“Leave me be!” Venus knocks on Alistarr’s door, pointed out to her by Kai.
“It’s Venus. May I come in?” Alistarr stays quiet for awhile. It’s striking how silent the house can get in times like this. It’s so quiet you can hear the breeze outside knock against the house.
“Come in.” Alistarr’s voice is like a peep. It wouldn’t have been heard it if it wasn’t for the silent house. A a stark contrast to the warning he blared before.
Venus opens the door hesitantly and walks in. Alistarr is resting on his bed, a bottle of wine on the table next to him. His room is dark, there are no windows, and the only brightly colored anything in the room is the gold decorating fixtures.
Alistarr looks more run down and beaten. The drunken mess’s undershirt untied and wrinkled. His trousers unbuttoned and torn. The disheveled reddish-blonde hair he boasts doesn’t look like it’s been combed in days. Venus gazes at him with pity.