Chapter 9 - Stay With Me

Charlie parked the car in front of the hospital while waiting for Deanna. He absently looked at his cell phone and decided to check the social networks. On Deanna's social media, there was a comment that caught his eye, just below the last photo she posted: a star tattoo, done to honor her sisters.

"Beautiful and delicate, like the three Ridley sisters"

The comment was made by a 'dr.nick_hutchinson' and Charlie went to check the profile of the 'enthusiast' of the Ridley sisters.

Deanna followed him back - Great - Charlie thought and started to scroll down Nicks's timeline.

Charlie looks at the photos and saw the man hugging Deanna's pet, Adam. It was him. Charlie was jealous - it was her ex-fiance. One more look, and the first post, in 2015, was just a photo of him hugging Deanna, on December 31st. In the news year eve! Charles looked at his watch. Deanna was fifteen minutes late. He decided to get out of the car, and go after her at the hospital when he saw her leaving talking animatedly with… Nick! Anger washed over Charlie, who walked over to Deanna with his eyes fixed on Nick.

-Charlie! - Deanna smiled at her boyfriend, but her smile soon faded at the furious look he gave her.

-Sorry for the wait but I ended up finding Nick… Nick this is Charlie…

-I'm Deanna's boyfriend, "Charlie interrupted, looking at Nick sarcastically.

-Nice to meet you, Charlie, I'm Nick - He held out his hand to Charlie, who did not shake his hand. Deanna looked shocked at her boyfriend's lack of warmth.

-Nick, see you later, okay? I'm very happy to have you with us, while Paul will be on vacation - She smiled at Nick and they hugged friendly and Charlie lost his patience with that, turned his back, and followed angrily to the car.

Charlie and Deanna were on their way from Ocean City, on the coast, for a weekend alone, which now would certainly be torture, given Charlie's resentment.

- Fifteen minutes late for chatting with your ex - Charlie shouted while driving - Neither a message nor a warning! Thank you, Deanna! -He looked at her angrily.

- Charlie, I didn't mean it! And how do you know that Nick is my ex? - Deanna raised an eyebrow in curiosity, looking at her boyfriend.

- You kept me waiting, you went out laughing with your ex, hugged him in front of me, and now I'm the evildoer?

-This is ridiculous, Charles! You're saying nonsense for being jealous!

- If I went out talking animatedly and hugging all my ex-girlfriends, you would be crazy! - He teased her.

-What do you mean? - Deanna stares at Charlie, angrily - Ah ... was that a provocation? Great! You were a womanizer! How many ex-girlfriends? Tell me! - She has lost her temper now.

-Half of New Jersey, and yet I'm not hugging any of them -Charlie replied to her.

- But if you could, you would, wouldn't you? - Her eyes were watery - Just to hurt me - Deanna said in a whisper, and opened the car door, going down to pass the curb.

- Deanna, wait! - Charlie went after her, turning her to him - I was nervous ...

-You're an idiot! - she shouted - a jealous idiot, that's what you are!

Ocean City Nature Reserve Hotel.

The receptionist was smiling at the counter when Charlie and Deanna entered. But they looked so angry that she was frightened.

- Booking on whose behalf? She asked them.

- Charlie Hawkins - He looked at Deanna - I better say before you forget - He turned to check-in and Deanna was tense.

- Enjoy! - the receptionist said, handing the keys to them.

It will be a lovely trip! - Deanna said sarcastically.

Really! Taking a 2-hour hike tomorrow without talking to you will be fantastic! - Charlie replied as sarcastically as Deanna.

They each sat on the end of the bed. Charlie got up angrily.

"I sleep on the couch," he said, taking the pillow and placing it under his arm.

- Wow! How much space just for me! - Deanna threw herself in the middle of the bed, kicking her legs - Bye Charlie, good night - She said, hugging the pillows and closing her eyes. Charlie sighed and went back to bed. He lay down in front of her, removing the pillows between them.

Sorry, Dee - He said with his face near to hers- I was jealous.

- Apologies accept. But Charlie, don't do this anymore ok? You hurt my feelings.

- Ok Dee - He said, pulling her into a hug - I love you so much ... I never meant to hurt you, but I did, and I can't apologize enough for that.

- I love you too Charlie, more than you can imagine - She touched his lips softly and kissed him.

Charlie pulled Deanna and they were soon kissing and eager for each other.

You turn me on too much Dee ... he whispered in her ear.

Charlie grabbed her, and they started to kiss each other hard. They had forgotten the fight they had fought a few hours before, now that they were in each other's arms.

Deanna opened her eyes that morning and turned to look at Charlie, who was still sleeping. He was breathing deeply, he was face down and his hair was a mess. Deanna lovingly started to line it with her fingers. Charlie frowned a little, but soon he was serene, asleep. She continued to touch his hair affectionately and he opened his eyes and stared at her in silence.

Good morning my love - Deanna told him, hugging him

-Did you know that you are beautiful?- He closed his eyes again, settling on the pillow again.

- You barely woke up and you're already telling me that I'm beautiful? I think I have an enthusiastic fan here - she teased Charlie.

- I don't need to stay awake to know that you are beautiful - He opened just one eye now.

- I love you, Charlie Arthur Hawkins.

- I know - he murmured, laughing - before you say I'm being rude, I need to say that I love you too - He lifted his head now and smiled at her.

- How can anyone wake up so beautiful? - Deanna pretended to be indignant and hugged him tightly, kissing him repeatedly.

- What are we doing today? - Charlie looked at her suggestively - You already made me very "excited" now ...

- Are we going to do a day spa! What do you think? - She asked excitedly, ending the mood of pre-morning sex and he looked at her suspiciously - Massage, skin cleaning, sauna, and hair. We will?- Deanna was very excited and Charlie didn't want to spoil the moment.

- Ok, Dee - he sighed and she smiled triumphantly.

- I'll make up for it later, okay? - Deanna whispered in Charlie's ear, making him shiver.

I'll think about this 'reward' all day ... - he pulled and kissed her - I'm looking forward to our day.

Charlie was lying and relaxing on the massage table, covered with towels and with a "relaxing mask" for his face, which was offered by the therapist. Deanna started taking pictures in silence, holding back laughter.

- Are you liking Charlie?- Dee asked, pointing the phone at her boyfriend's face.

- "It's not ... it's not bad" Charlie replied.

The therapist took out a cotton swab to put in her eyes that interrupted her - Wait, what is this that you are putting on my face?

- It's just cotton with warm water, Mr. Hawkins - The woman was friendly and VERY patient because Charlie asked ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about what she was going to put on his face and wanted to make sure that his skin would not be stained. Deanna had fun with that side of him.

- Dee? - He called her affectionately, with his eyes covered.

- Yes, Charlie? - She continued filming him, looking at the therapist who smiled at her.

- You're not filming this, are you? He asked suspiciously.

- No, Charles, rest assured - Deanna sent the photo to Julie - I would never do that.

- I don't believe you, Dee! Give me that phone! - he reached out, unsuccessfully, and almost fell to the ground - Deanna Ridley ... if you sent this to my sister... I will hunt you! - He jokes, and Dee pretends to be scared of him.

- Oh no, please Charles Arthur, spare my life! - She got up from her table massage and went to him, holding his hand - Thank you for doing this for me, babe. It means a lot.

- Everything to keep my girlfriend happy - He smiled at her - And because I love to spend my time with you.

Charlie didn't want those days to be over, and neither did Deanna.

Back to New Jersey

Later that night an e-mail notification left Deanna tense. She turned to look at Charlie, who had fallen asleep. Deanna stared into the darkness for answers. She had applied for a job at a hospital in New York, months ago. The would-be triple New Jersey's salary. It was also her favorite city. Deanna always dreamed of living there. But looking at Charlie, causing her pain and fear of losing him.

When Deanna told Charlie about the job, he didn't respond well. He left her in the hospital and didn't speak to her anymore. But he spent the whole day thinking about it and needed to talk to her. So he decided to pick her up, without warning, because she won't answer as well as his.

- Good afternoon - He arrived at the reception - I came to get a Deanna, do you know where she is?

"She's in the hospital cafeteria with Dr. Hutchinson," said a friendly nurse.

- Dr. Hutchinson? - Charlie is taken confused with the doctor's surname.

- Dr. Nick Hutchinson - She corrected herself, but when she saw his expression, she regretted it.

"Thank you" Charlie followed angrily to the hospital cafe.

- Do you know how to get there? - The nurse even tried to see if he stopped.

- Yes, I know the way! - He replied, moving on.

Charlie looked around the cafeteria and soon spotted Deanna sitting with Nick at a table, drinking coffee. Charlie approached looking directly at Deanna.

- Hi Deanna. Is that why you didn't take my calls? - He pointed to Nick. Charlie lost his temper.

- Charlie - Deanna used her fingers to massage her temples - Please don't make a scene here - She looked at him, pleading.

- I'll let you talk... We talk later Dee. See you around - Nick said leaving, but Charlie held him, surprising both of them, Nick and Deanna.

- It's DEANNA for you! - Charlie said annoyed, squeezing Nick's arm.

- Charlie let him go! - Dee pulled Charlie's arm - Stop it! - She looks at him angrily.

"Good luck at NY Dee," Nick said, pulling his arm off and stare at Charlie for a while. Charlie was about to punch him when Deanna grabbed his fists.

- Stop that and look at me, Charles! - He turned to her, angrily.

- So you were talking about New York with Dr. Perfect?- Charlie looked hurt, but Dee held his hand tightly.

- Calm down my love - She said, touching his face with affection - Let's talk? - Her eyes were watery.

- Don't ask me to 'calm down ' Deanna! Come on! that's the second time you let me waiting because you rather spend your precious time with your ex! Now, what is your excuse for this?

- I don't have this conversation with you now. not here, not again! - She grabbed her purse and left the cafeteria, being followed by Charlie.

- Oh, you don't have but I want! - He holds her by the arm - I'm sick of it! We are done here, Deanna.

- Great! Let's break up! But listen, Charles: There's no comeback once you made your decision! - She started to cry - I thought you were different, but I was wrong.

- Listen, Dee. I'm sorry, but I'm fucking scared of losing you - Charlie sighed - I can't handle this Deanna, I can't! If you want to break up, let's do this. - He started to cry - I'll live you alone - He turns his back to the way of his car, but Deanna holds his arm.

- Charlie, I'm also scared! But I can not understand why you choose to spend your time arguing with me, being jealous of Nick. Charlie, I love You! Not him! I'm in love with you, and even distance couldn't change that. - She pulls her arms around his neck and they kissed.

- How do I live without you, Dee? - He asked, with his sad eyes and Deanna started to cry, silently.

Charlie entered the airport hand in hand with Deanna, in silence. She looked at him, but Charlie avoided looking at her.

"I'm going to miss you so much," she said, as a tear rolled down the corner of her eye.

- Me too- Charlie was dejected, in his face, I could see how discouraged he was. He looked sadly at Deanna.

- Are you going to visit me? - Deanna was unsure. He knew that things were not clear between them.

- Dee I love you, but from now, we go to separate ways. - Charlie took a deep breath - I don't know how to do this.

- Charlie ... - Deanna couldn't speak, she just cried. She hugged him tightly, eyes closed. Charlie's heart was beating fast. She loved to feel his heartbeat. She thought about not going to New York.

Deanna walked away from Charlie, who was also crying - I love you, Charlie Arthur ...

She headed for the gate, while Charlie watched her on the other end of the line.

- I love you too Dee! - he shouted at her, who turned to look at him - I love you, Deanna! - He was already missing her. Deanna did not answer, she entered the gate without looking back.

Three months later

Charlie was thoughtful that night, when Julie entered euphoric, for having talked with Deanna. Julie was uncomfortable with Charlie's silence about Deanna. So she decided to call and ended up discovering something fantastic.

- Charlie! - Julie was colorless - You need to hear me! She was pointing her index finger at him.

- What was Julie? He rolled his eyes irritably, dropping his phone on the bed impatiently.

- I bought a ticket for you to go to see Deanna in New York! Excuse! She doesn't know it either, but I'll explain it to you! How long have you been talking to her?

- CALM DOWN Julie! - He asked - Why did you buy the ticket without talking to me? - he looked angry.

- Because you are my brother and I can't stand seeing you downcast and lonely anymore, thinking you could be with Deanna! - Julie shouted now, just like Charlie used to do. He was surprised - Why aren't you talking to her !?

- I thought it best to block Dee in everything: social networks, email, and phone because I was suffering a lot! We haven't spoken in about three months. Why do you want to know?

- Charlie, you asshole! - Julie looked outraged - I don't believe it! - She put her hands on her head - You have no idea what you did. She's pregnant Charlie! - Julie sat on his bed.

- Charlie, she must have found out a little while ago and tried to tell you! I'm glad I bought the ticket! - Julie started to open his wardrobe, looking for a suitcase - Charlie !? - Julie gave him an impatient look and Charlie promptly obeyed her and taking the suitcase from the highest point of the closet.

Deanna was preparing her afternoon tea when the doorbell rang. Adam meowed with mischief, and she went to see who was at the door and to her surprise, it was Charles.

- Is this where you ordered a tattooed bartender? - He had been an idiot but Deanna opened that sweet and beloved smile for him. How he had missed that smile, those eyes ...

- Did he come with an apology?- She asked, a little more seriously, crossing her arms and looking at him.

- And an asshole certificate - Charlie laughed, pulling her into a hug that took three months of silence to happen. He touched Deanna's belly affectionately, his eyes are watered and his voice barely came out.

- Do you already know the sex? - He asked excited and curious.

- Yes. You will pay all your sins! -Deanna sneered at him, raising an eyebrow and Charlie swallowed.

- It's a girl!? - Charlie's eyes widened and Deanna confirmed - Oh my God, how awesome! - He said - A girl? And have you chosen the name, Dee !?- He looked at her tenderly, his face close to hers.

- Eve - Deanna said and it hit Charlie - In honor of Grandma Hawkins - She said emotionally. The two hugged and kissed passionately.

- How can I repay these months away, Dee? he asked looking into her eyes, still holding her.

- Come to live with me, are numerous bars in NY. Make me happy - she smiled - Don't disappear again like you are nothing to me, you mean everything, Charles.

- Dee ... - he was crying now - Please forgive me. I will never be away from you or our daughter again, you two are everything to me. And I'm here to stay, starting today!

- Who invited you? - Deanna teased Charlie, who laughed relieved at her joke.

- "Aunt" Julie, who else !? - a beautiful smile on her face - She who bought the tickets and made our reunion happen, Dee.

- "Aunt Julie" can do anything! - Deanna said, touching her belly, where Eva was protected and involved in love. Charlie also touched Deanna's stomach fondly, eager to meet his little princess Eve.

A year later, at the Hawkins family Christmas in New Jersey.

Julie was finishing to dress up to receive Charlie, Dee, and Eve. Jimmy appeared at the bedroom door, worried.

- What's wrong with you, Jimmy? - Julie turned to him, already knowing the reason for his concern: Charlie.

- Julie, he doesn't like me too much... I accused him of being a womanizer in the past... I don't know if he would like to have me with your family tonight.

- Jimmy, Charlie is not evil or that demon you are imagining! - she put her arms around his neck - Just show him what you show me every day: that you love and respect me. That's enough to gain Charlie's trust - Julie smiled and gave Jimmy a tender kiss.

The doorbell rang and Jimmy took a deep breath trying to turn and hide.

- I love you Julie, but I will hide there until he leaves, why ruin the night? - Jimmy tried to go to the bathroom, but Julie pulled him by the collar of his shirt.

- No sir! Don't be a coward Jimmy! - She took him by the hand and they went down the stairs.

Julie opened the door and saw her brother's beautiful family.

"Hi Julie," Charlie said, with little Eve in his arms. She was a perfect copy of Charlie, with Deanna's green eyes.

- Rogers? - Charlie looked at Jimmy, curious, looking at Julie and looking for an explanation.

- Hi Charlie, sorry, Charles, I ... - Jimmy started to fumble with the words.

- I always knew you liked my sister. It's good to have you with us, Jimmy.

Before dinner started, the doorbell rang. Julie went to open it and it was Allie and her mother. She looked at Charlie, stunned, not understanding.

- I called her, Julie - he said and Julie didn't believe he had done that! She was touched by her brother's gesture.

"Hi mom," he said, and Eve turned to look at her grandmother. Martha looked delighted with little Eva and touched her delicate round face. She looked at Charlie.

- Hi son - she said emotionally, analyzing her son, already an adult. Even after what she did, he managed to overcome the difficulties and became a much better man than she had dreamed of.

- Hi Angie - He smiled at his older sister and hugged her tightly.

- Hi ugly! - Allie closed her eyes - I missed you so much - Allie's voice was drowned out by tears. Charlie kissed her forehead fondly.

-I missed you too, Allie.

"Hi," Eve said her aunt, who smiled in surprise and gaped at Charlie and Deanna. Allie held out her arms and Eve fell into her lap, laughing. Charlie closed the door and looked at his family. Deanna hugged him and he looked at her with eyes full of love.

- You saved my life, Dee, You know that?

- Charles? - She asked, squeezing his hand tightly.

- Yes? - He stared at her with his beautiful pair of blue eyes.

- Stay with me - Deanna smiled at him. She said that when she helped him in the car accident. And he remembered.

- I'm not going anywhere, Deanna Ridley - Charlie hugged his wife tightly. He wasn't lonely anymore.