Over-Standard Work Hours

It was 7:30 pm when Valentina reached home from work. Well, over-standard work hours.

She’s driving a Mustang. She loves it. Actually, she loves every cool, fast and thrilling sports car.

Kayden gave it to her as her twentieth birthday gift.

After dinner, she changes her ordinary woman attire to something that looks dangerous and mysterious. Kayden never saw her dressing like this and he doesn’t know.

She wears a black fitting top, black leggings, black leather jacket, and black boots.

She likes black.

For all Kayden knows, she loves the opposite.

Sometimes, she feels bad about hiding this from Kayden. But, she’s scared. She’s not prepared to face the consequences.

She loves him and she knows he loves her too. But, what if he got angry and left her after knowing this?

Or worst, he’ll hate her for sure.

Kayden usually comes back late at night if he went to a club or party. Being a good girlfriend (or so she thought), she let him come back late at night.

She’s not one to hold her boyfriend on a leash. She wouldn’t want to be kept on a leash if it were her. She immediately cringed at the thought.

Plus, she’s not his wife. At least, not yet.

She would take this opportunity to finish her job without him knowing she’s not home waiting for him.

Advantage. Pfft.

Is she worry that he may cheat on her?

Which girlfriend isn’t?

She’ll know if he’s cheating on her. Some of her friends never missed a party or clubbing. They will most likely gossip about it on media or directly chat with her.

Guess, that’s one of the nice things about having many connections.

The only problem is they lie or got threaten.

When he was out, she had the chance to do the darkest part of her life. How did she get involved with these bad things?

Well, everyone has a reason for doing something, right?

It’s not because it’s fun. But because she wants to protect her family and friends.

He blackmailed her for no reason.

That was like, the second year of Kayden and her relationship when she runs out of Kayden’s apartment after arguing with him for forgetting her birthday. Yet, again.

She was sulking on the park bench under a tree.

A few cars passing by the road but there are no people walking beside the road. It’s night time.

She parks her car at the park’s parking lot far from where she’s currently seated.

The stupid and foolish Valentina that day forgot her safety.

Without no one walking around the streets or the park, she exposed herself to various kinds of danger.

That day, her twentieth birthday, was when her life crumbled into a mess.

A black car had stopped by and a few unknown figures dragged her to a black car.

“Who are you-!”

“Let go of m-!”

Her mouth was covered by duct tape and her hands were tied with a rope.

While the car moves in full speed, she had tried looking out of the car for any sign to get a clue on where they are taking her.

To her disappointment, they were going through an area where she had never been before.

She was scared and regretted coming out from home.

That too, without a phone or money.

They stopped in front of a big mansion and dragged her inside.

A man was waiting on one of the rooms and the dangerous aura he’s giving her, made her tough facade crumble. Her tears slid down and she struggled to run.

Which was futile.

They made her sit in front of him and he dismissed them with a wave of his hand.

Then, he stands up and went to her side, removing the duct tape on her mouth and the rope around her wrist.

After that, he sat on the desk and watch her squirms.

She wanted to scream but the pressure he’s giving her made Valentina speechless. She could only pinch her palms tightly with her fingers.

She trembled and settled with a whisper, “What do you want?”.

He strikes a deal with her with blackmail plastered on her forehead.

“Whether you killed for me or I killed your family and friends.”

Valentina didn’t know what he sees in her.

She always wonders what made him blackmail her. Of all the people in the world, he just had to point his finger at her.

There are many people outside that’s willing to take this job.

And he picks her.

She once asked him, “Why me?”

But, he doesn’t like being asked why he did something.

Because he had no reason at all.

She received four hard punch on her stomach. Since then, she never asked him anymore.

Doesn’t his mommy tell him not to hit a girl?

She doesn’t know because his mommy’s a badass before she became a mom.


Valentina hates killing.

At least, she doesn’t kill people for no reason. She only kills bad people. Or so she thought.

They trained her to become a Hidden killer, which is more like an assassin.

She can’t count how many people had died in front of her, died on her hands. She’s lucky she never got caught by the other gang.

Police? Pfft.

Flawlessly under control.

Yeah, she works for the gang. But, the bunch of criminals never mention her to their allies.

So, she can do her work safely, unknown, mysterious.

The most trusted members in the gang are the only one who knows who she is and what she does.

They also pay her for the job that she completed and punish her for small mistakes.

Lucky her, after various life-threatening training, a few blows and kicks wouldn’t kill her.

Forgot to mention, she’s the only one hired for this job.

She’s aware of that fact and she signed a deal with the devil saying, “I will do my best in completing your task. Only if you agreed that I will be the only one doing this job for you.”

He smirks, “Deal.”