
Oreeti. POV.

When I woke up the car has already stopped beside a restaurant and Aarav was there with me but the driver was not here. I was sleeping on Aarav's lap . To say I was embarrassed was another thing but the major thing was that what he would think about me and what about the driver he might have been looking at me. I was so ashamed that my whole face turned red. But then Aarav helped me in my seat and handed me a bottle of water and in a concerned voice he asked

"Are you okay?"

I nodded and took the bottle from him and took few sips. One thing which the whole family knows about is my motion sickness. The moment the car start moving I start getting sick. Most of the time during my car journey I deliberately fall asleep so I don't have to feel sick.This is how I cope up with my motion sickness. Even the medicine for preventing this doesn't work one me. I remember when I was young we were going to the wonderland with my whole family and I was sleeping but the moment I woke up I puked and all my clothes were covered in my puke. Then my parents helped me but the thing which I remember is that my brother standing out of the car in his best and jeans as my parents decided to make me wear his shirt and I know his expression during that time. We were on highway during that time so no clothing shop or any mall was there. My cousins still tease my brother for that incident.

Now that I have gotten up I don't feel well. I held Aarav's hand and motioned him that I want to go out. He quickly helped me out of the car. The moment I went out of the car I ran towards the roadside and puke my gut out. Aarav came running towards and held my hair and rubbed my back. When I was done he helped me to the car and then the driver came holding a lemonade. I have a conception that the moment I will drink something sour I will not be puking I have tried that many times and always succeeded. Now that the Driver came with it Aarav handed my that drink and the moment I drank it I felt a lot better. Even though my dog body was tired but that sickness went away. Aarav was looking at me with concern but I just smiled and told him about my motion sickness. He then sat beside me and pulled me towards him so that I was sitting on his lap. He pulled me closer to his chest and rubbed my back. I hummed into his neck and then fell asleep without any fear of being watched by the driver.

Aarav's this gesture was so sweet. He didn't judge me and also helped me. His scent was enough to calm my nerves and put me into a deep slumber.