

"He's there, discussing something." Lisa silently pointed out at some other room that had a golden nameplate, 'Doctor Frederick.'

Zaria frowned, "What is uncle doing over there when aunt is in another room? I should inform him of my arrival."

As she made her way towards the room, she stopped dead in her track when she heard the doctor's words.

"Haven't she told you about her illness?"

"What illness?" Her uncle questioned.

"She has a brain tumour. She has been coming here for three years for treatment. Strangely, no one in her house knows of this." The reason why she would disappear at times was all because of this?

Brain tumour?

Zaria's mind went blank when she heard of this.

'Aunt has a brain tumour?'

'Since when?'

'Why did she not tell this to anyone? Not even her uncle knew about it.' Zaria bit her lips, hard, trying her best not to cry out loud.

"Lisa, she has a brain tumour.." Ria could not even believe herself when she said these words.