ch 16. chu chu train left the station

jimin was giddy. yoongi had brought their daughter and taekooks brats to their grandpa, so it was date night. he couldnt wait to have some free hours with his hubby. little that he know, that it was something else. he showered, shaved carfully, dressed nicely and waited for his date.

"what u are wearing?" "arent we going to have dinner outside?" jimin felt a bit disappointed. "sorry, babe, i made other plans" "okay? what we gonna do?" "surprise" "oh come on!" "what do u have on under your clothes?" jimin tilred his head. "underwear?" yoongi grinned and gave him a paperbag. "can u put this on?" "what is it?" "get it on and nothing else" yoongi smirked and walked out. jimin was a bit flabberghasted, when he saw what it was. "kinky bastard!"


"are u excited for tonight?" kook smiled at tae. he nodded. "and u sure, yoongi and jiminie are on board? i dont wanna have a fucking jealous yoongi in the house or on our asses" kook chuckled. "no, all good!" "okay. i cant wait" tae rubbed his hands.


yoongi came in back and whistled. "wow.... i wanna take u right now! forget the plan i got!"

and so he did and taekook waited for them forever in the "room"

the end


he gave jimin a kiss, blindfolded him and took him downstais. "where are we going? to the pool? u know thats not swim wear i am wearing?!" "i know...dont be so impatient!" yoongi mumbled and closed the door behind them. jimin stood in the room, 3 pair of eyes on him and he didnt know. kook and tae wore something similar to jimin and yoongi didnt looked pleased at all.

"fuckers, why the hell u bought the same thing?!" "cause we have taste?!" tae smirked. jimin flinshed when he heard the voices and pulled on the blindfold.

"u here i am in that fucking room again?! YOONGI!" "dont shit in your panties, they were expensive and yeah, SURPRISE!" jimin scoffed and looked like he was about to murder his husband. yoongi kept his hands up in defence. "look baby, i know we had some hard weeks and i just wanted us to enjoy a night of bliss full orgasms. and tae and kook were willing to play alond. we had a lot of fun the last time with us FOUR!" jimin shook his head and had to smile. "wow....idiot" tae came closer and caressed jimins chest. "i thought u maybe want again?" jimin shrugged. "why not. what u boys have in mind?"

the three grinned. they started slowly, touching and kissing each other. feeling each other again. the room got heated soon, panting echoed through it. yoongi and kook watched their loves, kissing and touching, enjoyning the view. nothing was more sexier than those two making out with each other. jimin felt excited and so horny, he jerked taes cock, sucked on his tongue, he felt his hole twitch in anticipation. he wanted to feel at least some fingers or a fucking tongue!

kook gave yoongi a look and with his nodd he kneeled behind jimin, licked his butt. jimin purred. finally! something! tae smiled and jerked jimin faster. thanks to his already leaking dicks, the sounds became wet and slick. yoongi watched them for some minutes and walked behind tae. it was time to play too.

his thin hands grabbed taes cheeks, spread them and rubbed his hard on into it. tae mewled out and turned his face to yoongi. with gusto they devoured their tongues. "u wanna have it there?" yoongi whispered and poked taes hole. "ngh....yeah" as the boys got eaten their holes, they jerked each other off. but yoongi and kook pulled them away, when they noticed them getting too close to come.

jimin and tae were complaining. yoongi pushed some buttons on a hidden keyboard and instead of that narrow bed, a huge one came out of the wall. "woha....nice... u really have to show me all its surprises" kook murmured to his brother. yoongi smirked. "we will see"

they all got onto it. tae crawled to yoongi, placed himself under him and started to lick harshly on his balls and hole. yoongi was surprised by it, but couldnt help to moan. "looks like i should eat u more with force?!" jimin mumbled to himself, watching yoongis bliss out expression. kook pulled him closer. "dont be jealous, tae is just really fucking good with his tongue" "so is yoongi with his" jimin smirked back. as if on clue the two couples layed to each other, sucking the others dick. (69) fingers found their ways into holes and moved on it.

sucking, slurping noises, moans and grunts were heard in the room. they made each other come and prepared for the next game.

yoongi and kook played "paper-stone-scissor". "won! get your ass down! tae is gonna destroy your lill hole" kook growled, pulled tae closer to yoongi. without hesitation, tae pushed in, made yoongi whimper. with a satisfied sigh, he pushed into tae and gestured jimin to do the same. jimin was in awe.... he would fuck kook. like in trance the erotic chu chu train started to move. some were moaning loudly, some moved faster, some liked it slower but harder. in all, all participants were heavely into it.

jimin gave out the tempo, he rammed into kook for some time and felt amazing. it felt different from yoongi, but oh so good. he yanked kooks haead by his hair back and gave him wet uncordinated kisses. kook felt too good. taes tight ass held him in place and jimins dick hit his spot perfectly over and over again. yoongi couldnt move at all. he was crushed from the weight on him. tae pumpt so hard in and out, that he was sure, he was bleeding by now. he swore never be down again. but taes cock graced his walls so deliciously, that he soon had no more thoughts whatsoever.

"ok .... oka...okay, lets change positions" kook groaned and moved from tae and jimin. yoongi huffed and groaned, his back hurt and his ass, turned tae on his knees and hands and fucked him hard right at the beginning. gave him back what he recived. jimin looked a bit taken aback by this, but kook pulled him into a kiss. "wanna finish?" kook whispered and spread his legs. jimin fastly pushed back into him. yoongi came soon, growled loudly and fell from tae. "shit.....shit.... u fucker..... " tae looked at him, scant his body. "dont cry, yoongi, u are not hurt nor bleeding. whats with me now? i am not done!" yoongi only groaned. tae tsked and looked to the two others. jimin just made kook undone. tae smiled at kooks familiar whine. "u done jimin?" "no" "come do me" tae settled down and waited for jimin.

searching for needed air, kook and his brother watched them. yoongi was impressed by their stamina and thought, he should let jimin do him more often. jimin shoved them to the edge of the bed, stoon on the floor, put taes feet over his shoulders and went beserk on his friend.

taes yells of pleasure surrounded the room. yoongi only thought, that the soundproof was really a great investment. finally tae stoppt to yell and jimin grunted as he hit his own high.

exhausted they looked at each other.

"fuuuuuck....that was good" jimin sighed. "hmmmmm" tae hummed. "i dont know about u guys, but i am not really satisfied yet...." "another round?" "another round" "yeah, get your ass here husband" jimin chirped.