
After dropping Yuki home, I passed out on my bed with Asami nowhere in sight.

I assumed she must be with her family since today was her mother's birthday that I told her I wasn't attending.

I took off my clothes slowly before I entered the shower and had a nice long bath digesting everything Yuki had told me earlier.

"You're mother isn't a good person. She's deceptive and manipulative." Yuki explained things that I was already aware of.

"Why do you say so?" I asked before Yuki touched his necklace and then took a bite of his ice-cream.

"A month before you got married, I was five months pregnant with Takato. I came to your family mansion because I wanted you to be a father in Takato's life even if we were to have nothing to do with each other, I didn't want Takato to lack another parent in his life." Yuki paused before he exhaled and took another bite.

"In order to prove it, I had done a DNA result from the samples Akio gave me before I took it over. When I got there, I met your mother and she didn't seem happy to see a pregnant omega. After telling her that I was carrying your child, she invited me inside and we had a short discussion. A very unpleasant discussion."

"What did she tell you?"

"She read the DNA result and burnt it right in front of me and wanted me to sign a contract. She wanted me to hand all my rights has being Takato's mother for a large amount of money. I took the check and tore it back at her before telling her that I would never show my face anywhere near her or the Aizawa family but here I am with you." Yuki explained before he took the final bite of the ice-cream and then sighing.

I switched off the shower before drying out and changing into my pajamas.

I laid down on my bed once more and then laid on my side before sighing.

I remember the butlers whispering about a pregnant omega coming over and making my mom hysterical for an entire week.

I ignored it because then I was still looking for Yuki to care about anyone and thought my father was responsible.

I seriously needed to talk to my mother. I needed to settle things with my family if I was going to end up with Yuki, I needed to end things with Asami.

"Wake up you oaf." I felt a pillar hit my gut making me to open my eyes and then groaning.

"Asami it's the weekend."

"So? You are taking me out for missing my mom's birthday." She replied before I laid on the bed and groaned.

"Okay, just five more minutes..." The door closed behind me and then I smiled and hugged a pillow. "Or more."

Two more hours of sleep did me good before I got ready for Asami.

I wore a suit which was a normal wear for me. Asami as usual wore a new brand gown which would cost an executive of a famous establishment to earn in a year.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked before she handed me an invitation.

"I knew you would forget! Every single year! Today is the Elite alphas get together. We'll finally see our classmates again and I'm so excited. I totally get to see Elizabeth and Misaki. I heard Elizabeth married a blue-blooded beta. Isn't that adorable?" Asami asked before I rolled my eyes remembering the annoying pair my group were.

The only chill person were Asami, Akio, Levi and our antisocial geek Nori.

"Well let's do this and get it over with. We need to talk." I said softly and hopefully she didn't hear me with her excitement on how our friends were coming over.

The event was done in a large hotel for the rich and expensive.

I walked in with Asami holding my right hand before everyone's attention turned towards us.

"If it isn't the oldest couples among us. Welcome." Arata said before everyone laughed except me.

"Oh stop it, you're make me look old." Asami said before she giggled but then Arata took her hand and kissed it.

"You age gracefully that it's hard to tell." He flattered her before Asami took off her hand and then kept a stoic face.

"I suppose so." She said before we walked in and then she left my hand and then ran to hug Misaki and Elizabeth.

"So no kid yet? It's making us men look bad." Akashi said before I smirked and took a drink from a glass of champagne.

I smiled remembering how cute Takato whenever his curiosity was spiked. I shrugged my shoulders before facing Akashi.

"How's the suppressant business going? I thought that with all that money you'd at least have an escort." I retaliated before he clenched his fist and then grabbed my collar making Hikari and Akio to grab him.

"Let it go Akashi. You taunted him first." Hikari said before he looked at me and then slowly released me.

If it came to combat and superiority, I was a million times better.

I was the strongest alpha here followed by Asami before Akio then Akashi, Levi, Arata, Hikari, Elizabeth, Misaki and Nori.

They all didn't want me releasing pheromones around becoming I brought most of them to their knees.

This party was a flop but I was interested in how Akio kept on making a move on Nori and Nori kept on avoiding or refusing his advances in every possible way.

The hobby I would never understand was why he always like going after alphas.

"Man I'm beat." Akio said as he fell into the chair and panted before grabbing a drink.

"I don't get your obsession with alphas and I didn't peg Nori as your type."

"Oh Nori is no longer an alpha. He is a recessive omega, we kinda had sex a few days ago. My pheromones made the omega gene in his blood active so we're temporary in a friends with benefit relationship." Akio explained before I shrugged my shoulders.

"You're first real relationship in five years. I'm so proud."

"Asshole. Just don't tell anyone, we're keeping it a secret about his gender."

"Are you guys gonna mate?"

"Very unavoidable. We are the perfect definition of opposite attract and the only things we like in common is the hatred of leaving a roof over our head and bad food."

"Point taken." I responded before Akio leaned on the table and faced me.

"So? How are you and Yuki?" He asked before I smiled and then leaned my head on my hand.

"Perfect. We talked and he has forgiven me. I really love him with all my heart and once I've settled things with my lie of a marriage and family then I'll mark him, marry him so that I, Yuki and Takato can live forever." I explained before Akio clapped for me.

"I'm definitely your best man, wish me luck so I can make a baby before I grow old." Akio joke before I shook my head. He was really serious about Nori even if he didn't show it.

The event ended a lot faster than I expected but I was happy that I had to return home with Asami who was a sober compared to all the previous years we did this occasion.

"God I'm so exhausted." She said as she took off her shoes and massaged her ankles before relaxing on the couch.

"Asami we need to talk." I said as I sat opposite her while removing my jacket and tie.


"I want a divorce." I said making her to keep silent before she looked into my eyes.

"What do you mean?" She asked clearly confused before I exhaled and glared into her eyes.

"I want a divorce. I've found my fated pair." I confessed before her expression turned cold.

"So? This makes no difference Haru! We've been married for seven years and then some bond comes and your trying to leave me!"

"Asami we've been married but not in love for seven years. I've been in love with that person for more than seven years. Have you forgotten what I said before I married you? Should I remind you?" I asked before she clenched her fist and stood up.

"Can't you see Haru? I'm in love with you too. I've been in love with you ever since we were kids and when I heard we were getting married, I was overjoyed. That's why I won't have you leave me, I'll never let you go."

"Seven years ago before we got married, I agreed to stay married to you until I found someone I loved. You also agreed and signed the contract with me. I'm sorry Asami but I can't love you back the way you love me."

"Then are you planning to abandon me and your unborn child?" She asked making me speechless. She placed her hand on her stomach before she walked away.

It hadn't been long she came back with an envelope and threw it in my face.

I couldn't open it but I had too. I slowly opened the envelope and pulled out the papers before I started to read it carefully. My eyes froze when I saw the word positive in bold.

Asami was nine weeks pregnant. She was carrying my blood inside her.

I mentally cursed as I held my forehead knowing that this changes everything.

Even if we wanted to divorce, Asami being pregnant will make our parents interfere in ways that were illegal.

"I...I don't know what to say." I said before Asami sat beside me and then held my hand in hers.

"Haru I know this is sudden but this child can bring us together. We can finally be a family and slowly you'll definitely love me back. I promise." She said before she held my face and made me look at her.

"This isn't what I wanted." I said softly before I removed my hands from hers and then stood up.

"I'll take responsibility and be the father for my heir but I'm sorry, I won't be able to ever give you my heart or a perfect family. Goodnight." I said before I walked past her and headed straight to my room in silence.

I closed the door behind me before I started to break everything I could get my hands on. I was so frustrated with everything that I just knew.

I couldn't leave Asami because that was my child growing inside her and I was happy because I could be there from the beginning, something Yuki never had but then just broke my heart.

How could I face him after knowing this?

I promised him that we would be a family but here I was hurting him again like I did years ago.

I picked up my phone and dialed Yuki. After a few minutes of ringing, Yuki picked up.

"Haru? Is anything wrong it's two in the morning?" He asked as tears flowed down my eyes and I smiled.

"I was just lonely so I wanted to hear your voice." I heard a soft laughter that made my heart flutter.

"Stop being so cheesy. If you miss me then you can come over and spend the night here, I don't mind. Takato will be really excited if he hears that."

"I'm sure he will. I love my lil man."

"Is anything wrong?"

"I just told you darling, nothing is wrong."

"I don't why but I don't feel easy. You know that you can always talk to me and I'll listen."

"This is just why I love you so much. So caring and warm, I could just rush over but it's getting late and I'm tired."

"Okay then. Goodnight."

"Goodnight. I love you." I whispered before the line cut and I laid on the bed.

I didn't deserve someone as beautiful, kind and wonderful as Yuki.

I just needed to find out what to do with myself.