My Wolfy

My wolfy

I was an orphan but i never felt bad about it . I studied hard and became a famous vetnarian. I was very well known in that field.

I took a cottage in the middle of the forest so that i can stay close to the nature and can help wounded animals.

One night i heard some noise near my house so when i opened my door i saw a wounded black wolf whose back was hurt. I brought him to my room and started tending his wounds.

When i was done i saw that the wolfy was asleep. So i slep near him and when i woke up in the morning i saw i was cuddled to the wolfy whose paw was on my back and his snout on my head. The wolfy stayed with me for one week and in that one week i started liking wolfy a lot. I knew it that the thing which i was doing was insane but wolf always took care of him.

So one day when wolfy was laying on the couch i approached him and told him what i feel about him. But i don't know what happened but je left me. I know that he was an animal so he wouldn't suspect a thing but his reaction told me that something was wrong.

After few days a boy came to my house and started to get closer to me. But i ignored him as my heart felt anything for wolfy. But then one day he brought me outside and caged into my wolfy.

I was very happy because i got my wolfy back and now i live a happy life with him.....