ch 3. feelings

the first week was over in a blink of an eye. for jimin it was a confusing time. if they werent alone, suga was .... a very dangerous man, in fact, jimin got the chills everytime, when he heard THAT voice or saw THAT face, the stern, scary facial expression. and there was the sweet, gentle, soft suga....yoongi, the one who liked cuddles, kisses, never let go when he slept. it was very confusing, moreso as jimin started to encounter warm and fuzzy feelings for him. he never had this emotions for any guy! why now....because he was bound to him with that contract?! yeah.... just thats why. no other reason whatsoever.

still jimin was uneasy. and he tried to find loopholes in that contract. poor poor suga. he really hadnt it easy with him. suga felt excited. jimin was the first that wasnt so easy to get.


kook hummed and waited to get his change back, sniffed on the flowers and smiled widely. he was on his way to the uni. he fastly did his work, changed into normal clothes and switched his phone on plane mode. he didnt want any disturbance.

kook saw him. his target was standing right next to jimin. they laughed. kook came up to them and waved. jimin noticed taes glow up and tilted his head. "hey...jungkook...what are u doing here?! if suga sent u...." "keep your horses calm, princess. i am not here for u" he even didnt looked at jimin, his eyes were fixed on taes. jimin looked more confused. "okay?" tae smiled from one ear to the other, had to sneeze, when flowers were shoved into his face. "oh thank u.... i like them! where are we going?" "u are going with HIM? whats with me? we still have classes" tae didnt look at the whining friend, just waved him off. jimin puffed his cheeks up and looked pissed. he watched them walk away. what the hell!


the door wasnt even closed shut and they jumped each other. clothes were ripped off, no thoughts of not destroying them. they looked like two lions almost devouring each other. since they did it on the car hood, kook came reguarly to taes apartment. they couldnt left their hands to themself. kook had a plan for this time. he wanted to take taes virginity. he wanted to be his first.

tae was a bit taken aback. "u want what?" "to be your first" tae looked a bit uneasy. "but...i never ... u know" "i know. thats why i wanna do it. i want it to make it great for u" "oh ....thank u?" "good, u are on board. let us start" "uhm...."

kook teased tae for a good while. his tongue was deep up in taes ass. he made tae crazy, cramping with pleasure, taes body curved and shivered. he never felt like this. if just the tongue made him like this, how great would be kooks dick?!

"i think u are ready" kook sighed satisfied, wiped his drool wet mouth and stable his hard dick with a hand. slowly he shoved into taes hole, pressed his lips into a thin line. he had to focus, or he would come right on the spot.

tae felt incredible. kook did things to him, he never thought would be possible. exhausted and at the same time very satisfied, tae layed there in his sweat and whatnot and tried to get needed air back into his system. he looked at kook, who just looked back at him and smiled. "how did u like it?" "so this is how u feel, when i fuck u...." kook laughed.


suga was in a bad mood. jimin could almost smell it. he sighed, rolled his eyes and prepared himself. silentley he got himself something to eat from the kitchen, waterbottle too and put it infront of the furious male on the dinner table. suga didnt even looked up from his papers. he called someone, spoke very rudely with them, almost slammed the poor phone on the table. jimin shook his head and sat next to him, finally got his attention. "eat something" suga looked with a raised brow. "are u my wifey now?" " if. did u eat today?" suga shook his head. "see. eat" he pushed the plate further to him. without any other words, suga started to eat. jimin smiled a bit and stood up. "where u going?" "pool" "stay here?" "but u are working" "dont u have anything to study?" "i wanted to do it later" "do it now, we can take a swim later" "okay" jimin sighed and got his books out. "what is it about?" "french revolution, its main persons, economic reasons and the whole period." "oh... interesting" "sure.... typical" "what?" "its the period of hundretthousends of beheadings" "the revolution eats its children" suga smirked. jimin rolled his eyes and started to read. after he watched him for a while, scant the beauty, suga looked back to his own papers.


"will u stay over?" "need to check with my brother first, but i would like that" "nice" kook chuckled. he was head over heels for tae and he knew tae was for him. tae never asked about his job and kook never let a word slip. he didnt wanted to involve him in his world. he wanted to have something good outside of it. tae was his escape.

"hey.....yeah....what?, i ll stay in town for tonight....i dont have a clue u talking about.....sure....have fun with jimin" kook grinned brightley. he walked to the kitchen and started to cook dinner, tae wasnt really good in anything in the kitchen. it was a mystery why he had a kitchen in the first place. as kook whistled and cooked, tae sat on the counter and watched his naked ....boyfriend?... making some nice food.

"we are boyfriend, right?" kook turned and looked at him. "of course" tae looked happy. "good" "why do u ask? its obvious, isnt it?!" "yeah....but... suga is your brother and he and jiminie...." "we are not them, okay?! even tho my brother is highly in love with that boy" "huh?! wait...what?!" "are u stupid or blind? didnt u saw his reaction or his face, when jimin enters a room?!" "seriously? than why the fucking contract?" kook shrugged. "i dont know whats going on in his brain.... yoongis issues having issues" "yours too?" kook looked funny at tae. "do i look like...." "are u stepbrothers?" "huh? no, half" "okay, that explains a lot" kook rolled his eyes and shook his head.


jimin floated on his back and enjoyed the water. suga sat on the edge and only had his legs in. "dont u come in?" "i hate water" jimin bent his head up. "are u shitting me? u have this amazing pool in your house and u hate it? why bother and have one?" suga shrugged. "came with the house" "wow" jimin layed his head back into the water.

they showered together and had their bathroutine. "why are u shaving?" "i want my skin soft for u" "oh?....thanks, i guess? do i have stubbles?" jimin leaned forward and watched his face closer. "by the way, say yoongi to me" "oh yeah... i forget that, sorry" "just saying" suga mumbled and brushed his teeth.

"okay, lets start" jimin stretched himself out on the bed. suga tilted his head. "start? with what?" "its sexnight" "ooohhh..." "dont give me that look! u normally pester me about it" "hm... how about u give me a massage?" "massage....your dick or what?" "no my back, u sex maniac" "are u okay?" "yes why?" "just asking" jimin sat up and pressed his hand on sugas forhead. "no fever" suga rolled his eyes and layed down. "oil is there" he pointed to a big drawer. jimin massaged him and after some minutes noticed, that suga was asleep. jimin couldnt sleep at all, he thought about what happened. was suga...yoongi bored already? was his body not sexy anymore? did he lost his interest.....but that would be good, wouldnt it? he would release him from the contract! jimin wouldnt have to sleep with him! okay, than why the fuck made it him sad?!


"why are u so down today? did suga came after a minute?" tae teased jiminie. "oh fuck off... sorry.... do u think he isnt interested in me anymore?" "huh?!" "we had sexnight and we didnt do it. he only wanted a back massage and fell asleep asap" "woha....oh my god.... jiminie?" "what?!" "u fell in love with him!" "shut the fuck up! i am not! its just that he always put the contract into my face, when i refuse to have sex with him" "hmmm...did u gain weight?" "u are an asshole, u know that?!" "just kidding! but.... isnt that what u want?" "gaining weight?" "no, moron! get out of that contract" "yeah... u are right...i think..."

tae grinned the whole way to his class. he pulled his phone out and texted his love.

"i think jiminie is fat in love with your fucking brother!"


"thats all u have to say?"

"miracles exist! never thought my brother would fall in love and would be loved"

"what are we doing now?"

"u have classes and i have work, we can meet at your place later, or we could go to that nice italian"

"what?... idiot! i mean with the two. and yeah, the italian would be nice"

"oh... dont know...."

"sigh.... we will talk later"

"no love?"

"LOVE U! happy?"

"yes, love u too"

tae smiled and bumped into someone. he had no time to say a word, he was knocked out fast.