
His first combat in this game gained him some insight. He is a noob when it comes to virtual combats knowledge but with his first battle, he has now vague information on how the combats mechanism works.

First, it seems likely the game has many battle effects of different combats process. Most likely of how you'll do your attacks.

When he strikes the goblin with the blunt side of his short sword, it resulted in stun effects. He has a theoretical idea of how this result occurs.

His damage is about 7 plus 14 for his sword attributes, it'll add to 21 damage.

If he successfully landed his sharp sword on the goblin body the damage would be around 21- or less. He doesn't know if there's a bleeding effect in this game but that attack would probably result in deep wounds.

But as the event sequence happened, he misses and only hits the blunt side of his sword; which resulted in stun effects.

So if he's right, his damage maybe manages to break the goblins' defense.

So if it some ups his finding, his 21 damage bypass the goblins defense and resulted only in 12- damage. Needless to say, if he hit the mobs with hard objects and broke its defense, it'll result in stun, and if the sharp objects, it'll result in pure damage which maybe results in a bleed effect or something.

However, that doesn't mean he's right. What about higher mobs? Will it result in the same outcomes? Can they be affected by stun? Or are they immune to it?

He has no idea, but for now, he had combat experience that he can exploit to other pro players. He's only a noob, so his result is not bad for someone learning. Not those players who are swinging and thrusting their swords everywhere. Also...

Forget about the bleeding effects, I almost forget about the battle between the players and goblins earlier, wounds in this game does not follow the logical way, instead of the HP bar. He thought.

He almost forgets about that because of the result of his battle.

The battle between the players and goblins earlier gains him some more insight. The wounds in this game will immediately be healed as though no cut happened, instead, the HP bar will be the one affected.

Although the damage is pretty similar to the typical MMORPG; but if you look closely and learn, it actually has a big gap with each other.

His Crit damage earlier on the goblin head is the evidence. Crit damage is not purely based on luck like any other game, it has also had mechanics to it in this game. In short, if he attacks a vital spot of players or mobs, it is guaranteed Crits no matter what.

It's only a theory for now. He still needs to test if it's true because the goblin defense, after all, is too low to be the subject of his experiment. It is still too early to assume if anyone can die immediately after being slashed in the head.

If he will base this game between logical and not-logical, he will say between. Not-Logical because of the HP bar and Logical because of possible insta-death if your head has been slash-off.

And for the next information, he had, the game has no hit-box. And he's sure about it after he watches the battle between the parties and goblins.

Yulsa followed the trail towards the village. He can't see any mobs as he was walking, the players must've wiped the entire area for Exp.

"Ah, that's right, I have a loot." He remembers the goblin loot earlier.

He took it out and see its stats.

Bone Necklace (Uncommon)

Attributes: Str. +4

"Hmmm... Weak" He mumbles. "Well, loot is a loot."

He wears the necklace and his damage went from 21 to 50! Plus the attributes in his first title "Solo Battle In First Combat"

"Wait... Does that mean I can two-hits the tank if I landed a clean hit? It is possible."

Forget about slashing someone head-off, this is the real deal!!

Tanks only have a 105hp in the description of the game, so landing two clean hits on the tank is very plausible to them to die!

"Hahaha!" He laughs, "I'm OP!!"

He was in his own narcissistic world as he walking and arrived at the village. He didn't idle to appreciate the village's cozy atmosphere he quickly searches the marksman instructor. The other players must already be doing their first quest and he'd lagging behind as of the moment.

The Markman instructor place is on the hunter house where many animal hides are in open for the other to see.

"Hello, Instructor Ryan. I would like to be a marksman." Yulsa openly said to the NPC with the name Ryan on his head beside his affiliation and level.

"Good lad!" Ryan broadly smiles, "Youngster this day doesn't appreciate being a marksman, so I was happy that you wanted to learn the way of the bow!! Haha!" He laughs.

"Amazing... This is so surreal." Yulsa said in amazement.

This is Yulsa first virtual experience so he can't help but be amazed at how well natural the NPC personality and movement.

He doesn't know-how NPC works on the other Virtual Game, but one thing he was sure of, this is amazing!!

The forums surely are not lying for claiming this game for being realistic! He thought.

"Did you say something, boy?"

"No, no." Yulsa quickly denied his question. "I'm at your utmost care to learn the bow, instructor Ryan."

"Good laddy'! I like your attitude!!" He patted Yulsa's back with a force behind his hand which almost caused him to lunge forward into the ground.

"Now! Learning something always started on the basics, so why don't you go to the training fields and practice some shooting?"

[Ryan wanted you to practice the "Way of the Bow" Do you want to accept it? Yes/No]

"Yes, instructor Ryan!"

["Way of the Bow" has been accepted!]

Objective: Hit the training dummy 100x out of 300 arrows

Reward: Basic bow, quiver, and arrows

Experience points: 200Exp

"Good. Now, take this and start off immediately! Don't slack off my new student!!"


Yulsa took the bow, quivers, and the arrow on Ryan and immediately run towards the village training ground.

Yulsa saw that non-player are the only ones practicing in the training ground. He takes the spot on the corner and starts loosening his bowstring towards the training dummy.

The process of his training repeated all over again. When he has no arrow to fire anymore, he will collect it and start again until he finishes his milestone of 100 out of 300 arrows.

His record is 127 out of 300 arrows that he had shot. And he's not gonna lie, he actually learns how to fire a bow proficiently. The practice took him for almost two hours which exhausted him to the core.

Collecting the arrows once again he came back running towards instructor Ryan to start his actual quest.