The Girl Behind me
My name is Ranjani Jones. I know it sound s weird but my Mam had a thing for Indian names. But don't mind its nice and unique.
I am a manager in a very well renowed restaurant . So I earn very well. I live 10 minutes walk away from the restaurant I work. My parents died in car crash and I have no living member of my family alive. Strange. They all died a weird death. I work from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Right now I am walking back to my home but then I felt somebody following me. Suddenly I got crashed into a deep blue eyed , black haired man. If it was not for his hands holding me I would have fallen down.
I stepped back and apologized to him and started my way back to my house. When I turned back I saw that man looking at me with a smile on his face and there was no sign of my stalker.