for their relation to bloom. Only by creating such opportunities, could the outcome they wanted be fruitful.

At last, she had seen this Elian Anderson who was in her best friend's heart, and the one whose name she never got tired of from calling.

Zaria was right. He was like a person who had come from a fantasy world.

He treated them with respect, and not once with disdain that they were just mere servants working for him and his family.

This made Elizabeth relieved with her best friend's choice. He was a good man.

Zaria sighed at the person who knew her the best.

When she asked Felicia, she also said she had some studies to do. Now, how could she go alone with Elian like that?

She was already feeling so shy thinking of spending her time with him.

'Come on, my daughter-in-law! I believe in you. Fighting!' Madam Anderson was secretly rejoicing in her heart when she saw Zaria leaving with her son alone after she asked every person possible.

Everyone was a part of helping her son and her princess together.

She did not believe her son would not develop feelings for Zaria.

She was such a cute creature. How could no one develop feelings for that girl?

If her son still did not, then there was something wrong with her son.

She comprehended her son was undeniably spending time with Zaria and wanted to visit places with her exclusively when he could have asked their chauffeur to take him wherever he wanted to be.

He was attracted to her.

She was convinced and confident that Elian felt something for Zaria, even if it was only for a little.

She just needed to give her son a push with the help of an ally by her side.

"Cousin, I need your help. I have to get my son and future daughter-in-law together. Come over here today." With her cousin, Amelia's help, she could get them together.

The sooner, the better.

"Mia." She turned around and saw her husband giving her a look, hands folded to his chest.

"I know, but I want them to get together as soon as possible. Zaria's studies are going to be completed soon. I want her as my son's wife. Even a little engagement of them will do." Mia's tone had a plead.

She wanted assurance.

But why was she so persistent?

Master Anderson was conflicted. Feelings should not be forced.

If they are somewhere, let them appear on the surface on their own naturally.

He had never refused his wife, but this time he felt it was valid to intervene.

This was also the first time his wife was requesting something from him. The matter regarding Zaria and Elian should not be dealt with recklessly.

Zaria had not finished her studies yet, and there was Elian who was thinking of setting his own business abroad in the place he lived.

No one could predict what would happen next.

There was still much more. Much more to see in the future.

Before he could utter anything, his wife stopped him, "Husband, this is our women's problem. Let me handle it. You just wait and see."

He was helpless to his wife's charm. He could not say anything to break her heart.

'Fine, I should let her do what she wants. It won't be that complicated.' Just like that, Master Anderson showed the white feather.

His wife deserved to be treated like the precious diamond she was.

"So, how far you like the developments of the city?" Zaria asked in an attempt to continue the conversation when they took a round of the biggest theme park in the city after visiting several famous sites.

Her eyes were excited when she saw big rides, but remembering that Elian did not like that, she refrained from going there.

Besides, she did not want to act like a child in front of him. She was eighteen for God's sake! She should start acting like an adult.

Elian hummed and said, "I think it has greatly developed since my last stay, but there is still something which this city lacks."

"What is it?" Zaria tilted her head. She did not know the answer to it.

She thought everything was available.

There were shops, schools, offices, universities, hotels, restaurants, theme parks, and even clubs and casinos.

Their city was considered to be one of the best and most developed cities in the whole country.

'If everything was rightly assessed, then what did it lack?'

"Young doctors like you, short legs. I know you still want to be a doctor and save the lives of thousands of people like you have always dreamt of." He smiled brightly at her.

She was stunned.

What their country lacked was indeed the doctors. Only a few of them could become one since there was a lot of effort and hard work required.

He remembered her dream.

It was the time when she told Elian that she wanted to save people and become their helper after losing her parents.

She was only ten or twelve that time, so young and ambitious.

She had determined eyes, full of strong belief like if she had a driving force about conquering the whole world, she could do it without pulling out all the stops.

Her academic performance on the campus was best and in the later years, she could get a medical certificate and become a great young doctor, making many people receive benefits.

Zaria was startled when a thought came knocking on her mind suddenly.

Was she this important to him that was why he remembered such a thing?

Did that mean he?

'Definitely, right?'

Elian Anderson appreciated those who had targets in their lives.

It made him more unwaveringly strong to achieve his dreams on his own as he had never forgotten the promise he made with someone.

He would fulfil it one day for sure.

They were walking when Elian unexpectedly stopped. He turned around and saw her walking behind him. Seeing him not moving, Zaria also halted her steps.



She was feeling nervous all of a sudden. Her heart had never thumped this faster before. 'Is he going to say something that I'm expecting it to be?'

He smiled, "Don't disappoint me." His soft smiling face was hard to resist.



"I won't." She reciprocated the smile.

Soon they left the park, and now they were standing on the famous old bridge watching the horizon together.

This was their last tourist spot. Such a picturesque yet eccentric place. It made one's heart melt with love.

This old bridge was famous for its story of two destined lovers that could never be together for some reason, but standing in this exact place, they vowed to meet again in another lifetime.

That they would find each other again and would never be apart from each other.

The man and the woman both grasped each other's hands tightly; albeit nervous at first, but soon the feeling was covered with serenity. Their faces had warm smiles like the warmth seeping from their hands.


They jumped in this very water–sacrificing their lives for their love.

Their wish was that they could be together with each other, love existing in their hearts.

Since it could not become true for them, they sincerely hoped and prayed for whoever might come to this place after them, would be able to receive the heavens' blessings and could have his desire fulfilled.

Furthermore, their genuine blessings too would be included.

In this way, their sins for taking God's decision to have lived or died in their own hands would be forgiven and they might get their redemption one day.

Their love got eternal from that day on, inspiring many people to write such beautiful stories and poems about these two figures in love.

Years ago when Zaria read such a story, the first thought that came to her mind was– It was ridiculous.

'If these two lovers were dearly in love with each other, then why did they end their lives?'

'Was love that important that they could waste their precious lives on it? Was it worth it for a mere fleeting emotion as love?

'Humph. Foolish people, giving away your lives like that.'

Why did they not think further?

They could have hidden, fled to some other country if they had difficulties, but the only method they selected was death.

If they could not be together, then why not resigned to fate already and moved on?

When she read this again some years later, death seemed more peaceful and running from everything was exhausting.

She understood the pressure world exerted onto the people, expecting people to act in a way they would like them to do.

Such as of was in love and lovers were rebels.

Those two loved each other, but the world did not want them to be together.

They had no choice but to succumb to it leading to have their lives sacrificed for love as heart could never be given to anyone the second time when it already belonged to someone.

Her belief became strong that love could only happen one time with the right person.

She learnt it when she experienced this herself.

Those two made their choices, though if it were her, then at least she wanted to fight the world for it.

If she lost, then she would gladly retire and stop returning to this path.

These were the words she always had in her mind.

Both she and Elian wished, looking at the water.

'I wish to be with the one I love. I love Elian and I want him to be mine. Please, let it come true. Please, please, please.'

When she opened her eyes, she felt herself blushing when she saw his face under the faint light of sunset, deep in thoughts.

His eyes were still closed. He still had not finished his wish.

At this moment, staring at him, the verse she had read from, 'Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie' was the only thing she could think of.

[Down sank the great red sun, and in golden glimmering vapours Veiled the light of his face, like the Prophet descending from Sinai]

He looked celestial.

Mild but beautiful sun rays were cascaded on his chiselled face, his eyes and cheeks had a golden glow.

It was hard to say who was more enthralling.

The sun or him?

But, was it going to be evening already? She forgot the time. Anderson couple must be waiting for them.

"Are you done wishing?" He asked.

"Mmh." She nodded.

"What did you wish for?" He asked, curious.

He looked as handsome as the Adonis from Greek mythology.

She looked down and replied in a low murmur, "If I tell you, it would never come true." That was what she had heard. If your wish got known, then it would never come true.

"Yes, right." He smiled and later chuckled.

"What's yours?"

"If I tell you, it would never come true." Zaria just laughed, hearing his words.

"I hope your wish isn't about physics being removed from the world."

"I'm not this merciful," she pouted, "I hope other students after me suffer too from this subject. They should know how it feels to study physics and how they have done a huge mistake picking it." She shrugged.

"You're purely evil." He shook his head, unable to have control over his laughter.

Zaria gulped as she kept staring at him. 'His laugh is mesmerizing.'

"It's late. We should-" She was cut off by her stomach growling. It was like a bear was inside it.

Her cheeks were red with shame. Chewing on her bottom lip, she looked everywhere, but at Elian.

'Stupid! Stupid Stomach!'

'Why did you have to speak at a time like this?'

He had mirth dancing in his eyes.

She was hungry? She could have told him.

"We should eat." Elian offered her a smile. She opened her mouth to say something, later closed it, because Elian was right.

She was hungry.

She already had Elian with her.

Now, food should be the main priority as her second love. Both were sure they would go back to Anderson mansion on time.


Eating in a restaurant made them arrive later at the Anderson mansion than they thought. Mia and John Anderson would have been slept by now.

One thing was guaranteed that Zaria was delighted that she could be able to eat and interact with Elian without any pressure.

The living room was filled with darkness.

It was obvious everyone had slept.

Without disturbing anyone, Elian and Zaria decided to lay the pace low on the ground with no sound.

Stumbling in the dark a little bit, he and Zaria almost succeeded in reaching the staircase, when the lights went on.

"About time."

Master Anderson was sitting casually on the couch, his unwavering gaze on both of them, and was wearing his usual poker face.

Madam Anderson was standing in the kitchen with a glass of milk in her hands and a frown covered her beautiful face. "Yes, where were you both? We waited for a long time." But from inside, she was excited.

'I'm proud of you, my children!'

Both the culprits looked at each other, and then at the Anderson couple.

They smiled sheepishly at them and told them everything, staring at them like robbers who had been caught red-handed.

Mia and John Anderson looked at them helplessly. Why did this scene look so nostalgic?

Master Anderson thought to reminisce the practises he had done to punish these two children in the past.

He pinched the bridge of his nose. 'What to do with these two?'

In the end, only grounding felt suitable for them.

After all, grounding felt insulting to both of them since their childhood.

It was embarrassing for every person whether a grown-up or young one.