2. needing help?

i was curious and i had the age.

first the jerking off, was ...new, great. i mean i lived with 6 other guys for a while and i knew what to do. they did it constantley. mostly under the showers, but tae and i liked to go under the same shower with one of them. namjoon was kind enough to... teach me. he didnt touch me or anything, just let me watch.

then there was our "computer" for our own use, which joon loaded with porn of all kind, for all our liking, preferences. it was neat and i used it as much as the others.

cause of my curiousity, i looked for interesting vids and found one. must be yoongis, i thought. he was the bi here. it was a threesome, 2 men and a woman. it wasnt the usual, where the two banged the girl, one fucked the girl and the other...fucked him....?! i never saw that. i didnt knew it was possible. but they showed it all in close ups. shouldnt it hurt? but the guy who was reciving only showed arousel. interesting.

this vid swarmed in my brain for weeks, i had questions, but i was to shy to ask anyone about it. i looked for more of this kind of porn and found another one, this time, only 2 guys.

after it, i went for a shower and thought, i should try, if i liked it or not. i washed myself, smeard some shower gel on my fingers. just used one first. it was.... i was not so fond of it. i thought it would make me feel amazing....maybe i should press more in? i took another finger, moved them slowly in and out.....after some moments, i felt it....woha! thats not bad!

as i fingered myself, jerked me off, i felt so good. better than just the normal jerk off. it was.... great! i liked it! i was happy that i found something for myself.

my days and night went along and i got used to it. but it wasnt enough anymore. i needed more, just didnt knew what, to be honest.

i looked for that kind of porn again and found a new one. joon must had uploaded it a day ago. it was.... eye opening. the story was: a "virgin" was pleasuring himself with his fingers and a dildo (who thought a man can use that too?!), his "roomie" found him doing stuff and took his chance.

as i couldnt just walked in an erotic shop, nor ordered online with my name, so i gave my manager money and told him to order for me. i felt ashamed, but my urge was greater. he didnt say a thing, only that i should be carefull and geve me the package a few days later.

it was almost unbearable to wait. i wanted to explore my order so much, but not now....

finally, i had the time. i opened it, looked throughly at my purchase, liked what i got. i prepared myself with my fingers, took the new lube, inspected it, opened it, took one of the smaller dildos, inspected it, wondered if i should taste it.... i did...okay...not really tasty, but okay. i had a habit to put things into my mouth.... just not dildos..... but i was curious. so i sucked a dick, even if it was made of silicon and i had no problem.

i lubed it up and had a mix of excitement and fear. what if i hurt myself? what if i had to go to a doctor? it would be so embarrassing! what if i like it? what then....

slowly and carefully i pressed the tip in, so far it was okay.... pressed it further in, ...pain....i ignored it and slowly started to thrust. after a while it felt amazing. and i went on faster.

i got used to it. worked with the longer, bigger ones too. i could come only by the penetration. but it wasnt soon enough anymore and i didnt knew why. or what i was missing.

it went on like this for weeks. i sat frustrated in my studio, did some work and figured it out, that i should talk with joon. he was.... caring for me for years. i knew i could talk everything with him. he was in his studio, so i danced in and startled him.

"hey....are u okay?!" he looked concered. "i have a problem! a big one! i need your help!" i must looked very distraught, cause he pulled me closer. "i...i..." i stuttered and sat on his lap, surprised him with that. i had a hard on! fuck.... i was desperate!

"kookie....what is going on...oh....kook...." i sniffled, i had fucking tears in my eyes, pressed myself more into him. i rubbed my hard dick on his belly, i needed friction, but it wasnt do the trick. i needed more. my hole moved, itched for something!

i moaned, whined into his ear. he came out of his frozen state and wrapped his arms around me. "what u need?" he whispered with a very low, calm voice. it made me tremble.

"i need u" i looked into his face with a plead. he licked his lips.....i could bite them! "not here" "yoongis studio has a locked door and is soundproofed" "i dont know the combination" "i do" "...shit...wait a bit" he took his phone and dialed a number.

"hey....yeah, still in the studio...jungkookie? i think he is in his....okay, i ll tell him....yeah...is yoongi home by chance?.....sleeping? since when?.....okay....noo noo dont wake him up, i was just wondering, thats all, thanks jin" he put his phone away and pulled me with him.

i opened yoongis door and we locked it after us. i immidiatley hung on my tall leader. his body felt amazing. he was muscular, lean, fucking hot! i wanted him naked, wanted to feel his skin, taste his dick.... what the hell....

i might said it out loud, cause he groaned loudly suddenly, pushed me onto yoongis comfy sofa and pulled his sweater off his body. i led out a sound, i never thought i would do. somekind of a impatient, needy, whiny moan. he pulled me on the edge of the sofa by my legs and layed on me, dryhumped me. oh shit!

i pulled on my own clothes, he helped me to get rid of them and i with his sweat pants. i was nacked in no time. he stood there and looked me up and down. i could get off of his look!

"how u want it?" "dont know...just fuck me, please?!" he grinned and shook his head. "what the hell u were watching, kook?" he shoved his underwear down and layed on me. "just the ones u downloaded on our computer" i smirked. "so its my fault? i gave u these ideas in your head?!" i grinned more. "looks like, so u have to do something against it" "or feed your urge more?" i looked at him and sighed. "i know its much to ask.... and thank u for helping me out" "kook.... if we do that....there is no comming back..." "what do u mean?" "u cant ... sleep outside of ...here. u know that! its to dangerous" i knew what he meant. "maybe its just a phase? i ll grow out of it? and i had no plans to fuck around" he stroked my hair and face.

"maybe.... but until u know, u should better come to me, if u need it, okay?" "cause u are the leader and its your duty" i felt somehow sad by this thought. he bit softly my underlip, oh my god! "i need u...." and he gave it to me.

he started with my mouth. french kissing me, made me breathless, his hands were all over me, teasingly demanded actions from my body. and i gave them to him. my hands pressed him down on me, my hips worked on his, i was so ready.

as my hand grabbed his hot, hard, veiny dick to pull it to its place, he backed away. "kookie? i need to prepare u" i shook my head. "i have a plug in me, i am open enough for u" he gasped surprised. "what?!" he sat back onto his knees and heaved my leags up to my chest, spread them and looked at my hole. "u sure have.... kook..." he sighed my name. i was a bit embarrassed. "sorry? i....i...." he reached for it and pulled it, with a plopp, out. i moaned out.

he looked at my greedy, needy hole for some seconds, groaned and thrusted into it.

i arched my hips up at the surprised entering and whined. he felt so so good in me! i stretched my whole body due to the amazing feelings i recived. "u okay?" i nodded and looked at him. i leaned up to him, straddled him down on the sofa into a seeting position and started body roll down on his length. he liked that. held me tight, abused my nipples in the process. i leaned my head back, enjoyed my ride. comming down harder on him with time, i knew we were really loud. thanks yoongi for your great studio!

our bodies were drenched in sweat, our private parts made wet lewed noises and we couldnt get enough of it. it was glorius! i went on a harder and faster pace, made him insane with it and felt his dick swelled up more and my own muscles tightened harder and harder. i needed my release soon, but i wanted it to last longer.

joon whimpered, held my hips thighter, moved upwards into me and desperatley chased his high. i gave in. as i was feeling myself exploding, i squeezed his dick out of all its juice it could produce. joon whined into my chest, pressed me so hard down on him, that i thought he would never ever get out of me again.

after we calmed down again, i lazly kissed him once more and thanked him. i was at bliss. joon sat there, hid his face in his hands, ellebows on his knees. what was up with him?

"joon?" i heard him sigh and he looked at me finally. "its not cause i am your leader, or my duty for your ...health." "okay? what is it then?" "i wanted it too" "okay?" "on my own. i wanted to fuck u as much, as u wanted my dick" i took a breath. "thats...thats good...thank u joon... i-i-..... i like this more, than to be a bother or petty fuck for u"

"as long as u want it, i ll happy to give it to u. but dont tell anybody of the group." i nodded. "i wont say a word" "lets get dressed" we got into our clothes again and walked out. to our utter surprise, yoongi stood right outside and looked also surprised.... and pissed.

"what did u two in my studio?! if u changed anything in there, i ll swear i will fuck u two to death and hide your bodies!" he cursed profoundly. joon and i only apologized, giggled and walked away fast.