Goblin Cave (4)


Yulsa whispered under his breath.

Out of many scenes, he could think of, there's nothing like this! None at all!!

Even in the wildest - logical dungeons RPG's, a scene like this is was non-existent!

[Bone Mage Hobgoblin Lv. 13]

Health: 550

The hobgoblin health wasn't that astonishing, but-

Damage: 97

"Shit!" All he could say.

The trio couldn't help but become pale slightly.

This guy can probably one-shot them in one basic-attack! Even their Tank Handsome is inevitable to die if it Crits!! Death is inevitable!!!

"What do we do, brother? Should we all in and take the risk or exit the dungeon and raid again in easy mode?"

Handsome ask and suggest, feeling guilty inside for being reckless.

Before Yulsa can reply, IHealYou who is silent in the entire time, yank the two heads against the hard-ground below, pummeling their face on it.


She shushes the two while riding them underneath with her slim body as she lunges her body towards them.

Because the Boss was looking intently at the entrance! To their location!!

After about 10-seconds, it shifts its head back to its minions and continues to drink after scanning it was naught to be worried about.

The two who was being engraved their face into the hard ground have a different reaction.

Handsome was quiet as though he immediately get what her action was, an experience one.

While Yulsa was flushing in red. This is the first time a girl became assertive towards him, so he couldn't help but have a normal reaction.

Do I unclothe now? No! There's no mutual feeling between us, we only met a few hours ago. I should dump her-No! I can't break a maiden heart!

His wild thoughts gone wilder.

"Are we clear?" Handsome ask in a hushed tone.

"...Yes, I think..." The latter reply.

That's when Yulsa thought shattered.

IHealYou releases the two and switched her mattress with a hard ground beside the two.

"I suggest, that we should not make a hasty movement, that Boss awareness is a sharp one." Said IHealYou.

The two nodded and wipe their face free to dirt.

"So, what about now, brother Yulsa?"

"...Wait, this is so hard..."

Yulsa put his hand below his jaw and contemplate. The two give him some time and stay silent.

As far as they know, Yulsa was a genius when it comes to strategy, as they already saw it in their own eyes. His wits alone made them here as far as they know!

Think hard Yulsa!! He thought.

What can we do against this abomination Boss!? There's must be a way out of this!! Think!!!

Yulsa racked his brain and wisdom, but all of the plans he could think of; it'll all be paused and rethink again due to the ridiculous damage of the Boss.

Should I send Handsome to the boss? No, that's suicide!

Do I maybe kite the Boss out of the boss room and let the two clean the minions before confronting the Boss? That's impossible too! Handsome damage couldn't accomplish that feat.

Think hard, Yulsa!! You gotta' think harder than you'd ever been!!!

If Yulsa brain wasn't that fortified by his experience when it comes to these games of puzzles and challenges, he shouldn't have been past out right now due to his brain malfunctioning.

"I got i-!"


Out of nowhere, he suddenly shouted, he'd finally have a foolproof plan to defeat the boss!!

But Handsome and IHealYou immediately shut his mouth because of his outburst, gaining another look at their location by the Boss.

The two looked at him with an irked expression, pinning him down on the hard-ground.

"Sorry, sorry"

Yulsa smiled wryly.

"So, did you have any?"

Handsome ask while getting off on his body. But oddly enough, IHealYou didn't get off of him and stayed where she was, looking at him seriously.

Another flush appeared on his face.

"W-what's wrong? Is there something on my face?"

"No, I just making sure you wouldn't shout again..."


Is she into me...? He thought.

I should tape his mouth and immediately retreat to the safest place to discuss his plan. Yep, a good plan. IHealYou thought.

His imagination is once again gone wild while the latter has the opposite reaction different on him.

"So this is the idea I have." Yulsa started after sitting.

After about a good 10 minutes, the two have an ecstasy look on their face.

"As expecte-!"


Before Handsome could praise Yulsa wits, IHealYou yanks his head and shove it to the ground.

Yulsa could only smile weakly seeing that.

That must be hurt a lot. He thought.

The trio retreated towards the very beginning of the dungeons, and Yulsa retrieved the torch beside the entrance.

Yep, That's right! He'll burn 'em all alive!!

Yulsa guessed that the wine their drinking was higher than 50% tolerance, which means, it is a flammable drink!

After retrieving the torch, Yulsa once again runs towards the boss room to light them' up, whilst his party waits on the entrance to get ready for what's coming.

There was a small detail Yulsa notice while there were inside this dungeon, the "Air".

The air current in this dungeon came towards the boss room traveling to the entrance. It must be because to give vibes that this dungeon is eerie and impossible to clear.

For other players, this kind of atmosphere was normal, but for Yulsa who has many experiences in RPG, it is not!

Torch, air current, and wine, if you look closely, there's no coincidence in this pattern, it is intentional by the game developers!

Actually, this one is pretty easy for Yulsa compared to 2D games. Because in 2D, you can only read the dialogue to take hints, but in this game, he can feel it all!!

Now that it was getting off on the topic, let's tackle the pros and cons of this strategy.

If Yulsa burns them inside the boss room, it was inevitable that all of the minions will die due to the fire, but that wasn't the case for the Boss.

He must likely escape the throne room and extinguish the fire on his body in many ways.

If that happened, that's where the air current will take effect!

Hobgoblins are living creatures too, and all living creature needs air to live, but with that cloud of burning flesh and toxic air, he needs to escape away from that place.

And where is the air current heading...?

That's right! At the entrance!!

This is where the cons of the plan kick in, and it might've been their downfall!

The Boss damage is ridiculous, to the point that any attack it cast at them, they most likely die instantly!

Thankfully, there's was many rocks formation in the entrance, they could use it to delay the Boss retreat for the air, while the damage of suffocation inflicts him to death, hence he left the two at the entrance to be prepare.

Just a few renovations of rocks in the entrance, he trusts with Handsome, success is within their grasp.

The only thing they need to do is to hold on for their air as long as possible after the Boss died on suffocation.

Of course, the air current will affect them too, fortunately, they have an advantage because their position is at the end of the dungeon, where air probably much cleaner than the end of the dungeon.

This situation is the survival of the fittest!

Will the Boss die due to the suffocation? Or it can hold-on towards the entrance and fight with them at its last breath?

Running alone, Yulsa prayed that they'll triumphantly succeed and end this goddamn dungeon once and for all!!