
After he logged off, it was already nighttime.

"Damn. I've never noticed the time." He muttered looking over the clock beside his bed.

Putting on his slippers he descends the narrow staircase. The place is already dark. It seems his mother and siblings already in bed sleeping.

"It seems likely that I had wasted my time in my bow training, I was sure that everyone is already ahead of me in level by 2 to 4. I should pick up the pace tomorrow!"

For his information, time in the actual world and the game is synchronized, which probably sounds bad for the other player who has jobs to prioritize with.

Fortunately, for the god's work, the developer's technologies achieve what others could not. They achieve what they call "Life between"

You can sleep while playing! An awesome piece of creation they'd have to achieve for the players. So there are no doubts that not only the teenager who's playing this game, adult and old too, probably.

Remembering this, Yulsa couldn't help but grimace, "My poor - poor sleep... I should probably leveling-up now instead of eating here. Sigh..." As he was chewing some jelly beans.

He decided to not eat for now and should head inside his bed and sleep.

"Ah, yeah, I almost forgot the graduation ceremony tomorrow."

It seems his death inside the game is fated somehow.

Entering his room, he tucked himself and entered the dream world full of 2D characters.

The morning came as the sunlight pierces through his cave.

His eyes flickered and he groggily sits up and yawned while stretching his bones. Subconsciously, he took his phone under his pillow and browse the internet news headline.

He taps the gaming news tab and checks what happened in the community on the first day of the game.


"Hey, can anyone tell me where I can find this guy?"

"Looking for clan members!"

"Hotdog & Cheesedog"

"Who's the strongest right now?"

There was a different variety of new, most likely came from every influential person. He ignored it and tap the "Dragon Online" website.

"Level Rankings!"

"Game Developers Tips"

"Description and Introduction."

"Fake News! Don't indulge the scummers!"

"Don't be a Noobs! 101"

The "Dragon Online" communication stuff updated the forums and added the rankings. He tapped the tabs.

Rank 1. Paga Lv. 6

Rank 2: Ken Bryan Lv. 6

Rank 3: Ashley Queens Lv 6

Rank 4: godslayer31 Lv. 6

Rank 5: Snowstorm Lv. 5

Rank 6: Dark Child Lv. 5

Rank 7: Payong Lee Lv. 5

Rank 8: Yanzu Lv. 5

Rank 9: 3103 Lv. 5

Rank 10: Assbane Lv. 5

Every person in the catalog is influential. Like Ashley Queens, she is the daughter of the current president of this continent, or what they called "Monarchs People Federation" which first base in the name "Gen Continent" before the world government has been constructed.

Or Paga, Paga Rhone who is a Dukes of Region P to the south.

All of them till's to the 100 rankers and beyond 2,000th at least.

His account is linked to the forums so he just taps his name on the bottom and saw his ranking.

Rank 267,988: Yulsa Lv. 2


What crap this is... He thought.

If you are wondering why only 200,000+ people are playing it was due to the reasoned that many can't afford the game. There's two reasoned.

First, yes, they're poor.

Second, because influential clans are still not recruiting as in the meantime.

The latter is the most important part of this. Clans or Guild inside the game will recruit members of their Guild with the agreement of both parties.

To secure that all of the members they would recruit won't backstab them by not following orders and betraying, misinformation, and lack of participation towards them they need to sign a contract in the real world. A pretty clever tactic that the Guild can use.

Also, there are no allowances or pays for the members, except when they'd contributed items in the guild and information.

They must be dreaming if there's a pay-check. The Guild is generous enough already by giving them the precious virtual helmet in the first place!

As of the moment of the initial start of the game, only those who have the privilege to buy the virtual helmet are the currently in the game for now.

Grinding levels till' they hit 20 to 25 levels maybe before recruiting. When that happens, an influx of players would rise ridiculously.

Plus, the recruiters wouldn't be on the hassle of racing with each other on the sea of the people inside the village, they most likely will be in the much larger city when they hit 20 or 25.

Browsing for another hour, Yulsa decided to descend towards the kitchen when its already 7 o'clock in the morning. He has still time before the graduation celebration.