Chapter 2- When You're Gone

Charlie had been sitting at the hospital waiting for over 40 minutes. He stood up, running his hands through his hair, eyes closed. Julie was sitting in front of him, her face red and swollen. Charlie got up and went to the hospital chapel, to do exactly what he didn't know. He went in with his hands in his pockets and stopped in front of the altar that had an open Bible, some candles, and a wooden cross. He was so rational at times that he got angry with himself.

- I don't know how to pray, I never prayed - he started talking to himself - If you can, do something - He started crying - I don't know how to ask, shit! I just have her, don't do this to me - He closed his eyes tight, like when he did in his childhood.

He turned back to the waiting room and Julie was still there.

- Who are Eveline Hawkins' relatives? - A nurse asked, and she was carrying a small plastic bag with the belongings that their grandmother used when she was admitted to the hospital.

- We are her grandchildren - Charlie said going towards the nurse, and then he looked confusedly at the bag, which left the woman completely embarrassed to give any news to him and Julie - What is that? - He pointed to the bag - Is it my grandmother's things? - He looked sadly at her.

- Dr. Jones will come and talk to you, okay? Just keep it ... - She was very touched by the expression on his face.

Charlie turned to Julie who started to cry even more. He pulled her into a hug, cuddling her hair.

- Good evening - The doctor came to them - I'm Dr. Jones. What is your name? - The doctor was extremely calm and careful.

- Charles - He replied, already knowing what he would hear. Charlie felt his world crumble at that moment.

-    Charles, your grandmother, came to us with a cardiac arrest. He looked directly at Charlie. His voice was low and respectful - We did all the procedures required to attend to cases like that, including CPR maneuvers and also the use of the defibrillator - He took off his glasses - Unfortunately, she passed away, I'm very sorry. You can see her - The doctor's look was sad

- Where is she?- He asked, his deep voice was choked and tears were streaming down.

- This way - The doctor took him and Julie to the small room where his grandmother was after passing away. Charlie opened the door, going directly to her. She seemed to be asleep, and he ran his hand over her face, that lovely wrinkled face that he loved so much.

- Ah grandma ... - He said, running his fingers fondly over her face – What about our movie?

When Charlie and Julie got home he went to the kitchen and the tv

it was still on and he hung up and went to the room where he took a bottle of whiskey and took a sip, which burned his throat. He sat down heavily in the armchair with the bottle in his hands.

The following days without her were not easy and Charlie was barely seen by Julie at home. He was grieving differently: living as if there was no tomorrow

Charlie was driving fast that night and he had company: Billy, Tom, and three girls they just met at the bar.

-Tell me beautiful, is this a boyfriend I should worry about? - Charlie asked the blonde sitting next to him.

- Would that be a problem if it has? -She asked with a sexy smile.

- Not at all as long as he doesn't have a gun - He looked at his friends and everyone started laughing - I'm all yours tonight - He replied looking at her and touching her thigh.

-The girl's boyfriend arrived and when he opened the bedroom door he saw Charlie and the blonde kissing in a very sexy way.

Charlie pushed her away and walked to the door with an innocent face as if he was doing nothing wrong.

- Where do you think you're going!? - The man was PIST OFF. The veins in his forehead bulged


"I have to go ... See you!" Charlie said leaving quickly, followed by the angry man, but he was faster than he, and Charlie had no intention of being beaten that morning.

At the Selene bar, that same day on his second shift, Charlie lifted the new bartender by the thighs, placing her against the wall and kissing her hard.

- Wow Charlie Hawkins, your fame precedes! - She said breathlessly.

- Did your friends make the recommendation? So please - he whispered in her neck - Give me five stars to make me happier - He laughed maliciously, continuing to kiss her.

Charlie came home after spending the whole night out. He took off his shirt and shoes and went up to the bathroom. He turned on the hot water and let it run all over his body with his eyes closed. He had never felt so alone in his life.