Chapter 6 - Catching feelings

Charlie's good humor made Julie curious. He was humming around the house, he spoke a few times on the phone, he was even making coffee for her.

- Julie, do you think my hair is too long? He asked suddenly, surprising his little sister. Charlie was asking for an opinion

"Well, to be honest, Charlie you could cut those dots," Jessy suggested to him.

Charlie raises his eyebrow without understanding.

- But I go to a barber and ask to remove the "tips"? He asked worriedly.

- No need! If you want I can take it out for you, what do you think? Julie made the offer and Charlie was thoughtful. He leaned against the chair with a funny face that made Julie laugh.

- But is it just a little? I will still have hair, right? - He asked suspiciously - It took me a few years to leave you like this, I'm afraid of you cutting too much - He admitted.

- Are you afraid to cut your hair? - Julie was impressed - Of all the fears in the world, I didn't think that cutting hair was one of your fears, Charlie's

- Let's do it then!

Charlie was sitting in the chair tense, arms crossed, nervously swinging his leg. He bit his lower lip while Jessy was behind him with the scissors.

- Watch out Julie! - He said widening his eyes - Because I went to make this up, man!

- Easy Charlie! It's okay, I haven't even started yet and you're already tense! - She held the brother's shoulders - Stop moving and trust me.

-Julie, you know that my hair is responsible for 90% of my fame with women!

- I know Charlie! I know! - She started to remove the tips. Charlie was covering his eyes with his hands in fear, and Julie wanted to laugh at her brother. When it came to his hair, Charlie was extremely anxious.

- Is it over? - He asked anxiously - Did you take a lot? Let me see Julie! He was shaking his leg nervously.

- Okay Charlie, look! - He ran to the bathroom mirror to check if he still had his hair. It was all right.

- Thank you so much Julie - He thanked his sister - Are you in the mood for marathon horror movies? Charlie asked.

- Yes! Today the two parts of IT will pass the thing! Let's watch? - Julie was excited.

- Pennywise gives me chills Julie - Charlie said - But okay, let's watch - He wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders and went together to the living room, just like when they were little.

Charlie dozed off in the middle of the second movie, while Julie watched glazed. He laid his head on the arm of the sofa and stretched his legs out on Julie's lap, who was holding his brother's legs as if they were a pillow in his lap. She turned to comment and saw it was out. She smiled when she saw her brother so calm, on a normal afternoon with her at home. Grandma Hawkins was just missing to be the perfect setting.

The next day Charlie and Deanna were strolling around the New Jersey market.

- You look like a singer of a rock band, have they told you that? - Deanna observed while eating ice cream.

- Yes, in fact, I already had a band with friends from school - He ate lemon ice cream and she, chocolate.

- Seriously? Played, sang? - She looked overwhelmed.

- Drums - He replied - but that was a long time ago. Have you ever done anything related to music?

- I'm just a good connoisseur! But then does it mean that I am going out with an "almost rockstar"?

- Hahaha, yes, what does it feel like? - He joked.

- I feel in the clouds, my "tattooed muse" - She smiled at him and winked.

- But wait ... I'm seeing a nurse, it's all guys' fantasies! - He said pretending to be surprised.

- My God! It's not Phil! You should text your friends and tell them! They'll be jealous, "she said.

- Sorry - He pointed to his hair - Lucky you are - Hairy guys, no tickets, are rare things! He winked at her.

- You cut? She asked casually.

Charlie then ran a hand through his hair with concern.

- Because? It's too short? - He was truly concerned.

- No, I spoke for speaking. Oh my gosh! Are you afraid to cut your hair? - She said holding her laughter.

- Is not it! - He started to explain himself - Is that my sister cut "the tips" for me, but I was afraid she had cut too much ...

- I see - She looked at him - You didn't say you had a sister.

- I have two. Julie and Allie. I am the middle one. And the most beautiful too! - He joked.

- I don't doubt it! You are beautiful - She told him sincerely and it made Charlie's heart beat fast. She looked at him sometimes and lingered on his striking features. I could look at him for hours without realizing it - I also have two: Pipa and Megan.

"I bet it's the prettiest," he said gallantly, but Deanna took out her cell phone, opened the gallery, and showed the three together. They were extremely similar! "Charlie was surprised by the similarity between them - Okay, I have to admit I wasn't ready for this one! But you are still the most beautiful.

Deanna gave him a tender kiss on the cheek -What do you want to do now, Charlie? She asked, finishing her ice cream.

- What do you think I want to do now? - He asked next to her face, giving her a shiver.

Then Deanna turned to him, stood on tiptoe, and whispered something in Charlie's ear. Now it was he who was shivering. He pulled her off the sidewalk, and they leaned against a wall, out of anyone's way. Charlie leaned over and kissed her urgently, Deanna hugged him tightly, hands buried in her hair, Charlie held her around the waist, and they kissed, on that beautiful winter afternoon in January.

"How lucky I was to crash the car," Charlie whispered to Deanna.

- How lucky I was to go to help you just the "tattooed muse" in danger - She told him fondly, caressing his face.

- I love that nickname, you crazy! And you did save me, you can be sure - Charlie looked her in the eye and Deanna felt time standstill. A delicious wave of indescribable feeling ran through every inch of her body, whenever her eyes met that way.