
Triplets to the world

Narrates janet

It has been several months now, and I am 9. Ready to give birth at any time.

At this moment I was cooking puree with juiced chicken

-jaeden: there is little left for the jaedenllisos to be born -said hugging me by the waist

-janet: hahaha you are crazy

We kissed, it was long and it felt good. When......

-janet: HAAA jaeden it hurts-I said touching myself when I saw that I broke my bag

-jaeden: let's go to the hospital fast !!

We got in the car and when we got to the hospital. They put me on a stretcher.

Narrates jaeden

1 hour and a half had already passed. She still didn't know if she had already had them.

-doctor: you are the father of the triplets?

-jaeden: yes that's right. Can I stop by to see them?

-doctor: of course come here

I went to a room and there were 3 beautiful boys. They were blonde and just like me. The three of them were in Philita next to the love of my life

-janet: come love look, they are all three equal to you-smile

-jaeden: hello my champions-I said smiling

-janet: and ...... what will their names be?

-jaeden: one will be called Jackson, the other will be called WESLEY, and finally the other will be called Jason.

-janet: they are beautiful-I said kissing them

Suddenly I see my father come in with Jenny and Jaeden's parents

-janet: come in, don't stay there.

-wes: look at those kids, I'm already a grandfather -he said happily

-angela: what are their names?

-jaeden: jackson, WESLEY and jason-smile

-jaeden: and if instead of jason we put "wes"?

-wes: would you do that for me? My son chose very well to be with you

-janet: thanks mr wes

-wes: tell me father-in-law-he winked at me

After that the boys and girls came. I couldn't be happier, I fulfilled my dream of being a mother and having a beautiful family. A wonderful husband and amazing friends. My dream of being a dancer still stands, and I know I will achieve it. If you have a dream and you are afraid only .........

"walk into the future and take advantage of opportunities."