ch 14. gun or no gun, whats the right answer?!

it came like a train. their baby girl was here and as predicted, jimin and yoongi were exhausted after a week with her. inside, yoongi was more than happy to escape to his office, out of side of baby things. a bit guilty for his love jimin.

jimin was on one side prepared for the baby, thanks to the twins, and it was just ONE, but... he had some hard times. he imagined it easier with just one, but the little devil was a handful. "typical sassy minie girl" yoongi said. jimin only rolled his eyes.

with a sad face, jimin reminded himself of the perfect wedding day, they had. and the honeymoon. and now.... as taekook, they had beddeath. somehow jimin knew it would happen to them too.


tae held his son and walked to the car, tried not to lose anything in his grib, but of course, his way was littered with babythings to the car. kook sighed annoyed, had his arms full too and tried to grab every thing. "do u have the pacifier? u know the blue one?" kook asked. tae flinshed. "shit, its i think in the kitchen...aisch.." he buckled the baby into its kidseat and walked back. "dont forget the milk bottles in the fridge" "u dont have them?" "i dont think, just look in the fridge" "okay..." tae grumbled his way back. it was so much easier, when they were still only 2 and faster! now they almost needed 30 minutes to acomplished to get into everything in the car.

finally they were on their way. "u really think dad is cabable to have the twins overnight?" tae asked. kook nodded. "at least he has enough men around" "his men....gangsters.... taking care of!" tae laughed out at his imagination. "what u think their doing?" "sitting around shirtless with their tattoos and instead of drinking soju, calming our terror twos!" kook grinned and chuckled. "i so wanna have a video of that!" "we tell dad!"

"my babies!" "thanks dad, but i think we are a bit old for the nickname" kooks dad scoffed and snapped his grand daughter out of his sons hands. "my babyyyyyyyy" he cooed. tae and kook looked at each other and shrugged. despide his odd behavior, they were happy, that he was willing to take care of the twins. "oliver! look! my beautiful beautiful baby girl!" kook pursed his lips. "there is still a grand son!" "i know! and he will be strong and fearless, like his daddy and grandpa!" "she is from kook, he is from me" mr. min rolled his eyes. "idiot! u are my son too. doesnt matter who is from whom. their are my wonderful babies" "u know their are OUR kids" kook grumbled. mr. min waved his hand dismissefly. "didnt u want a free night? go! and u two are gonna sleep in your new beds, grandpa had them just bought... and i have so many clothes for u! we will have a photoshoot!" he only looked at his grandchildren and forgot about his sons. the parents tilted their heads and slowly walked back to the car, were men just empied everything.

"is it normal to have a bad feeling about all of this?" tae looked at kook. "u are not alone"


jimin tiredly walked back into their bedroom, after their little girl had demanded his attention for the 2nd time that night. jimin saw yoongi sprawled out in the bed. an idea sparked in jimin and with an evil smile, he walked closer. as always, yoongi slepped in his boxers. it would be so easy.

jimin hoovered over him, slowly inhaling his scent, his nose close to the skin. he licked gently over the broad chest, to the nipples, circled them. with a hand he rubbed over yoongis crotch, trailed the outlines of his dick and hummed satisfied, when he felt it harden. his tongue went down to it, pulled the fabric away and jumped it. his mouth was busy devouring, licking, sucking, teasing it big times. jimins doings became sloppier as he became hornier. he couldnt contain himself anymore. he wanted his newly husband so bad. his tongue trailed down to the balls, played them, felt them, to his hole, made it move in expectation. jimin had enough, he wanted to feel his love.

"are u gonna rape me?!" a raspy voice made him flinsh and look up. "u know, it would only be fair" jimin tilted his head and still stroked yoongi. "is that so?" jimin smirked and pulled his aching dick out. "it is" and pushed in. yoongis groan made it better. without mercy or slowdown, jimin worked him fast and hard. yoongis protests didnt fell on open ears, he had to hang in there. like desperate, jimin started to kiss yoongi breathless. it was a hush, hard and fast fuck. who knew how much time they had to themself, before their little monster would woke up again.


mr. min was smitten by his grandkids. he loved them more, than his sons and he proclaimed that loudly. his men, hard gangsters, were cooing and patting the babies gently. they changed stinky diapers too. "see, oliver! it was a great idea to have them book a baby rearing class! they are great at it" oliver didnt looked convinced and watched them very closely. tae and kook brought them perfectly healthy babies and he was destermind to gave them healthy babies back. "be swinging by the legs....who the hell gave u the certificate?! no! the diaper is the other way around....oh my god! seriously?!" he ran like a chicken without a head around. mr. min found that highly amusing. "i have the outfits... when is the photographer comming?" "should be here in about 15" "why are u sweating so much?! dont touch the kids with sweaty hands!" oliver stopped and took some breaths. "sweaty?! kook and tae will kill us in seconds, if something happens to them!" mr. min scoffed. "nothing will happen! their are fine! look how cute they look!" oliver only sighed in annoyance. thank the gods, they only had the twins!


yoongi limped to his daughters room and took her into his arms. somehow, she calmed down very fastly in his arms, not so in jimins, what drove him sometimes crazy and made him jealous. "here is your milk..... good girl..... dont be so greedy, or u will have belly ache" he whispered, while he was rocking them in the rockingchair. jimin leaned on the door frame and watched them. he never knew, he would watch his husband feeding their daughter and would look so manly and cute at the same time. his heart hurt. in this moment, he never felt so much for a person ever, like he felt right now for yoongi.

"thank u" he whispered. yoongi looked up at him and smiled. "she is my responsibility too" "i dont mean her.... i mean.... us" yoongi looked surprised. "us? what about it?" "thank u for that stupid contract. it brought us together and ... that u love me so much back." "wow... why the hell didnt u said that in your vows?!" "asshole! i just poured u my heart out" "i must thank u too, babe" jimin tilted his head. "if u werent so sassy and fearless to give me shit, i wouldnt had any interest in u. u were a tough cookie to deal with and u made my life so much more exciting. i love u too" yoongi grinned, kissed his daughter and layed her back into her crib.

he pulled jimin harshly to him and kissed him hard.

"by the way, if u wanna fuck, just ask me!" "i thought, making u hard, was enough" "ha ha funny" jimin smirked and kissed him deeper back.


the months went on. they were full with excitement, exhaustion and love. the babies grew pretty fast and the twins had their first brithday party. mr. min, as always was a bit too much, he bought them to many things. tae and kook tried to reason with him, but.... nope.

"machineguns.... he bought them mini guns.... my BABIES! have guns, fucking working guns! with bullets! G U N S! WHAT THE FUCK?!" "shhhhhh i know.... we put them in the safe and never get them out again, okay?" "who in the hell makes guns for babies?!" "i think he has a gun maker and he made them just for him?" "oh my fucking hell! is he go insane?!"

"whats the matter? did one of the kids spit on the cake?" jimin grinned. "no! dad bought them mini guns!" taes face showed pure anger. jimins surprise and shock. "guns?! as in real working guns?!" tae nodded fastly. "oh! they got their first guns! how many great memories i had with mine" yoongi came by and tuned in. he flinshed, when the faces of the two harpies snapped at him. "are u fucking crazy?!" "no? dad always gave us costume made guns for our birthdays" kook shrugged. "and your moms were okay with it?!" jimin spat pissed out. "nope, they took them away.... i was very disappointed" yoongi smiled at the memory.

jimin shook his head. he drilled his finger into yoongis chest. "our daughter will NOT, i repeat: NOT get any gun until she is..... 40! no guns in my house" "uhm...." yoongi pursed his lips and looked guilty. in jimins mind clicked something. "we have guns in the house?!" yoongi and kook nodded. "of course. how are we defending ourselves from enemies?! or protect all of u" "in our house, where we have KIDS?!" tae raised his voice. kook tried to calm him down. "babe.... the men always have guns. its for protection" "for what? in case the indians wanna fight their land back?!" "dont be an idiot, u know what our business is. its dangerous" yoongi stated. "we know, still! we babyproofed the whole fucking house, but forgot the fucking guns!" jimin threw his hands up.

"whats the matter, boys?" mr. min came to them. "guns, seriously dad?!" tae was in mr. mins face. "uhm...whats wrong with them?" "to my 1 year olds?!" mr. min shrugged. "my sons got their first one at that age too" "i told u it was a bad idea!" oliver came to the group. "it isnt...." mr. min tried to say, but jimin jumped right in. "it IS a bad idea! they could kill themselves or each other or anybody else!" mr. min chuckled. "oh i remember... i think it was yoongi who shot into his nannies foot! poor girl, was out for 8 weeks! had to hire another one" "and thats funny?!" mr. min stared into his son in laws pissed out faces. he knew he fucked up. "uhm.... apperently not?" "no guns for our kids! do u copy?!" jimin growled. mr. min just nodded. he knew when he should shut up. oliver grinned widely.

"i dont know what the problem is" mr. min mumbled when he walked away.

tae and jimin took deep breaths and walked back to the kids. kook and yoongi looked at each other and sighed. "we gonna be in trouble for a long time" kook whispered. yoongi just nodded. "i should have seen this coming... fucking old geezer, i am not gonna have sexnight tonight...shit!" kook smirked. "i think we will suffer for more than one night" "what?!" kook shook his head. "lets go"