Her Idiotic Husband

Her Possessive Lover- End

Nia was lost in her thoughts and then she blurted out

"Do you love me?"

When Eric heard this he chuckled and said

"Do you have any doubt?"

"But I don't know you." Nia quietly said but Eric heard it and said

"My name is Eric Gray . I am the monitor of this class . My father is a business and my mother is a doctor. I am the only son of my family. My favourite color is black and I like to play football and my favourite instrument is Guitar. I like all the food except brocolli.

Is it okay or I should tell you more?"

Till now the whole class was empty.

Nia was gazing at him and then she said

"My name is Nia Jhonson."

"That's it?"


"What about your family?"

"Well I have four real brothers and six cousion brothers. I am the only daughter of my family . My family loves me and they told me that when somebody pecks you on the forehead it means that they love you. You did it to me so I know that you love me."

Eric was both happy and angry at her naividity as he was thinking that what would have happen If somebody else has kissed her on her forehead.

To control his anger he again kissed her on forehead and straightened her and said

"Kitten tell me more about yourself."

"But don't we have a class?"

"No . The teacher is on leave."



" I like dogs and my favourite food is pasta. My color is Purple and I love my family. I like swimming and I play Piano."

"Thats very good kitten."

Nia felt shy and hid her face with her hands. Eric removed her hands and said

"Never hide your face away from me kitten."

Nia meekly nodded and then the both went to cafeteria. The whole cafeterai went silent. All the girls were giving glares to Nia and Eric was getting them from the boys. Nia stepped closer to Eric and Eric held her waist and held her closer to him.

Nia felt warmth from him and Eric made her sit down on the table and turned towards the other students and said

"Nia is mine. If I caught any boy or girl advancing towards her I will kill them. Stay away from her."

With that he sat down and acted as if nothing happened.

From that day Nia and Eric were a couple. Whenever Nia was alone all the girls will bully her. Most of the time Eric was with her.

Nia's family accepted Eric with open arms as his family was friends with her family amd Eric was the friend of her brothers. Eric used to come to her home to study with her . He protected Nia from all the boys and girls. He never let any boy close to her and any girl become her friend because they all were fake and he wanted all of her time with himself. They both used to have sleepovers at each others house. Eric didn't even let her meet his cousins as he thought that they would snatch her away.

One day when Nia was taking her books out of her locker some gang of girls cornered her. Eric was in the washroom. Those girls they started bad mouthing about her.

Nia's eyes was brimming with tears and then she heard Eric's loud voice

"Who made my Kitten cry?"

He ran towards Nia and hugged her . Her face was in his chest he glared at those girls. His eyes were red. Those girls ran away. He held her face in his hands and wiped her tears and said

"Kitten don't take their words seriously. They always spout nonsense and now you're safe . Please don't cry. I am sorry for leaving you."

"No... o . It's not your fault. I am happy see."

She brought a cute smile on her face which stirred Eric's heart. He kissed her and it became their first kiss.

After that day Nia and Eric's bond became even stronger. The girls who ridiculed her were made to leave the school. After highschool they joined the college together. Nia took same subjects as Eric and he was her only friend ,partner and boyfriend outside her family.

At the age of 21 Nia got married to Eric. They became a married couple but one thing didn't change which was Eric's possessiveness and Nia's innocence .