4. the test

professor kim talked about the relationship of tschaikowski and his patroness nadeschda von meck, they never met, but had a loving letter friendship. how boring... kook yawned for the 100 time. he hated his literature classes, he only took them cause he needed another course. he shut his ears and scanned his professor. he could see why all the girls took his class and why they looked at prof. kim like he was a unicorn. he was very handsome. nice body, tall, interesting facial features, dimples when he smiled, fine long fingers, big hands, he smelt always nice, he was mostly calm and friendly with his mates. but he never got involved with one of the girls, reacted to their flirting or annoying behavior. he was a mystery for kook. "attentions please!" prof. kim shouted at his students who packed their stuff to get out of class, they all stood still. "we gonna have a very difficult test next time! so go through your books!" the girls smiled, the boys growled and complained. *shit! i dont know nothing!* kook cursed. how is he gonna make a positive test? he needed the points! *shit! fuck!* kook was pissed and looked angry at his prof. suddenly prof. kim raised his eyes and starred at him, as if he could read his mind. kooks eyes widend and immidiatly looked away fast. he took his bag and walked out. prof. kim smirked. he knew that kook only got his class for the points and that he thought it would be an easy road for him. kook thought about an easy way out of the upcoming test, he asked some mates if they had a clou how to get the questions. nobody could or wanted to help him. kook was frustrated. after some days he hatched a plan. he knew that prof. kim would leave his office every wednesday after his last class. so the office would be empty, he could sneek in and steel the test and copy it. kook smirked. he was so clever....

wednesday came. kook watched his prof. walking out of the building. he pretended to have a reason to be near the office and broke the door open. he sneeked in and looked for the test. after some minutes, he found it. kook smiled victoriasly. he flinshed hard, when he heard the door lock. *fuck* he hid under the table. it was a huge brown mahagoni table with a nice leather chair. someone came in, sighed and talked angry to someone on the phone. "i dont care. i want u out of my life. we broke up months ago. why should i meet u? u cheated on me. no.....no....i dont think so.....just because u are bored with the one u cheated on....oh its somebody new? wow! u are a whore! yeah....yeah i said it. bye." he sighed frustrated again and slammed on the table. kook jumped. prof. kim sat down on his chair and exhaled loudly. kook started to sweat. he tried to be silent as possible. he tried to calm his heartbeat, what was so loud he thought the prof. would hear it clearly. kook prayed that the prof. would go away soon. but he was so wrong. what kook didnt know was that he forgot his phone under a pile of papers, when he looked for the test. prof. kim started correcting the homework when he noticed the phone. he looked at the name writen all over of the back of it and sighed. "jungkook jeon". prof. kim smiled. *this idiot.....how the hell did the phone end up here? dont tell me... * he glanced under his table. he saw some shoes. kook didnt noticed anything, he just tried to calm himself down. prof. joon was kinda pissed. he knew why kook was here, he knew that this lazy ass would rather steel the test than learn for it. suddenly a plan came into his mind. that would teach him a lesson and for himself it would be an interesting expiriment. prof. kim smirked, opend his belt and pants. he took out a tube of lube from the drawer and started to jerk off. kooks eyes went wide as it gets and his mouth fell open. *what the fuck!* he couldnt look away. the harden cock was just centimeters away, he could touch it if he wanted. he heard the moans of his prof., he saw how he played with his dick. it was facinated to see his prof. this way. *if the girls could see that!* kook grinned. suddenly he was grabed by his hair, pulled forward and something was pushed into his mouth. "mmmmmmm.....!" all that kook could say. he was faced with the crotch of his prof. he saw his dick now very close and going in and out of his mouth. he looked up shocked to his profs. face. prof. kim smirked devlish. "u thought u can steel the questions to get the points? think again jungkook!" he forced kooks head up and down his cock until he came. kook coughed hard. he tried to get air, his face was red and he wiped his mouth. kook was still on his knees and looked up to his prof. again. his mind tried to grasped the look of him as he came. he never saw this kind of expression on anyone he slept with. it looked so good, so manly, so sexy. it was an absolute turn on, just to see that again. kook felt hot and he was confused about that. joon wiped something away from the corner of kooks mouth. "what does this look on your face mean jungkook? are u pissed of what happend? do u wanna report it? do it. u get expelled anyways and nobody would belive a cheating student" he stated. kook still looked confused at him, he than looked down to his crotch and than even redder back to his prof. "i would like to stand up, but i cant" he wispered. prof. kims brows raised in surprise. "why? i didnt fuck u." kook felt violent shivers. prof. kim noticed it. he was confused first, but smirked again, after his brian gave him an explanation. "are u horny? turned on by my cock?" he licked his lips. kook looked away. he tried to get up, but stumbelt back down. prof. kim helped him up, he held him and his hand grabed kooks dick. kook let out a pained moan. prof. kim sighed, opend kooks pants, yanked them down with his underwear and sat kook onto the table. he spread kooks legs and looked carefully at his jewles. kook flinshed and tried to hide it with his hands. "dont look! thats ...not...right" prof. kim tilted his head and glarred at kook. he shut up immidiatly. his prof. leand in and kissed him passionately. kook was shocked again, but eventually kissed back. he opend his mouth, he wanted to feel the tongue in him. prof. kim did him the favour. they sucked and played with the tongues for some time, until kook could feel something on his asshole. he backed away with his head and wanted to complain, when the fingers pushed in. "ohhhhhffffff" he hissed out. the prof. smirked. "dont worry i ll take care of your little problem. u helped me too." kook looked in disbelive. "are u shitting me?" he furrowed his eyes. pof. kim laught. "i teach u a lesson here, boy." kook grunted and scoffed, moaned out loud and had to grib his profs. arm. "how does it feel? tell me" "ooofffff... kinda gooooooo....there!" he screamed out. "dont be so loud! u like it here?" he stabbed in again. kooks body shook. "yeah.....oooooohhhh....right there!" prof. kim smiled, he pulled his fingers out and sat down on his chair. kook opend his eyes again and blinked at his prof. "professor kim....why did u stop? dont stop! please!" the prof laught. "jerk off" kook whined and stroke himself. after some minutes he whined more. "i cant...i... cant, please....prof....please" "say namjoon." kook stopt whining and looked surprised. "i should call u namjoon? are u sure?" "yeah, only when we are alone and or doing stuff like that" "huh?" joon smirked again, got up from his chair and pushed his cock in. kook didnt even know what hit him. he couldnt get air suddenly. "breath" joon told him calmly. kook inhaled a long breath and joon shoved his tongue inside. the same time he started to move. kook was confused if he liked that or not, but after some moments he started to move his hips with joons thrusts. it got heated and fast. kook couldnd get enough, joons dick filled his walls so good and he stroked some certain area inside what made kook to see stars. he leand down on the table and raised his hips up, wraped his legs around joon and couldnt stop moaning loudly. when he felt his climax crash in, his whole body bent up and stayed this way until his balls were squeezed out of all liquides. joon caressed his body when it was high up, he almost came when kooks hole sqeezed him so hard, but he wasnt done with that boy. he pulled the boy up and turned him around to push him down on the table again. he spread the cheeks and fucked kook like there was no end. kook fainted. joon panted hard and fell into his arm chair. he saw his cum dripping out of kooks ass and he liked that. he scubbed to the unconscious boy and licked him clean. kook woke up. "dont... i cant anymore....it was too much..." "will u ever steel a test again?" kook turned his face to him and smiked. "if i get this punishment every time - hell yeah!"