
Shameless Jerk

When she unlocked her phone, she noticed the message from an unknown number.

Inside there was an attachment. When she opened it, she stared at it.

The attachment was of a picture of Elian talking with some older woman who was wearing a very low cut maroon dress.

She had to admit that the old woman he was talking to was fully developed in the places which could make any man incited sexually.

Zaria trembled.

All she saw was red.

The message said: 'Elian Anderson is here in the Red-X club. Dress well and meet him.'

She was still thinking of the sender when another message came.

'Don't you want to confess to him? He might be not available later*wink**wink*' Another picture was sent to her.

'Come to this address. He's waiting.'

Zaria took a deep breath.

'What should I do?'

If she did not go, maybe Elian would never be hers.

'Go big or go home, Ria.'

She made up her mind. She needed to express her feelings. Otherwise, she would regret it.

She had to try for once.

She was going.

She took out a velvety black dress which was off-shoulder knee-length, gifted to her by her aunt. She was waiting to wear it for a special occasion.

A special occasion could not be any more good than this.

She straightened her wavy hair and applied red lipstick on her glossy plump lips.

With her fair complexion as white jade stone, the colours black and red fitted her like both the colours were made for her to wear.

Taking a last look in the mirror, she wore her favourite perfume and smiled at her appearance.

She felt new.

When she followed the address, she saw a lavish and rich club for the distinguished and esteemed people.

Not in her eighteen-year-old life, she had come here with her friends.

The bouncer gave her a black mask which she quickly put on.

This time she was not considered a teenager.

Thanks to Sofia, the mature makeup she had learnt from her gave her a privilege to look older.

To Zaria Smith, it was for a good cause anyway.

But what if someone saw her here?

Her uncle's reputation could be ruined.

The sunshine girl now looked like a little seductress of night, forcing every man to sin.

She looked so beautiful and enchanting. When she entered, for every male possible, she became the centre of attention.

She was apprehensive.

She had never been to a club before. Everyone was eyeing her like they were lions and she, a lamb; their prey.

She looked around, seeing people dancing and grinding onto each other shamelessly. She would never allow Elian or anyone she knew to come here again.

She looked away and her eyes kept searching for her knight.

'Where is he?'

A pair of silver eyes were watching her every move like a hawk. He sat in a corner, hidden in dark, surrounded by people.

She looked at the counter. Elian was here some minutes ago before she arrived.

She had to tell Cameron for bringing Elian here to her aunt Amelia.

She was still looking for Elian's trace when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned around to see a man looking down at her with his gigantic height. He had the same height of 6'2 as her knight.

But he was not Elian.

Elian had black hair and black eyes like a black diamond.

The man was wearing an exquisite silver mask just like his eyes, cold but striking steel silver.

He had a good looking face and his jaw was sharp. He gazed at her seriously and asked coldly with his thin lips, "Are you looking for someone?"

Zaria had never seen him before, so she was timid in front of such a powerful presence. With a stammer, she replied: "Y-Yes."

"Forget him. How about you spend a night with me? Say, how much." The nervous and timorousness evaporated from her and she glared at him with ferocity.

'This humiliation...!'

She thought this man would be respectable but the truth was, he was a rogue.

'Such insolence!' She did not come here to sell her body.

She was not a harlot.

There was a surprise in the man's eyes, but it vanished soon as it came.

"Leave me!"

She heard hoots from the crowd as if the entire crowd was cheering for him.

The man tried to grasp her hand.

He almost succeeded, but then Zaria slapped him in the face.

How dare he touch her.

"Shameless jerk, how dare you to make a move on me! Do you even know my name? You don't, do you? Then, how could you expect me to be with you without me knowing you and vice versa? You just can't treat women like a toy!" Her chest heaved up and down.

She had not screamed so loud for a long time. She was livid.

He had such a towering height, so he was granted with such sight. Anyhow, it was not his intention.

Zaria put her hands to cover her chest immediately.


It was her first time coming here and she was treated like this.

It was true. Clubs were not some good places.

It was a lions' den.

The man was silent.

Everyone witnessed the woman slapping him.

There was a deadly quietness. Some people looked at her like she was a lunatic and some with sympathy.

'She's over.'

'Does she know who she slapped just now?'

'What a pity. She was beautiful, though.'

Zaria expected the man to back off or lash at her, but he looked at her with interest.

He almost smiled.

It had been very long since he was entertained like this.


This man was crazy. It was better to flee from him than to be with him.


She should find Elian.

"Oh, Mr Policeman!" Rita screamed, pointing out. Everyone whipped their heads in the direction, including the man.


She smiled sneakily and escaped from their eyes.

She needed to find her knight and escape from here. It was dangerous if she kept staying here.

The people kept looking in the direction but soon, they realised something.


She just made a fool out of them.

The police could not arrive here. It was a registered and renowned club for rich people. Nothing illegal happened here.

The man's subordinate reached to him forward and said, "Boss, should I-" The man interrupted him.

"No need. Just let her be." The subordinate found out that his apathetic boss was in a good mood.

Something rare to see.

It was a miracle.

'She was a goddess!' The subordinate's eyes shined, his belief strong that they would meet again some other day.

When she ran to the VIP corner area, her phone again beeped from a different number.

It was a room number this time and it said Elian was here in this room.

'Should I go? Will Elian be really here?'

She inhaled and straightened her posture before entering the room.

She had practised the lines of her confession a thousand times looking at the mirror and in her dreams.

But now that she was going to do it for real, why was she hesitating?

The light was low, it was hard to see someone here. She could see a familiar figure roughly.

She knew it was him.

She closed her eyes, gathered some courage, and said, "Elian, I want to confess something... I have always loved you. I treated you as a friend initially, but then my feelings for you changed and I started seeing you in another light.

"I realised this was the love my parents had talked about with me when I was young. When we were children, it was you who protected me, cared for me, supported me, and helped me in every situation.

"I never knew how much you meant to me until you left, Elian. I wanted to send messages to you. To ask for you but I was a coward. For years, I have been waiting for this moment to confess my feelings to you. I, I love you, Elian. I really do.

"It's okay if you don't accept me. I understand, but please say something." Her heart was full of concern, and the room, with silence. It was killing her.

'Why isn't he saying something?'

She finally confessed. The words she was holding in her heart for a long time were finally out.

"Elian?" She softly called expecting Elian to turn around.

A groan was heard in the room.

Was he hurt?

She came close to see her knight see if he was wounded.

She quickly made him sit on the bed and examined him from head to toe.

"E-Elian, are you hurt? Please tell me." She tapped his cheek with her hands and withdrew.

He was burning up again.

His eyes squinted. He could hear a soft, alluring voice of a woman.

He could not see her properly, but he smelt a faint fragrance of fresh lavenders when she was near him.

He wished he could inhale it again.

Her touch gave him a cooling effect, but when she withdrew her touch, his burn intensified.

He was hot.

"I am going to find Cameron. Wait here for me."