meeting her

Liam's p.o.v

I look up as I hear a knock at my office door and it's Booth and I mouth "come in.'' I see someone behind. They walk in and I stand up "Yes booth?" he moves and his daughter smiles "Brennan and I are retiring so you and Emma are taking over my section." my eyes widen and I nod "Yes Sir, when do we start?" he smiles "Today.." he hands me a file and walks out and Emma smiles "So we better get going." She walks out and I follow slowly and everyone stares and claps and the elevator door finally shuts. I stay silent as I look at the file and as the elevator opens Jack and Angela and sweets are waiting and I smile a tiny bit and walk to my charger.

While we drive the car is completely silent and when we get to the crime scene Emma gets out and Hodgins comes up to me and asks "What's wrong?" I don't respond and walk to the body. I hear Emma going all scientific " the humerus is broken in 3 places and the Skull has blunt force trauma indicating that it was either murder or a common accident but the way that the skull is fractured it leans towards murder.." she says not looking at me and I gulp a little leaning down. " Do we know gender or age because if we do, I can go back to my office and look at missing person's reports and find our victim…." she nods and she grabs the skull holding it and I gag in my mouth as she says " Caucasian male around 30 to 35.." I nod sighing as I get a text from Booth " tell Emma she's staying at your house tonight and I don't wanna hear her complain" I look at her " em you're staying with me tonight." She nods, getting up " I need this taken care of at the Jeffersonian." The agents nod and put the body in the van driving off. I sigh " I'm sorry…." she looks at me confused " why?" I sigh more " I don't know, I just feel like I should be sorry" she walks to me and puts her hand on my shoulder and I jump a little and she tears up '' were you abused growing up?" I shake my head getting in the car trying to keep my cool as she gets in. She sighs " Liam you can tell me…." I shake my head once again.

We get to the lab and she walks in but I stay in the car looking at a photo and I hear the passenger side door open and I hear Emma's calm voice " who's in the picture?" I look at her " my brother… we um… grew up together, then after college, he went to the army and I went here… he sends me letters every couple of months but it's still not the same…" She nods understanding and the team comes out and opens the doors and climbs in " guys before you make out.." he teases " we have a murder to solve and a murderer to catch…" I laugh " we're not gonna make out I was just reading something that came in the mail today" they nod leaving and we all get out and I slowly walk in finishing the letter and as I put it in my pocket Maddie comes in and hugs me " daddy" my eyes widen and I feel everyone's eyes on me and I pick her up " hi baby girl why are you here…" she starts crying and I rub her back " mommy doesn't want me…." I tear up and I nod " how bout I call aunt Tracie and she'll pick you up… after daddy gets off work we can go get ice cream or something ok?'' she nods and I hug her tight and I set her down and she holds onto my leg and I rub your head and I pick her up but she gets down and runs to Hodgins and she yells " uncle jack …." I hear her and smile getting back to my office leaning back.

I start to close my eyes Emma jogs in looking at me "I found our victim his name is Alex Anderson he's married with two kids" I nod and go to my office at the FBI headquarters and sweets stop me " are you sure you're ready for this your partner died and you haven't been with a partner in what a year are you positive you're ready?" I say nothing and walk into my office and after I sit down I start reassuring myself that I'll be fine then my door opens " sweets if you want an answer it's a yes.." I hear silence and I look up to see Caroline Julian the state attorney for the FBI " oh hi caroline what's up" I fake a smile " Have you found anything on the case" I nod " the victim's name and that he's married with two kids" I go to continue and she sighs " booth could do better" she leaves and I stand up and I go to sweet's office " you're coming with me to lunch lets go." I walk out of the office waiting for him " ok where are we going?" he says with a sigh. I mumble as a response " the royal diner?"

When we get to the diner booth is sitting at a table and Emma and temperance is also sitting with him and we walk inside as I sit down everyone looks at me weirdly so i get up and go to leave and Emma grabs my hand " sit down Liam" I nod sitting down being silent and the waitress comes up and smiles " what can I get you guys?" Everyone orders and she looks at me smiling "I'll take a coffee and fries aunt Marie" they all look at me stunned and she nods and leaves " that's your aunt?" I nod and we get our drinks and I smile ' thanks" after a while, we get our food and we start eating and I hear my phone go off and I groan " they found a suspect"