
Chapter 7: high, earthquake and news

narrates jaeden

I woke up because of my cell phone alarm, got ready to go to school and went down to have breakfast

-angela: hello son, I made you breakfast

-jaeden: how rich, thank you

I finished having breakfast, I said goodbye to my mother and I went to school

-At school-

-jaeden: hi guys

-all: hello

-wyatt: how is janet?

-jaeden: this more or less, lilia and her friends inflamed a lung and has broken bones

-chosen: I'll go tell the director

-jaeden: no chosen I'll tell you thank you

I'm heading to the principal's office

-Director: Mr. Lieberher, what brings you here?

-jaeden: the student janet was injured and is in serious condition in the hospital, she has broken bones and an inflamed lung

-Director: it can't be, who is responsible for this?

-jaeden: maddie ziegler, liliabuckigman, millie and mackenzie ziegler

-Director: Ok I'll talk to your head teacher to see the absences and .... thanks for letting me know, a great punishment awaits the girls, now you can retire

-With the boys-

-jeremy: what did he tell you?

-jaeden: punish the girls

-finn: they deserve it

We went to class and as always the little group of lilia laughing like strawberries that they are but those smiles disappeared until the director arrived at the classroom

-Director: Good morning, my students

-Students: good morning director- they said sitting down

-Director: You know that respect in my school is the most important thing here. Well, on Friday an unexpected accident occurred. After class, a student of mine was bullied by four young ladies. lilia, maddie, millie and mackenzie stand up and walk me to my office

they stood up and left with the director

-With the director-

-Director: Do you know that what you did is very serious, right?

-lilia: sorry, she asked for it

-Director: callee has no right to defend himself. They will clean their classroom for 1 year and for the next

-all: what ?!

-Director: and if they approach Janet, the punishment they will have will be worse. Take your things and go home, long


-jaeden: hello I come to pick up the patient janet morgan

-Girl: her family has already come to pick her up young, she can go, she's fine

-jaeden: ok

How strange if her family does not take her into account and now they care about her

narrates janet

-Mom: look what you've gotten yourself into, girl for God's sake!

-jenny: the only thing she does is get into trouble

-janet: the only thing that matters to you is money, since dad left you only make yourself a prostitute

she slapped me and answered me

-Mom: do not talk to me again like that, am I clear?

I just go up to my room, I can't believe he hit me. I lay down on the bed and put my headphones on. It had already been a few minutes since my mother had hit me, I was so relaxed when I feel that everything begins to move and after a few seconds the earthquake increased. All the things fell from my room and my windows were broken. After a while the earthquake ended and my stepfather arrived. To tell the truth my stepfather is the only one who supports me in everything and cares about me

-Dad: are you okay? look how is your fourth daughter

we burned for a few seconds and the earthquake returned but more strong

-Dad: come down and let's go

We were going down the stairs and just when we left the house, mom and my sister could not get out of the house, when the house falls and crushes them

-Dad: love !!! no!!!

my father and I were stunned to see that scene. My father just cried inconsolably, then the reporters came in and made all this on the news

-At jaeden's house-

omniscient narrator

Jaeden's family and he comfortably watched television when they saw the news. Jaeden's father had returned to the house, his name was Wes Lieberher, Janet's father's best friend

-wes: it can't be love, he's my best friend and his daughter. they have nowhere to stay

-angela: invite them here for a while love, it would be fun-the mother smiled

-jaeden: WHAT ?!