Once again Lava was teleported to a dark space.


Race:Flame Elf

Missions:Village matters and Hunt Down

Hidden Missions:2/2

Mission ranks: Village Matters:4.5

Hunt Down:5.0"

"Yeah baby"

"Do you want to customize your character or your character should look like you"

"Like me"

"Prepare for scan……………scan complete"

Lava felt the electric sensation again and in front of him was a city filled with different races.


Soon people started noticing him little by little and soon they were in groups talking.

Lava took a look at his profile and saw the reason why people were talking.

He was wearing a red jacket,black trousers,red boots,red hair and pointed ears.

Phoenix (the name of the company which created Celestial) announced that four ultimate,special races would be released and so far only one person had gotten one of those races.


Of course a lot of male players got jealous of Lava because most of the female players had began daydreaming looking at him alone.

"I am so dieing"

"He looks so handsome"

"He is sooooooooo hot"

"I am on fire"

Get it? Because he's a Flame creature.

"Hi???"Lava said unsurely and began walking to explore the city more. Had he known he would had stayed a little longer, because a girl fainted.

After he had walked a safe distance some girls started following him, Lava noticed this and started walking faster and just when he was about to make a corner a hand pulled him into an alley.

"Pleeaaasse don't hurt me"

"I am not going to hurt you"

Lava looked up and saw the owner of the voice was a girl about his age dressed in a black shirt,black trousers,black shoes,black hair and a black arrow and bow.

"Then what are you going to do to me?"

"Do you have any materials for a weapon?"

"Didn't your parents never tell you ever to answer a question with a question?"

The girl gave him a glare that sent chills down his spine.

"Actually I have a chest full of materials"

"Then follow me"And she began walking towards a direction.

"Where are we going?"

"My workshop"

"You're a blacksmith?"

His question was answered when they came in front of a building with a sign which read 'BLACK THE BLACKSMITH'

"Soooooo,Black my name is Lava"He said after they had entered the building. All he got as an answer was silence.

"Where's the chest?"

Lava brought out the chest and handed it to Black.

"You have to open it with a rectal scan you idiot"


Lava looked at the keyhole of the chest and the chest flipped open.


For once Black showed an emotion apart from anger.

"Could I add these to the materials?"Lava said as he took the teleportation staff and the recallable dagger.

"What's so special about this dagger?"


Lava threw the dagger and the dagger was nearing a players face when Lava held out his hand and the dagger came back to him at the speed of light.

"Cool"Black said simply and picked up the staff.

"What does this do?"

"It's a teleportation staff"

"Nice.Is this the only chest they gave you?"

"They also gave me this other chest but am not suppose to open it until I win my first battle"

Blacks eyes widened in surprise when she saw the dragon engraved in the chest.

"What's wrong?"

"This chest is at least fifty thousand years old!!!"