ch 10. days of love and fireworks

christmas time rolled around, as they werent in europe nor america, it was celebrated as the day of the lovers. so it wasnt a holyday. nontherless, the couples wanted to make it special. and it was the special occation for the married couple. yoongis and jimins was still not planned, cause jimin hadnt asked yet.

"what u doing?" "watching our kids" "did she sent another ultrasound? let me see!" tae pushed kooks chair away and looked into the screen of the laptop. "hey!" he rolled back and leaned to taes arms. "they are growing fast!" "i know...ohhh look at that! she is giving us the finger!" tae was excited. "what?!" kook looked closer. "oh...naughty girl!"

their wedding was a nice intimate affair with a few guests and family.

* the wedding / the party*

kook and tae were dressed nicely and drove downtown to register their marriage. tae was calm, but kook was giddy. he couldnt stay still. "u know just one of us could get the register and the stamp. we didnt need to be both here" tae stated, as they waited for their turn. "but it wouldnt be meaningfull, nor romantic" "but we will have it on the weekend" "yes!" "huh?" "the dj is available! now we only need to invite the people we want!" "nice! wow...." "u getting cold feet?" "no, idiot....i love u so much!" he leaned into kooks neck. kook hooded his eyes. "are u sure, its not u who is pregnant and full of hormons?!" tae backed away and glared into his eyes. "if i would, u would sleep on the couch the next weeks for that comment!" "lol!" "next!" "oh, thats us. ready?" kook took taes hand in his. "ready!"

it was short and unceremonios. they were married. point.

"how longer will u take? u look great in a potato bag!" jimin pouted and looked back in the mirror. "i just wanna look good" yoongi placed a kiss on his temple. "u always look good! and sexy and cute and hot and damn sexy and...." "oh my god....what u have in your pants there?" "u know what it is" "already? just by looking at me? wow" "see, u can make grown men fall onto their knees. if u ever try it with others, i will hurt u!" yoongi growled and made jimin laugh. "i would never want that...should we take care of your little problem now?" "little?!" yoongi puffed his cheeks, jimin rolled his eyes and already had his hands in yoongis pants. "ooohhh...." jimin loved yoongis moans. he kneeled down, shoved the underwear and pants down to his ankles and licked over yoongis sensetive muscle. "oh shit...." yoongi moaned lowly and leaned his head back. "goooooodddd...dont tease me, we have a wedding to atempt in about.....5 minutes!" jimin grinned and swallowed the cock to its base. "fuuuuuuuckkkk....."

"where is your idiot brother?" tae tagged on his tie. kook helped him and grinned. "he is getting a nice bj from jimin" "what? did u see it?" "no heard it... pfff.... those fresh couples!" "fresh couple? they were together before we were" "yeah, but we are married now, they arent" "cause jimin is a dick and likes to torture yoongi" "jimin said that?" "no, yoongi" kook raised a brow. "what? cant i speak with my brother in law?" "noooo....its just funny, that he goes to you for advice" "oh, is my kookie hurt, that his brother, who is the partner of MY best friend, asks me about him....seriously?" "dont mock me and kinda...." tae grinned and gave sweet kisses. "i love u, u child" "child yourself! oh....weddingnight" "what about it?" kook grinned. "its tonight" "i know" "we should use every free minute, cause when the kids are here, we wont have any" "ha!....shit...thats true....should i give u a blow job too now?" "oh tae....wait..naaa, we have to get out now...shit...but hold that thought!" tae shook his head grinning.

the party was really nice, the flowers beautiful, the music fantastic, the food amazing. the whole atmosphaere was chilled and romantic. mr. min shed a few tears and almost suffocated his new son in law, kook had trouble to get tae out of that bear hug. jimin and yoongi were glued together and danced most of the time. jimin had threaten him, otherwise yoongi had to sleep on the cum-couch. in all it was a very nice night.

* end *


"what are u giving your love?" kook looked curious over jimins shoulder. "something he wants" "he has u already" kook smirked. "something i didnt gave him" "..hmm... he had your ass, your mouth...your heart....what is it?" jimin rolled his eyes and showed kook a box. "oh my fucking satan...really? u finally gonna ask him?!" "he said he wants the whole fucking shabang, so he will get the whole fucking shaband. i payed a fortune on the firework guys, the flowers and the rest....wanna see the rings?" kook nodded and his mouth fell down. "wow.... why do they look almost similar to taes and mine?" jimin was shocked and eyed the rings. "are they? oh nooooo!" "ha! got u!" jimin slapped kooks head. "asshole! but they are from the same designer as yours.... dont joke with me!" "sorry, but your face was hilarious!" "go and ruin taes nerves!" kook laughed.


yoongi had no clue. he still floated in that pinkish cloud of love and only focused on work and jimin. they had also a surragote and with jimins juice, they already heard the news, that they would have a child next year. as jimin didnt knew yet, yoongi wanted to surprise him.

whisteling he left his office and hopped down the stairs. "why are u not dressed?" jimin stood there with his hands on his waist. "dressed? for what?" "its lovers day and we have a date. get dressed asap, we have reservations" "do we have?" "yeah" "hm...did i forgot that we..." "get dressed now!" yoongi flinshed and fastly walked back up. he really must forgot about their date. normally he never forgets, but okay.

he came back down, earned a whistle from jimin and for the rare occasion, jimin drove them to the location. "where are we?" yoongi looked around. jimin smiled. "u ll see"

they were the only guests, they had the heated wintergarden for themselves, the staff waitered them, the quartett played romantic mozart and yoongis eyes were huge. "so i didnt forget the date?!" "u are really slow sometimes for a sharp gangster" jimin giggled. "be nice...and wow... i couldnt have done this so secretly" "u could have. u have better connections than me, but love u too" yoongi grinned and kissed jimins hand. after dinner, they walked to the steps, who let out to the wonderful park and looked up to the stars. "its really nice here, where did u find this place?" "uhm...i had a little help from a friend?" "hm. tell that friend thank u for me" "get your coat" "why?" "its cold outside" "we are already going?" "no, but i have another surprise for u" "oooohhhh.... why do i feel like a girl here?" yoongi looked sour. jimin laughed.

yoongi rubbed jimins hands, it was really cold outside. "now what u wanna show me?" his cheeks already hurt from all that smiling, but he couldnt stop. jimin texted something on his phone, smiled at yoongi and pointed up to the sky. suddenly a bang was heard, made yoongi flinsh and look in awe at the sparkling fountain painted into the dark sky. "" his eyes fixed on the firmament, he didnt noticed jimin kneeling down infront of him. "yoongi?" "hm" "yoongi love" "hm...ooohhh did u see that! that was beautiful.....woooowwww" "MIN YOONGI" yoongi looked, but didnt see jimin where he was before. confused his eyes wandered for a second, until he looked down. "what are u doing down there? get up, its cold!" jimin sighed. "min yoongi, love of my life. i know we started a bit.... unconventionally, but i know i love u with all my heart and...." "wait! are u proposing?!" yoongi looked shocked. "why the hell u think i am down here in the fricking cold" "oh...oh.....oh...." "just say yes" "u didnt asked me tho" jimin rolled his eyes. "min yoongi, would u please, please marry me?!" "i dont know....thats so all of the sudden..." "yoongi!" jimin growled. "i need to think about this jimin, this is a huge commitment and .." "i will kill u right now and throw your body into that pond there" he pointed into the dark. "there is a pond too?!" jimin growled again and stood up. yoongi started to chuckle and pulled his jiminie into a tight hug. "yes, of course yes! i love u so much" "hrmpffff...i dont know if i wanna marry u right now" "what?! come again?!" he gave jimin puppy eyes and pursed his lips. "ufff, u are really driving me insane, u know that?!" yoongi nodded with a smile and kissed jimins cold face. "we should get back, its too cold" "wait... here" he gave yoongi the small box. with big eyes he opened it and again his mouth fell open. "they are beautiful!" jimin smiled and put yoongis ring on. yoongi looked closely at it. "whats with mine" "huh...oh sorry...." after they had their rings, they kissed deeply.


"i think it went all good, he didnt called crying or cursing..." kook sighed satisfied and pulled tae closer. "huh?" "jimins proposal" "oh...its today?!" "yeah?!" "great.... he will say yes, right?" "he waited so long to get asked, so he better said yes, or dad is gonna kill him....after jimin killed him" tae giggled and played with the water. they stayed silent for a while, enjoying the bath. tae sat up and turned his body to his husband. "i want another round" "did u take the pill again?" "noooo...i dont need your best seller, u are addicting on your own" " u are addicted to me?" "arent u to me too?" kook huffed. "u have no idea" "great, now shut up" tae made himself comfortable in kooks lap, grabbed the half hard dick and stroked it. "greedy ass" "dont blame me, blame yourself and your cock" kook smirked and stroked taes too. "wow u are hard....why tho, i didnt do anything" "i said shut up" he pressed his mouth onto kooks and sucked on his tongue. kook moaned into taes mouth and to taes delight he was hard in seconds. "i so appreciate our youth!" "u sound like we were some horny teenagers" "shut up" he heaved himself up and fastly pushed himself down on kooks delicious dick. "fuuuuckkk that feels sooo gooooooddd" tae moaned into kooks ear. "shut up and move" kook groaned.


jimin had trouble to focus driving. yoongi was gently sucking on his neck and groping him. "can u please put your hand away?" "no" came muffled from his neck. "but i need to focus, or we will have an accident!" yoongi only snorted and continued his task. his hand found its way into jimins pants and with a delight moan, he stroked the already hard muscle. jimin groaned half in annoyance, half with hornyness. he knew this little tick wouldnt stop. as if yoongi knew what he was thinking, he released his seatbelt, shuffled forward and leaned down to jimins lap. first he only sucked gently on the tip, let his tongue play over the velvet skin, traced the veines down to the base and up again. he felt jimins shudder and felt hotter. this was his love, the one he was going to spend the rest of his life. yoongi couldnt be happier.

"yoongiiiii" jimin groaned again. "are we close?" "if u dont stop, i will be in a few" "no, i mean to home" "oh.... not really..." "can u stop somewhere hidden from the street?!" "oh ...fuck....yeah there" jimin pulled into a side street, who looked pretty abondend and stopt the car. yoongi removed jimins seatbelt, pulled his seat back, as far as it could, gestured jimin to climb to him. he opened his pants, shoved them down and removed them with his shoes, opened his buttons and looked jimin in the eye. "hm, interesting" jimin smirked. "what?" "i just need to propose u and u lose your panties. good to know" "should i put my clothes back on?" "i dare u!" jimin got rid of his coat and blazer, wriggled his pants down unter his butt. "as much as i love u to fuck me, i really appriciate it, when u allowe me to do u, u know that, right?!" "stop talking, start fucking" yoongi growled and made jimin smile. he licked his lips, kissed his new fiance and pushed in without wasting any second further. jimin needed a breath and stared into yoongis eyes. they stayed fixed the whole time, jimin was thrusting into him. "fuuuck....jiminie....harder! harder!..... i said harder!" "dont be so impatient! i do my best here" "u were better the last time!" "hey! thats mean! we are here in your fucking sports car! its a bit crammed.... ride me" yoongi sighed and changed, with problems, positions. he practically rammed himself onto jimin. "better....this is better.....sooooo soooo goood...." his head hit the cars ceiling, but he didnt care and rode jimin in a hard and fast pace. shit, he wouldnt walk propperly tomorrow!


tae was thirsty and left the sleeping kook. as he got his water out of the fridge, he yelped. jimin just walked in, holding an exhausted yoongi. "what the fuck did u do to him...oh my god, he said no? did u kill him?" "pssst dont be so fucking loud. no, he said yes and....hmmm....." tae noticed jimins blushed cheeks. "oh, u just fucked..." he sounded bored. jimin rolled his eyes and gently layed yoongi on the sofa. he needed some water too. he sighed and gulped the cold water down. "it was great. he was so surprised!" jimin chuckled. "did he like the firework?" "yeah, pretty much so" "u fucked in his car?" "remind me to not do it in there again, its too small for that activity" tae chuckled. "hm, didnt stop your fiance to fuck in there before" "what?" "nothing....shit" "tae?!" "nothing...okay..." "dont tell me, he had his flings in his stupid car?! ... i will so force him to sell it!" tae gave an apologetic smile. "sorry....kook told me after the couch incident" "oh....where the fuck do i put the flashlight?" "dont kill him tomorrow" "oh, no. i will fuck his ass to nirvana instead" taes face derailed. "u what?!" "what u think we did in the car?" "ooohhh... so didnt know u switch too" "only rarely, but now his ass is mine for a while. thanks for telling me" "just dont tell him i ratted him out, okay? i just got married and i wanna see my children" jimin gave him an evil smile and heaved yoongi up. "night tae" "night jimin"