Don't Touch Her

Peter burst open the door before entering the room with his gun pointed towards Salvatore. Vale felt her heart jump out of her heart, seeing his brother holding a gun like he’d done it so many times.

Aware of the danger Sal is facing, she screamed at her brother.

“Peter! What the hell are you doing?!” She sat up abruptly and tried to stand up with fail attempt.

Sal immediately came to her aid, holding her steady with his hand on her waist.

However, his actions just made Peter all the more eager to put a bullet right through his brain.

“Don’t touch her!” He looked at his prisoner with murderous intent.

“Don’t you dare touch him, brother! He’s mine!”

Vale raised her weak hands and pushed Sal behind her, even when the latter protested. He is the one who should be protecting her.

Though, his heart jumped in joy, hearing what she said just now. She said he was hers!

“Vale, don’t worry. I will not let anything happen to you, okay?”