Tomorrow's Midnight

1:08 p.m.

Keith pace around the house.

2:47 p.m.


4:59 p.m.

He sat on the sofa and spend his time watching Tv as his legs bounce from time to time—his leg was itching to sprint out from the house and search for her on his own.

His eyes darted to the window and the door expecting her to turn up at any moment.

He had been doing this for unknown hours.

And now, it’s dark outside.

His men haven’t called yet as a sign that they haven’t found her. They know not to call him if they haven’t succeeded.

9:59 p.m.

That was until his phone rang.

He picked it up, hoping it was her. He sighed disappointedly when it shows Dylan’s name on it.


“She’s alright, but she doesn’t want to come back.”

Keith groan, “Fix it, Keith. You have until tomorrow’s midnight.”

“Fine.” he ended the call.

'Why are they bossing around me?'

'What should I do?'

'Vale, Where are you?'

He let out an aggravated sigh.

10:26 p.m.

Keith walked towards the kitchen and opened his fridge. He hasn’t eaten after Vale left, and now his stomach is protesting against him.

He found a lasagna and quickly heat it in the oven.

10:38 p.m.


Keith took the lasagna out from the oven, grab a spoon and sat on the barstool, and dive for his food.

10:47 p.m.

His phone rang at the same time he finished his lasagna and saw Nancy’s name on it.

She’s a member of his gang.


“Why is she not working tonight?” she asked.

“I lied to her,” Keith reluctantly answered.

He was tired of arguing.

“Damn! Why did you add your name to her blacklist?! She fucking hates liars!” she yelled.

Keith took the phone away from his ear as he gritted his teeth in annoyance. Why did he have so many people hating his guts?

“What’d you mean?”

“She met Kayden and his new whore at Remy’s house-”

He abruptly stood up, “What happened?”

There was silence before she decided to speak.

Keith's fingers started tapping on the table, showing his growing impatience.

“You want to know?” her voice now changed from anger to a playful tone.

“Damn it! Nancy Ambrose! Tell me what the actual fuck happened there!” Keith yelled at her.

“They kiss.” she simply said.

“...and you fucking let them kiss?!” Keith roared.

He stood up and started pacing around the room.

“Why would I stop the couple from mending their relationship?” Nancy asked dumbly. Innocently.

“You-” Keith bit his lip from slipping any unnecessary words.

She snickers at his outburst, “Ha! I know it! You both show the most obvious thing to all of us. We all saw the attraction you have to each other. But, both of you are so stubborn. And you using your power around her isn’t going to make things better for both of you. So, promise me. You’ll treat her better in exchange for her new address, will you?”

“I will, and I promise.” Keith breathed heavily, trying not to yell at her for scolding him like this.

She ended the call.

Wait, what?

She-fucking-ended the call!!

No one dares to hang up on him other than Vale.

Damn! Vale’s rubbing off of her.

It shows eleven at night already.

His phone buzz notifying him that there was a message for him.

It’s from Nancy, sending him Vale's address.

Keith didn’t waste any more time as he grabs his car key and ran to his garage. He slid in his black BMW and drove off to Vale's new address.

He knew it was risky to go out all by himself, but he needs to find Vale, make sure she's safe and convince her to come back.

Keith followed the direction that the maps showed and came to a halt when he reached a two-story mansion.

It was in the middle of the woods and no car passing around.

Damn! Did he pay her too much?

He became aware of her gate. No one was guarding it.

One thing that Keith know about Vale is, she is full of surprises.

There’s no way the entrance is not dangerous. The finger scanner is more than enough to prove it.

The light outside the house gives him a chance to see a few surveillance cameras moving around.

Keith cursed as he hid behind his car and reached for a small stone and throws it at the gates in front of him.

He was right. The gate was electrocuted.

He looked up to see a dim light on the right side of the mansion. Almost unseen.

He walked around the gate and grinned when he saw a huge tree near the balcony in her room.

Keith climbed it and landed on the balcony swiftly, relieve that the camera surveillance is not looking on his way.

He opened the door to her room silently and frowned when he noticed that it was left unlocked.

She can’t be careless like this.

Keith stepped inside and quietly close the door behind him.

He walked over to her bed and sat on the edge, watching her sleeping peacefully.

He let out an uncontrollable yawn and decided to sleep with her on the bed.

He doesn’t dare to take a chance to explore her darkroom and tried to find her couch. Afraid that while doing so, he will accidentally knock her things over and woke her up.

Sliding off his shirt and pants, Keith crawled onto the bed, silently laying beside her.

He was about to fall asleep when she moved to her side, facing him and scooting a little.

Keith silently prayed that she won’t wake up hearing his heartbeat accelerate.

How can he sleep peacefully when there was a beauty beside him?

Keith closed his eyes, hoping that she won’t kill him tomorrow.